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New Releases In Stores This Week : 10th April 2017

A rundown of the New Releases that should be hitting games stores this coming week! Board games, card games, RPGs, Wargames, Miniatures and collectible games... hopefully something for everyone! For more information about any of the products please contact your local games store.

Champions Fourth Edition Returns In PDF Form

I don't often plug the Bundle of Holding in this column, but I think that today's release of two bundles of Champions/Hero System 4E material deserves a mention. As someone who is a big fan of comic books (moreso than I am a gamer, which is really saying something), super-hero role-playing games have always drawn my attention. I had played earlier editions of Champions, but they never really grabbed my attention. I think that it was because of the cover art by comics artist George Perez (a man who has drawn just about every major character from both DC Comics and Marvel Comics at some point) across the Hero System 4E line that drew my attention back to the game.

Kickstarter (KS) D.W.A.R.Vs Military Sci-Fi in a Fantasy World RPG on Kickstarter!

D.W.A.R.Vs : Military Sci-Fi in a Fantasy World RPG sees you playing super-woldiers who awaken in a post-post-post apocalypse fantasy world and have to fight to survive, learn the past and rebuilt civilization!

Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Explores Downtime Activities

This is EXACTLY what I wanted and EXACTLY what the game needed. Then there's this: "For more information, see “Brewing Potions of Healing” in this section on crafting and “Scribing a Spell Scroll” on page Error! Bookmark not defined." (p. 7) :erm:

(KS) Fight off an alien invasion in the Champion of Earth Card Game!

Shades of Vengeance are better known as a RPG publisher but they have their fingers in a few different pies…. Including comics and now, with Champion of Earth, card games. Champion of Earth is a fast paced card game with a simple concept: defend the Earth from the invaders using various (and hilarious) pieces of equipment. All you have to do to win is to kill more monsters than the other players. What could be so hard about that?
It's my great pleasure to introduce Turn Order: Warped, the now official weekly livestream of the What's OLD is NEW roleplaying game system. In Turn Order: Warped, a motley crew of sci-fi adventurers engage in hijinks in the far future! The show goes out every Saturday live on Twitch, and will appear in YouTube and podcast form every Monday, so you can catch up in whichever way suits you best (for me it's the audio version while walking my dog!) The show is hosted by GM of Doom "wacksteven", who has been hosting live Twitch streams for RPGs for ages, and features the crew of the Black Fang - Felix (Felan Pilot), Lunk (Ogron Chef), Glix (Venetian Science Officer), H.A.W.K. (Android Security), and Arthur (Borian Engineer).

We're Finally Mainstream! Now What?

ICv2's recent announcement that hobby games have become "mainstream" heralds a new age for role-playing games. How did this happen and why should gamers care?
O.L.D., the fantasy heroic roleplaying game, was sent to Kickstarter backers over the weekend. Now that they have their copies (if you haven't yet, check your email!), the 350-page full-colour book is available in PDF for $10 (the same price as the fully-compatible N.E.W. science fiction game, already available). The hardcover version will be available soon, but not until the books have finished shipping to Kickstarter backers around the world.

Robin Laws' Tribal Approach With The Hillfolk RPG

Despite being a run-away Kickstarter success back in 2012 that was delivered in a timely fashion, Hillfolk is a game that has made less of a splash than it probably deserves. The product of RPG industry titan, Robin Laws, this is a game that straddles the story game/trad RPG divide more successfully than most of its company in that niche.
Iconic set-piece battles have always been a staple of fantasy roleplaying games. Tactically interesting foes in carefully selected environments can make for the most memorable encounters in a gamers roleplaying career. I dare say we all have that one awesome encounter we all remember - mine was inside a giant clock as the cogs individually rotated. For 13th Age, Pelgrane Press has produces a book containing 40 carefully crafted "battle scenes", including maps, news monsters, story ideas, traps terrain, and scaling options. They've kindly sent along a preview of The Crown Commands - The Lich's King's Spire. Check it out below, find the book here.

