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*Standard* Array


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I've been thinking about this lately. I have noticed myself in a rut, so to speak, with character creation. I will choose 18,14,11,10,10,8 or 17,15,13,10,10,8 almost exclusively when building a character.

Has anyone else found what they feel is an optimal stat array?


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I like 16-15-14-11-10-8 for most characters. Lets you put a decent stat for each of the three defenses. A few class (fighter, looking at you) require some re-thinking on this.

Call me dumb, but I actually like the default array, especially when the character I am making has a racial +2 to the main stat. Only when I am picking a suboptimal race/class combination do I try to get an 18 by point buy.

The default array allows me a good spread in skills and defenses, imho

Then again, the group I play with tends not to optimize at all...

Call me dumb, but I actually like the default array, especially when the character I am making has a racial +2 to the main stat. Only when I am picking a suboptimal race/class combination do I try to get an 18 by point buy.

Me as well. Occasionally I'll go for a different option if I specifically envisioned the character has having a very low stat, but otherwise, having an 8 detracts from the RP enough that it's not worth it to me to have the 18 in trade, no matter how mechanically beneficial it is.


First Post
Call me dumb, but I actually like the default array, especially when the character I am making has a racial +2 to the main stat. Only when I am picking a suboptimal race/class combination do I try to get an 18 by point buy.

The default array allows me a good spread in skills and defenses, imho

Then again, the group I play with tends not to optimize at all...
This is me too. But I mostly DM, so I rarely get to PLAY the PCs I make in the Character builder.

I like doing 16,14,14, 13, 10, 8 I can get some good racial bonuses to fit my class, I can get a +2 in my third defense, and the 13 lets me meet some feat requirements. It lets me spread things around a bit and I can raise the 16 and a 14 each level and still stay strong at the mid levels. Paragon level only gets me to an odd highest ability score, but that comes back at Epic anyway when you get your +1 to all.


I too seem to be a big fan of 17,15,13,10,10,8.

Generally I find the 18 too expensive to afford, but I still want a big number in my prime stat.


Occasionally I'll go for a different option if I specifically envisioned the character has having a very low stat, but otherwise, having an 8 detracts from the RP enough that it's not worth it to me to have the 18 in trade, no matter how mechanically beneficial it is.
Really? I don't (and have never) seen an 8 as a "very low stat" in any edition of D&D. Sure, it's worse than average, but that's what I see it as. In fact (even when not optimising for an 18) I almost always make sure I have an 8 expressly for RP reasons, and I've never found having an 8 to detract from RP. How many people do you know who are average or better at everything? Usually everyone has a weak point where they're slightly sub-par.

How do you find that it detracts from RP?

That aside, I've definitely found the "standard array" in 4e to be either:
16 16 12 12 10 8 or 16 16 13 11 10 8 (curiously enough, neither of these are included in the PHB table)
18 14 11 10 10 8

I'd say that 90+% of the 4e characters I've played or encountered have used one of those 2 arrays, depending on racial bonuses and how MAD the class is.

I don't think I've ever seen a 4e character that uses the "standard" array...


First Post
Depending on the class of course, but usually I will go with 16, 16, 12, 12, 10, 8. Especially if the secondary stat for the class is Dex or Int (say for my gnome Feylock). AC and reflex defense are just too important.

If I want an 18 pre-racial (say the race doesn't give a bonus to the prime stat, and / or gives bonuses to the scondary / tertiary stats [like a dwarven fighter], or the class is especially single stat focussed [like an archery ranger]), then I will go with 18, 12, 12, 12, 10, 8.

The third option, which used to be my preference but has since dropped down the list is 16, 14, 14, 13, 10, 8 (or 12, 11, 8 or 12, 10, 9). But often the secondary stat is more important than the third defense, so I don't like this one as much anymore.

For some reason, I think it is the powergamer in me, but I really hate starting with odd stats, as then you have a left over stat point (from leveling up) at level 30, and that just seems like a "waste."


For some reason, I think it is the powergamer in me, but I really hate starting with odd stats, as then you have a left over stat point (from leveling up) at level 30, and that just seems like a "waste."
I've noticed this as well since 4e. The only time I'll choose an odd stat is when I need it to hit a feat pre-req (usually 13) and it then won't be bumped, or when I can see that I'll be able to get away with bumping an odd pair of secondary/tertiary stats.

Or, of course, where you don't really have any choice (such as with the 16 16 13 11 10 8 & 18 14 11 10 10 8 arrays, which both seem to have a niggly "odd" stat point hanging around that you can't do much with - I usually find it's better to waste the point than start with a 2 points lower secondary stat).

Voidrunner's Codex

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