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Taming the Taman-Busuk game thread: Outpost 1


Eva of Sirrion said:
Kinan and Ahlana: You don't have to go far to find Tanner, as he knocks on your door. Greetings sir. I believe Sir Deregan asked for mine and Ulricsohn's gig sheets? He says as Gorash and Deregan emerge from the back room.

"That's right Tanner. We think you've been getting a raw deal and wanted to see if there are any variations from the Measure approved protocols in action here. Sir Deregan's a good man and looks after us. He wants to make sure everything is in order." Kinan's ugly face breaks into a friendly rueful smile. "If you've got a moment to talk to a new soldier I wanted to hear about the discipline and appeals process here. I don't expect to have a uniform tailored to specs that will fit me for a while so I wanted to know what to expect and my options on these 'gigs'."

ooc diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy.

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Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Kinan and Ahlana and Kell and Gorash: Well there you are then, happy reading. Tanner gives the papers to Deregan.

Thank you, we'll give these a good looking-over. Care for some tea?

Oh yes please. Tanner sits and discusses the situation with the big man and the elven woman, while Deregan brings some tea for him and anyone else who wants some. The way things work around here, you have your gigs, and you have your creds. The former you get when you mess up, do something stupid, screw the pooch, things like that. The latter you receive when you display good conduct, carry more than your given load, go above and beyond the call of duty and so on and so forth. Ordinarily you can appeal gigs to a court-martial, or you can just earn enough creds to buy them off your record. A couple months ago, our judicial officer was reassigned and we haven't gotten a replacement. That was also about the same time me and Ulricsohn got assigned to southside, and the commander started coming down on our arses.

Myst: The old knight brings out several bundles of neatly-pressed uniform tunics. I didn't say we were the same age, actually Lord Gunthar's quite a bit younger than me. For a long time I was an old enlisted man, then they promoted me when they decided I wasn't fit for combat duty, now I'm an old ossifer. Pointing to the rank bars on his collar, Captain Wallace Benson. You needn't worry about salutin' or callin' me sir, everyone here calls me Wally. As far as me bein' unfit for combat duty, I'll let you judge for yourself. Wally then goes to town on the practice dummy, striking the dummy's wooden blade three times with his own, then literally disarming the dummy with a powerful left leg kick, and finally using his momentum from the kick to relieve the dummy of its papier-mache head. I had trouble finding one of the ones you asked for, half-orc? What exactly is a half-orc? Not sure I heard you right, maybe my ears aren't what they once were.

Yeblin: We also have chicken, pork and fresh river trout available. Luke shows you around the kitchen during a lull in the action. The commander? He hasn't been here in a few months. He liked either the veal or the river trout, but always with a side of taters and peas and carrots. Whatever the choice, the meat had to be pre-cut just so. Luke shows you a rough square with his thumb and forefinger.

Aye, we're beeter off without the commander here Luke. This here's an enlisted man's tavern. Ossifers spoil the fun! Comes a shout from a nearby table.

Hm, hmmm!

Present company excepted sir.

Damn straight. The group at the table are three young human men and one half-elf man, none of them appear to be long out of their twenties. The "ossifer" greets you with a pat on the back and a firm handshake. Name's Officer Linwood Steen, just call me Steen. These here's my boys: Brentson, Alregaard, and archer-specialist Davies.

Good to have you here. Says Brentson, a well-built, muscular man.

Blessin' of mishakal on ya. Alregaard, the half-elf, greets you warmly.

Welcome to southside. Davies, a spindly man, nods and smiles.

Brentson and Alregaard are knights, Davies hasn't applied yet.

Ruttin' application fees. Wally apparently thinks I got money growin' out my ears.

I don't remember payin' any fee when I joined up.

Me neither.

Maybe ol' Wally's gone senile once and for all.
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First Post
Kell takes his collection of paper with a sigh. He takes the documents to an abandoned table, grabs a lit candlestick, and sets to work.

