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EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

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3G: Gaming, Gifts, and Geek Chic

It’s that time of the year when I break out my goose quill pen and bottle of squid ink and lovingly pen a Christmas wish list to Santa on a sheet of vellum. I give the same list to my wife and kids, but I never hold out much hope – I bet all my chips on Santa. My family gives me things I need, but only Santa can be counted on to give me things I want. And I want gaming stuff! This year...

RPG News from the Last Week

This is a bit of a catch-up news post, covering some of the stuff that happened while EN World was down last week. We're back up now, and slowly trying to rebuild the site. Here's some of what we missed. Pathfinder Online The big news was that Pathfinder Online Kickstarter launched. You probably know about this, though we missed out on covering it due to those darn hackers! Anyway...

Why D&D Sucks

Before you get your dander up and decided to cremate me with your +5 flame sword, I’d like to point out that this article is a spoof. Do you hear me, a spoof! I like D&D, you like D&D, everyone likes D&D—except those who hate it. This article is about why D&D sucks in the same way that people write about why being a millionaire sucks. In it, I will attempt to cover a wide range of editions in...


What are your plans for illustration? In monster manuals, adventures, settings, and anything else needing them. Are these going to be tied in as part of the rules again? Will I be able to hold up pictures and say "Your characters see this"? Will the pictures in adventures be part of the process of play again? -potentially to be revealed through the play of the adventure.

Pathfinder Review: The Ruby Phoenix Tournament

In past reviews and columns, I have examined a number of different products and product lines published or licensed by Paizo – and there are still a few lines I’ve yet to look at. Nevertheless, if one golden thread emerges from looking at these diverse products and brands, it can be summed up by the term “cross-support.” The trend has become increasingly clear over the years as Paizo...

Review of Critical Hit & Fumble Card Deck by Geek Corps Productions

Since the days of R.E. Howard’s famed Conan stories, fantasy combats have been messy affairs at best. In fantasy novels, comics, and movies, limbs get hewn off, blood flies everywhere, and monsters are incinerated, frozen, or otherwise disintegrated with a range of magical effects. Even in movie spoofs of the fantasy genre, like last year’s Your Highness, there was still plenty of gore and...

Review of The Slithering Monsoon by Rattlesnake Games

I’m not sure if it is just me, but somehow it feels like there has been a greater diversity among types of published adventure material with this current edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Rather than just the plain old “adventure module” of past editions, it feels like 4E spawned a number of new “species” of pre-made adventure types, giving Dungeon Masters a wider range of choices for what they...

Review of Enter the Shadowside by Marco Leon

I’ve always been a huge fan of occult and horror, whether it’s movies, books, or role-playing games. When Call of Cthulhu first came out, I was ecstatic at finally being able to role-play out the plots and stories of Lovecraft, August Derleth, and other authors that I had read all during high school. Even when I GM’d other role-playing games like D&D, Traveller, and Shadowrun, I could not...

Review of Elves with Shotguns by Randomology Games

The evolution of technology in most fantasy role-playing campaigns is almost always somewhat warped from what we know from our own mundane history. Bronze Age through Dark Age weapons and armor are common fare, although some armors and weapons trickle in from as late as the Renaissance. But in almost all cases, and particularly in Dungeons & Dragons settings, firearms plays a very small role...

Review of The Heart of Fire by Darklight Interactive

Sometimes it’s just good clean fun to pull out a cliché and run with it. Perhaps one could say that a better word here might be “trope”, but regardless of the term, we DMs have all been done it at one time or another. We have characters battle gigantic fire demons in orc-infested dwarven mines, force them to fend off giant squids attacking their sailing ships in the middle of a monsoon, and...

Review of Rusty Axe Dungeon Tiles (Core Set)

Of all the accessories that can enhance the role-playing game experience, dungeon tiles seem to have come the farthest from their early offerings. While many gamers were content to use the ubiquitous and erasable “battle mat” for dungeon delves, others wanted something a bit more fun and required less drawing. As many older gamers might recall, the early versions of “dungeon tiles” were...

Gamehackery: Bringing Tech to the Analog Playtest

One of the players in my home game has physical limitations that make it difficult for him to play in that old school, pen-and-paper way. Our game is 4e, and the wealth of computer and iPad-based tools that are available have made it possible for him to play -- everything from the DDI tools like the Compendium and the Character Builder, and tools that take advantage of the files the character...
Since Oriental Adventures draws from several different Asian cultures, it includes a variety of unusual words. Because of the blend of languages, pronunciation is problematic. For your convenience, the harder-to-pronounce words are listed here, along with a brief definition. For a list of D&D pronunciations, see the article D&D Pronunciation Guide.Notes “eh” is used instead of “ay” for the...
From the 1st-Edition DMG, Appendix N is a list of literary influences which inspired Gary Gygax' development of the game. It's entitled "APPENDIX N: INSPIRATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL READING" and reads as follows. Inspiration for all of the fantasy work I have done stems directly from the love my father showed when I was a tad, for he spent many hours telling me stories he made up as he...

Pages List

This is a placeholder post while EN World is being rebuilt. Pages below may need fixing and may contain broken links. We're working on bringing everything back ASAP! ZEITGEIST Adventure Path Appendix N: Inspirational and Educational Reading War of the Burning Sky Adventure Path D&D Pronunciation Guide Oriental Adventures Pronunciation Guide iPhone/iPad/Android Apps for RPGs Who...

Paizo Blog: Are you ready to be a Superstar?

It's time for RPG Superstar 2013! Every year, Paizo holds an annual open-call RPG design competition to give the best and brightest aspiring game designers a chance to show the world their talent. This year's winner will receive a contract to write a Pathfinder Module to be published by Paizo. Read this article at the Paizo blog.

This Week in TTRPG


Roleplay and intrigue mixed with superhero action.
Tell stylish stories of space outlaws scraping by to survive.
For a campaign built on investigation and exploration rather than blasting through an Alien hive.
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.

Dungeons & Dragons

Quite a few creatures are in the cave it echoes from yet none are singing the tune.
A mind flayer adorns the Monster Manual alternate cover!
Bathe in the brilliance of the Morning Star—if you're brave enough.
The 2025 Monster Manual cover has been unveiled!
Hasbro will update the project and pitch to other networks and streamers
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.

Industry News

The award is given for “significant contributions to the science fiction, fantasy, and related genres community”
Finalists include one game designer, two conventions, a charity bundle, and a labor union
More industry consolidation as VTT combines with tools platform!
D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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