EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

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What The World Needs Now Is More Gaming Conventions

Gaming convention season is upon us. Origins Game Fair will be upon us starting June 14th, and Gen Con starts just a little over two months later on August 17th. Today, I am going to throw a bunch of my thoughts and tips about conventions and see what sticks.
It's EN5ider's 150th article! To celebrate, Ari "Mouseferatu" Marmell, acclaimed fantasy novelist, Dungeons and Dragons author, and beloved member of the EN World community, has returned to EN5ider for its 150th issue! Though Ari is mostly writing fantasy novels nowadays, he decided to reprise his role as a top-notch RPG designer for this special event. Ari has returned to change the Tides of Battle by introducing cinematic stunts to Fifth Edition. With this combat module, your character gains the tools to perform amazing feats of acrobatics, use dirty tricks, and dazzle your enemies... without giving up any usefulness in combat in exchange for dramatic flair. Of course, GMs need not fear; it wouldn't be fair if the monsters didn't get these tricks, too...

Playing With Savage Rifts

Savage Worlds had always been a tough sell. My gaming groups loved the system, but the settings just never caught hold. The campaigns just never lasted. Rifts, was nearly the opposite. Nobody (except me) liked the system and only a serious amount of house ruling could save vs. arguments; yet, Rifts allowed the crazy kitchen sink campaigns we wanted and endured the longest. Boom Guns and Dead Boys and dragons, oh my!
The latest Unearthed Arcana from Mearls and Crawford revisits four subclasses from earlier UA articles. "Part of the fun of playtesting is seeing how feedback and play can push a design in new directions. In this month’s Unearthed Arcana, we revisit class material that appeared in previous installments: four subclasses for various classes, along with Eldritch Invocations for the warlock. This material was all popular, and the revisions to it were driven by feedback that thousands of you provided in surveys. The updated subclasses are the druid’s Circle of the Shepherd, the fighter’s Cavalier, the paladin’s Oath of Conquest, and the warlock’s Celestial (formerly known as the Undying Light). One of the main pieces of feedback we got about the Eldritch Invocations is that most players didn’t want them exclusive to particular Otherworldly Patron options, so we’ve opened them up to more warlocks, tweaked them, and cut the least popular ones."

Is Tabletop Gaming D&D's "Sideshow"?

Recent struggles with Marvel's comics brand have made it clear that Marvel's properties are more valuable to as a multimedia franchise than the comics that spawned them. Could that happen with Hasbro and the Dungeons & Dragons brand? Marvel's Template Marvel's comic woes have come recently into the spotlight thanks to controversy over diverse superhero comics struggling to make sales. Asher...
Turn Order: Warped, the official stream of the WOIN roleplaying game system, is back with a new episode! "The Black Fang heads to Apep III to start gathering Cha'Etta plants but doesn't expect to find ships already there. How will they handle the situation?" Join GM of Doom "wacksteven" and the crew of the Black Fang in their intrepid science-fiction adventures! As always, you can get video or audio version of the show - simply subscribe to the YouTube channel or to the official podcast! Or, of course, you can watch the show live on Twitch as it goes out every Saturday! Note that the show features adult language.
UK Games Expo, with 16,500 unique attendees, just passed Origins (15,480 in 2016) for third place, behind Essen Spiel (174,000 turnstile in 2016) and Gen Con (60,819 in 2016), depending on what figure you use to measure it. The gap from Essen and Gen Con to those below it is pretty huge, while UKGE and Origins are pretty similar in scope. UKGE has been growing enormously every year - The last time I was there (before this year) it is was all in the Hilton Metropole in Birmingham. This time, it's spread to the N.E.C. It's starting to feel a bit like Gen Con - certainly like the Gen Cons of a few years ago.

Full Power To The Plasma Cannons: Demoing Starfinder Combat At The UK Games Expo

Every good sci-fi universe can benefit from the excitement and danger that comes when mighty starships clash in the void of space, and Paizo’s new Starfinder system has seized this with both hands – and possibly a few tentacles. In the same way that most fantasy RPGs assume that the players will explore the game world, the idea of space travel is baked into the game from the ground up. Unless things go seriously wrong, most parties will have access to a starship that acts as a combination of home base, personal transport and weapons platform.

The New D&D Adventure Is - Tomb of Annihilation!

Tomb of Annihilation is in the Forgotten Realms set in the Lost Continent of Chult - Away from the Sword Coast (the hosts of the live stream are very interested with undead dinosaurs). Acererak is, as many predicted, the source of this plotline as the Archlich is more or less "eating" resurrection magic from the rest of the Forgotten Realms and causing a zombie apocalypse. Pendleton Ward from Adventure Time is a creative consultant on this adventure.