"I'm glad they got me doing some work that really takes advantage of my training," he mutters to himself sarcastically as he starts leafing through the paper.

Kell spends some time understanding exactly what system is employed to keep the records before comparing and contrasting the different documents, looking for mistakes or obvious tampering.


First Post
"I didn't paid any fee either..." adds Yeblin to teh discussion "I must tell I ma not a knight either, not one like on of you." he tells to the three 'ossifers' "It's been sometimes I am with the knights. They show me a few tricks and in exchange, I make there food. Knights doesn't take care of there plate. They prefer things that are not tasty, always eating the same thing. I was taking good care of the knight in the camp I was, and they were so pleased that theysend me here, mostly thinking farther from Solamnia, the kinght would even take less care of there appetite. I must tell Luke seems a better cook than Jeromy. Jeromy seems to not like me. But teh sad thing, it is that I will not do any more meals for Officer Stormblade. He was a nice officer, he is teh one who sent me here. The last meal I made him was a gombo stew. You know gombo? When you boil it, it become sticky and slimy. It's pretty fun to eat. You take a piece, but you must do at least twenty turns to your fork to break the slimy thread. In kendermore, each time I did it, we were challenging each other. Who could do teh longest thread, who would do the most turn without breaking the thread. My sister tried once to each all the sauce with one sip, sucking all it, but it's hard as the thread haev a tendency to break in teh end, when the only suace remianing is stickying to teh potatoes or the meat. I could do you some if you like, but we will haev to wait, as I don't have any gombo left... or maybe I have some in my pack. You think the commander would like that?"

[SBLOCK=OOC]By the way, gombo really exist, it is really slimy after boiling it. Popular in teh african meals, generally, strangers doens't like it much, as teh texture is something to foreign from our occidental meals. And the taste is not that great anyway.[/SBLOCK]



Eva of Sirrion said:
Kinan and Ahlana and Kell and Gorash:

Oh yes please. Tanner sits and discusses the situation with the big man and the elven woman, while Deregan brings some tea for him and anyone else who wants some. The way things work around here, you have your gigs, and you have your creds. The former you get when you mess up, do something stupid, screw the pooch, things like that. The latter you receive when you display good conduct, carry more than your given load, go above and beyond the call of duty and so on and so forth. Ordinarily you can appeal gigs to a court-martial, or you can just earn enough creds to buy them off your record. A couple months ago, our judicial officer was reassigned and we haven't gotten a replacement. That was also about the same time me and Ulricsohn got assigned to southside, and the commander started coming down on our arses.

"Where was the officer reassigned to? Commanders, eh. Some take care of their men and you can count on em in thick and thin." with a grin and a wink Kinan gestures with his head towards Sir Deregan's direction while the knight is not looking. The big man then shakes his ugly head a bit morosely and continues "Others need to throw their weight around for their own reasons. Move people around just so they are doing something. And coming down hard on men publicly to show their strong iron hand of rulership. Was the commander new then and just changing things around so everyone would be where he placed them and not where they were comfortable and used to everything?"


First Post

Eva of Sirrion said:
Myst: The old knight brings out several bundles of neatly-pressed uniform tunics. I didn't say we were the same age, actually Lord Gunthar's quite a bit younger than me. For a long time I was an old enlisted man, then they promoted me when they decided I wasn't fit for combat duty, now I'm an old ossifer. Pointing to the rank bars on his collar, Captain Wallace Benson. You needn't worry about salutin' or callin' me sir, everyone here calls me Wally. As far as me bein' unfit for combat duty, I'll let you judge for yourself. Wally then goes to town on the practice dummy, striking the dummy's wooden blade three times with his own, then literally disarming the dummy with a powerful left leg kick, and finally using his momentum from the kick to relieve the dummy of its papier-mache head. I had trouble finding one of the ones you asked for, half-orc? What exactly is a half-orc? Not sure I heard you right, maybe my ears aren't what they once were.
“I do not have to be back right away.” Says the young warrior with a smirk as she removes some of her gear and moves to take a sparing stick in her hand. “Plus, I never turn down the offer to ‘exchange’ lessons with someone.” Moving to stand beside the sparing dummy, she turns and faces the elder Knight in a basic defense stance. “Ready when you are, but beware, I am just a girl. 'Sir'.” She says mockingly with a smirk.