Sean's Picks of the Week (0403-0407) - SUPERS WEEK!

For the first time in a while, I dove into a week with a theme in mind. Welcome to the results of Supers Week from the Pick of the Day site - a collection of superhero gaming Picks across the spectrum. We've got some Champions, some Savage Worlds Supers, Mutants & Masterminds, and more! So make your choice - Capes! No Capes!
Actor Joe Manganelio (from True Blood, Magic Mike, and more) appeared on the Happy Sad Confused podcast this week, and reported that he is co-writing a movie script. While he doesn't namecheck D&D, his description sounds a lot like it, and he did recently meet up with WotC. "Last year with a playwright I went to Carnegie Mellon with, I actually made a draft of a film, and now we're talking to all the right parties. I had a two-day creative summit with the Wizards of the Coast...we had like a two-day summit about where the movie could go or TV series, products, synergy, the whole deal… Obviously, there's a spectacle. There's dragons breathing fire and lightning. But what makes a great superhero or fantasy movie is the human aspect. It's got to be about something. We root for those characters in Game of Thrones. Fellowship of the Ring was about friendship, this undying love for your friends. That's something everyone can identify with. When a movie is about something human and real emotionally people are going to want to see. Then you get some dragons breathing fire, and hey, I'm in." And to add fuel to the fire, he even tweets a photo of a DRAGONLANCE script! (thanks to darjr for the scoop)

(KS) Esper Genesis Heroic Sci-Fi RPG moves into it's final weekend...

The Esper Genesis Heroic Sci-Fi Role-playing Game moved into its final weekend of funding, adding new stretch goals and add-ons, including hardcovers for all three books (nearly reached as of this press release), custom dice, and ways for backers to personalize the setting and organized play campaign for themselves.

(KS) 5e Gamemaster Toolkit from Rogue Comet

Rogue Comet returns to Kickstarter with their latest range of tabletop game aids with the 5e Gaemaster Toolkit.
Chaosium has just announced the name of the upcoming edition of RuneQuest, due for a Christmas 2017 release. This edition will not be called RuneQuest 4, or RuneQuest 7 (depending how you choose to count them), but will be called "RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha" (or RQG). This edition is descended from the 2nd Edition ruleset, and is compatible with the RuneQuest Classic reprints which Chaosium recently Kickstarted.
For WOIN fans, the hardcover version of O.L.D. has been completed. It's going out to Kickstarter backers, and will be available later, once all the backers have their copies. The book came in at 350 pages, full-colour. Here's a quick peek at the Table of Contents. O.L.D. is, of course, fully compatible with N.E.W., its companion science-fiction game, so you can play a medieval fantasy game, a far future science-fiction game, or mix them to introduce magic to your sci-fi. O.L.D., like N.E.W., uses a life path system for character creation and a d6 dice pool system for task resolution.

This Week in TTRPG


TREY is a new solo set of rules and The Comae Engine is a d100 RPG with a versatile conflict resolution system both from FrostByte Books.
A moody game in a dark city full of spies, revolutionaries and strange magic.
Ever since Toy Story debuted, I've wanted rules to play with army men. Now we can!
Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.

Dungeons & Dragons

Get an elemental familiar, resist the elements, clear the air, or become the mountain.
The team was responsible for content feedback and the implementation of book content on the online platform.
New Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering comics coming in 2025
The randomized set of minifigs hits retail this September
A collection of short adventures ranging from 10th to 16th level--dragons, kobolds, giants, even the dreaded River Styx!
From libraries to trading stalls this secretive order uses what they know to influence entire kingdoms.

Industry News

Tabletop Mirror with integrate the chat features of Role Gate into its platform
Hight previously oversaw the World of Warcraft franchise.
Your backing helps Owen's fight against cancer and gets you a book of cartoons by Stan!
DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications

Voidrunner's Codex

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