Trudvang Chronicles Preview Part 2 - Rules

Welcome to our second, and final, preview for RiotMinds Trudvang Chronicles – the game ENWorld readers votes the Most Anticipated RPG of 2017. Yesterdays preview looked at the setting of Trudvang and now, thanks to RiotMinds Theodore Bergquist and Magnus Malmberg, we’re looking at the rules…
Hello everyone, Darryl here with this week’s gaming news! PaizoCon leads to lots of Pathfinder and Starfinder news, a collector’s edition for Star Trek Adventures announced, and more!

Gaming at the Kids' Table: Monster Slayers

Here at EN World, I discuss all-ages tabletop role-playing games, board games, or card games. Does it engage the players at the kids’ gaming table? Would it cut it at the adults’ table? Is it genuinely fun for every age? Monster Slayers: Heroes of Hesiod and Champions of the Elements are a pair of all-ages light board games/light tabletop RPG encounters from Wizards of the Coast. Promoted as an introduction for 6-year-olds to a stripped down version of the world’s most popular role-playing game, these PDFs are based on Lukas Ritter’s Monster Slayers YA series of novels. Both print-and-play games are written by Susan J. Morris and contain combat rules, pre-generated characters, monster and hero tokens, and boards, all for free.

Trudvang Chronicles Preview Part 1 - Setting

RiotMinds Trudvang Chronicles was voted the Most Anticipated RPG of 2017 by ENWorld Readers earlier this year. Part of the ongoing Swedish Invasion Trudvang Chronicles was translated into English after an incredibly successful Kickstarter that wrapped in October 2016. Now the game is finished and about to be released to the masses and we’ve managed to get some sneak peeks of the game courtesy of RiotMinds Theodore Bergquist and Magnus Malmberg. We’ve split the preview in to two parts. This first part looks at the world of Trudvang…
A Collection of Guides - the Wiki Thread Looking for guides on how to best optimise or build a class or concept in your D&D 5th Edition game? Look no further than this thread!

(KS) The Storm Has Returned…. In Torg Eternity!

I loved Torg. I remember when it was first released in 1990 our group got the Possibility War bug hard. We were subscribers to the Infiniverse magazine (no mean feat as a UK group pre-internet days) and I certainly wasn’t the only one who brought every new release for the game as soon as it hit the shelves. We played Torg a lot. And I mean “a lot”. I still have a lot of fond memories of the campaigns we had and keep looking longingly at my Torg collection wanting to dust them off and return to explore the Cosms. Well, now that Ulisses Spiele have launched the Kickstarter for Torg Eternity I’m guessing they’ll be a lot more Torg love going round which means they’ll be a lot more games being played. Win win for me ;)

Kickstarter (KS) Western – The multi award winning Swedish RPG – funds on Kickstarter!

The Swedes are certainly enjoying their recent rise up the Roleplaying Hierarchy with a string of “Hot New and Cool” RPGs being translated into English (largely courtesy of Kickstarter). Indeed this years most anticipated RPGs list here on EN World, as voted by you guys and gals, saw RPGs from Scandinavia dominate the list. Now it’s the turn for the multi-award winning Western RPG from Askfageln… and they’ve hired some Industry Vets such as Ken Hite, Will Hindmarch, Graeme Davis and August Hahn to contribute too!

This Week in TTRPG


TREY is a new solo set of rules and The Comae Engine is a d100 RPG with a versatile conflict resolution system both from FrostByte Books.
A moody game in a dark city full of spies, revolutionaries and strange magic.
Ever since Toy Story debuted, I've wanted rules to play with army men. Now we can!
Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.

Dungeons & Dragons

Get an elemental familiar, resist the elements, clear the air, or become the mountain.
The team was responsible for content feedback and the implementation of book content on the online platform.
New Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering comics coming in 2025
The randomized set of minifigs hits retail this September
A collection of short adventures ranging from 10th to 16th level--dragons, kobolds, giants, even the dreaded River Styx!
From libraries to trading stalls this secretive order uses what they know to influence entire kingdoms.

Industry News

Tabletop Mirror with integrate the chat features of Role Gate into its platform
Hight previously oversaw the World of Warcraft franchise.
Your backing helps Owen's fight against cancer and gets you a book of cartoons by Stan!
DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications

Voidrunner's Codex

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