OCC: You can NPC the fight and skip to either later tonight or the next day. Also, do we have any half-orcs? I thought we did?

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
There are no half-orcs in the party or on Krynn. :p Kinan is a half-ogre.

Myst and Wally fence with the practice sticks. A passing squire agrees to adjudicate. This match shall be conducted under Whitestone National Sparring Rules. The winner of three bouts out of five shall be declared the victor, each bout to 10 touches. Light contact is allowed to the upper body and shoulders. Contact to the head, forearms, kness or excessive force shall result in a penalty of one touch. Face this way, salute! Face each other, salute! You do so, and then comes the always adrenalin-boosting command, En garde! Ready! Begin!

A minute and a half later, the referee calls. Halt! Wally wins the point, and the bout, 10 touches to three!

You realize what you did wrong, don't you? You're chopping too much as you would swinging an axe trying to take down a tree. Remember, the sword has two sharp edges and a sharp point. You can do just as much damage with an easy flick of the wrist, and protect yourself better to boot. Let's try again.

Sir Wally leads one bout to nil. This bout shall be for 10 touches. Face this way, salute! Face each other, salute! En Garde! Ready! Begin! This time the result is a little closer, but still with the same winner. Halt! Wally wins the point, and the bout, 10 touches to 8!

That was better. You started anticipating and reacting to my moves. Let's go once more.

Once more Tom the referee calls out. Sir Wally leads two bouts to nil. This bout shall be to 10 touches. Face this way, salute! Face each other, salute! En Garde! Ready! Begin! But once again Wally gets the better of you. Halt! Wally wins the point, and the bout, 10 touches to 4!

This time I made the adjustment. Fencing is all about making continual, split-second adjustments in response to your opponent's movements. You can't fall into a pattern, otherwise your opponent will realize it, and then he's got you.

Well, that was quite the fight you gave. Any other time you want to go, I'll be here.
He shakes the boy's hand. I thank you Tom m'lad. 30 creds for puttin' up with watchin' an old man fight for a while. Off ya go.

Tom addresses you before he leaves. That was great! Especially the second round. Not many can get to 8 touches on ol' Wally. Kiri-Jolith knows we could use more blades like you around. He then heads off.

At that point the bells sound. 1700. I'd offer to take you to Luke's for a bite, but I'm not sure Luke'll let me in anymore with these bars on my collar.
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Gorash Stonebless

Eva of Sirrion said:
At that point the bells sound.

Staying in the backroom and writing what he found so far, Gorash name the writings as Gorash's chronicles of Taman Buzuk.
When the bell rings he drops the inkpen and calls with a broad smile
Time to eat
he then takes his personal clay mug and heads to the kitchen.

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Was that the five o'clock bell? Tanner wonders aloud, then nearly breaks his own neck as he watches Gorash make a beeline past him. Guess so! You lads wanna grab some grub?

You folks go on ahead. I'll practice for a bit and eat later. We pulled early duty tomorrow, so be back by dark.

[sblock=Kell]All of the i's are dotted and t's are crossed on the demerit reports, but you say they've only been accumulated in the past couple months. In fact both Tanner and Ulricsohn's records are sterling, with multiple commendations and medals. It's a wonder they haven't been knighted by now, if not for the recent gigs.[/sblock]

[sblock=all others]Unless there's other business you want to play out tonight, we can move on to the early duty next day.[/sblock]


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]Well, I was hoping a bit that these four knights at the tavern would talk a bit more about the Commander, but I must tell that Yeblin quickly lost sight of his mission, too concern with food and stories. :p [/SBLOCK]

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