EN World: D&D & Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

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Whatever Happened to D&D's Underdog?

Dungeons & Dragons is well-known for its class advancement system, which over time has iterated from focusing on collecting treasure to defeating foes. And yet there was a time in the First Edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons where players were encouraged to play their characters as novices below 1st level, before they became heroes. These were 0-level player characters, and their story illuminates how D&D models a particular kind of fantasy fiction.

(KS) Kung Fu Animals (Save the World)

Jason Blair (Little Fears; Cartoon Action Hour) returns with Kung Fu Animals (Save the World), a tabletop RPG that will appeal to fans of comics and shows such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ThunderCats, Kung Fu Panda and Captain Planet. Using the Savage Worlds system, Kung Fu Animals (Save the World) allows the players to create their “own universes where semi-human characters become the world’s greatest heroes.”

(KS) Fate Dice and Fate Points

Evil Hat return to Kickstarter to bring us a new range of Fate Dice colors as well as the long requested Fate Point Tokens.

(KS) The Keyring RPG

The Keyring RPG is a really interesting idea, combined with ultimate portability. “The Keyring RPG is a combination of the idea of creating a procedural role-playing game and the discovery of a really cute notepad. Mashing those ideas together gave rise to the Keyring RPG.”

New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 12th February 2018

A rundown of the New Releases that should be hitting games stores this coming week! Board games, card games, RPGs, Wargames, Miniatures and collectible games... hopefully something for everyone! In addition to the games hitting your local store we also take a look at a few RPG PDF releases from the last week that we hope may be of interest. For more information about any of the physical products please contact your local games store.

(KS) Champions Character Creation Cards

Create your Champions character in less than one minute using this versatile deck of 54 cards. Pick one Characteristics card, one Complications card, and three to ten Abilities cards to make your point-averaged superhero! Then upload the card numbers to the Hero Designer software to print your character sheets.

Where Do They Get Their Resurrections?

Today we continue with our apocalyptic theme. I've covered war and pestilence, and this column will be about Death, the great leveller. Everybody dies, except for adventurers, who die but get to come back via the auspices of a friendly or bribable cleric.

(KS) Dwarven Ginger Ale!

This kickstarter is to raise funds for Dwarven Ginger Ale, the soda that bites back. Usually while yelling something and brandishing axes. The concept of a craft soda made from quality ingredients made by a gamer, for gamers to enjoy.

(KS) Fantasy Metal Gaming Coins by D20 Collective

These coins have been passed along through pickpockets, swindlers, assassins and in some cases; even royalty. The only way to acknowledge their authenticity…and their worth…is by the scars and tattered appearance of each coin – showing the holder that they have exchanged more hands, experienced more treachery and survived more altercations, than any of the thieves who owned them.

(KS) 100 5th Edition encounters in Limitless Encounters 2!

Limitless Encounters 2 brings us 100 new Dungeons & Dragon 5th Edition encounters for all levels across ten distinct environments, over twenty new monsters, pre-rolled treasure to help reduce DM prep time, and 300 further adventure hooks to help in writing follow-up quests!
The current record for an RPG Kickstarter is John Wick's 7th Sea 2nd Edition, which made just over $1.3 million in about a month. Matt Colville looks like he might leave that in the dust with Strongholds & Streaming, however, having raised nearly half a million dollars in about 5 hours at the time of posting this, with a month to go!

Look To Hollywood Blockbusters For Adventure Design Guidance

Let's talk about a valuable lesson game masters can take from The Force Awakens and 2009's Star Trek, both directed by J.J. Abrams. Maybe you've heard of them.

Sean's Picks of the Week (0205-0209) - Steam & Steel Week!

From the focus on alt-history to the over-the-top gears-and-lightning fantastical, steampunk remains a compelling and entertaining genre that gains much of its life in the tabletop RPG world. As the company named for one of steampunk's greatest inspirations launches a car into space, it seemed like an apt time to take a look at some of the great genre offerings.

Asmodee North America Acquires Mayfair Games Assets

Mayfair Games, once known in role-playing circles for their Role-Aids line of AD&D gaming supplements and Ray Winninger's iconoclastic Underground role-playing game, have announced their acquisition by Asmodee North America. The acquisition covers all of their assets and is effective immediately.
PopTen posted a list of the Top 10 Geek Gods, and with entries like Gary Gygax, Ian Livingstone, and R.A. Salvatore, the tabletop gaming industry is well represented, joining literary luminaries like Tolkien, LeGuin, and Howard, or cinematic creators like George Lucas. It's a fun list, but who would you have included in a tabletop gaming list?

(KS) Creatures of Vathis, Volume One, for 5th Edition & Pathfinder

Creatures of Vathis: Volume One is a 150 page bestiary for the ZodianEmpires Campaign Setting, using the Pathfinder and Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition rules systems. The book will contain over one hundred creatures that can be found in the world of Vathis.

This Week in TTRPG


Make your own future full of darkness and magic.
A campaign that blends vampire conspiracy with real world intrigue.
A unique setting for those more interested in exploring a strange new world than conquering one.
Tell some spooky haunted house stories with friends without any dice.

Dungeons & Dragons

WizKids is using the new Monster Manual as inspiration for new minis.
This thread contains a compilation of the Monster Manual 2025 stat blocks which have been previewed publicly so far.
Several playable species have new creature classifications in the 2025 Monster Manual.
Get ready to DungeonGlo your monsters.
An adventure with an unexpectedly one-sided bout at its center—and one of the PCs putting up their dukes!
Some more art from the upcoming Monster Manual release.

Industry News

The parent company of one of the key tabletop industry gatekeepers has filed for bankruptcy.
BBC2’s panel show calls out tabletop awards on social media.
Who's in this year's Top 10?
As we do every year, it's time to vote for the most anticipated tabletop roleplaying game of the coming year!
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