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[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)

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"I don't think the townsfolk are up to a fight like this. Perhaps from back home? Do you think we have a chance against them, just us?"



Perin scans the compound, trying to ascertain numbers and approach roues.

"I doubt the townsfolk would make much of an asset, even if they are willing. Perhaps a less direct approach might work.
If we watch the camp from afar and strike at any of their patrols that venture out."

Perception: 1D20+4 = [2]+4 = 6

SBLOCK=MiniStats]AC: 15
Initiative: +2 (Roll With Advantage)
HP: 20 HD: 2/2d10

ShortSword: +4 5ft 1d6+4 Finesse Light
Crossbow: +4 80/320 1d8+2

Spellcasting 1/2 Level 1: Hunters Mark; Absorb Elements

Bolts: 34[/SBLOCK]

GM: Okay, someone make a Survival check (or if more than one, someone give the other advantage on a Survival check).

Then everyone make three Perception checks or Investigation checks, whichever one you prefer.

Add any pace of taking turns you like (who's watching at sundown? who's watching at dawn? Etc.)

And how long are you planning to watch at a minimum? Are you staying on this side of the camp? It is in a valley. You could go around.

Once I have that, I'll narrate what happens next.
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Surina nodded at Perrin, “That is a good suggestion, my friend. As much as I want to free those townsfolk now, I agree we are too few—and too battered—to take them all on. A chance to rest—and to pray for help from The Famiily—would do us all well. And, with luck, we can thin their numbers.

[sblock=Rolls etc]
Surina,Perception checks: 1D20 = [11] = 11
1D20 = [19] = 19
1D20 = [6] = 6

Surina would prefer to take last watch, but she is amenable to any order the others prefer. Is there a possibility of a long rest? If not a short rest? I believe I mentioned earlier that she would use lay on hands on herself, since she was down to 6 hp. She will spend part of her downtime in prayer, seeking help from Essembri and (to a lesser extent) Palientar. She has the greatest affinity to Essembri, but Palientar should be concerned since the kobolds and lizard folk are interfering with travel.

GM: It is the day of the festival celebrating the longest day of the year. You could rest overnight without a campfire.

And for invoking the gods, especially Palientar, god of travel, Surina gets Inspiration. (I always forget to give Inspiration out.)

So I guess you two are hoping Perin will make the Survival roll?


OOC: Yes, I meant to say Surina will happily help/give advantage to Perrin, but I’m guessing Perrin is the most skilled at survival. I presume the long rest possibility means Surina can prepare spells?

GM: I'll let you know when the long rest happens. [MENTION=6853819]TallIan[/MENTION] - Make a survival check with advantage and three perception or investigation checks.

I forgot all about you bringing the captured kobold with to help you find the camp. Anyone who wants to try to get additional info from him, he will already spill whatever beans he has so no skill checks are needed, just ask him questions. Remember, though, he isn't good at numbers. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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