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Homebrew Firearms

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First Post
I think I included a quick bayonet in my writeup. Basically it can be attached to any rifle. It is a light blade, +2 prof, d6 damage. You count as wielding a bayonet whenever it is attached to a rifle you also wield.
It helps most classes by allowing them to threaten melee while they fire. It helps fighters with the firearms path by allowing them to make use of 'light blade' powers while a firearm is equipped.

The Human Target

Firearm weapons might be called different things, but basically - handle them as crossbows, giving them the same damage and ranges etc. That is, except for those who want blunderbuss-type weapons. Those would be crossbows whose damage would have the powder property.

Powder property: weapons with this property are treated as an area attack for the purposes and resistance and vulnerability (see swarms in MM).

The system I recently saw on firearms uses the concept of reflavored crossbows, while making them more than just reflavored crossbows. Check it. [quoted from GreatFrito, Wizards forums]

[sblock="Firearm" Weapons]
For "firearms," I will use plain ol' crossbow stats. Essentially then, "guns" are just refluffed crossbows, which actually works out pretty well. To make them a bit more distinct, I have a few feat options that players can select. The idea with these is that, while "guns" are easy to pick up and use (simple ranged weapons), it takes a bit of training to eke out their full potential.

Arcane Firearm Channelling
Prerequisites: Any arcane class
Benefit: You can use crossbows as implements with any arcane class. You do not gain the weapon's proficiency bonus to attack rolls when using a crossbow as an implement.

Deadly Firearm
Benefit: You treat all crossbows as high crit weapons.
[Note: I wonder if this one shouldn't be bumped up to Paragon, like Deadly Axe. The Drow racial feat that gives High Crit to hand crossbows is what makes me want to keep it here.]

Scatter Shot
Prerequisites: 11th level, Dex 15, Con 17
Benefit: If you miss with a ranged attack with a crossbow and you wouldn't otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to your original target equal to your Constitution modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain to weapon damage.
[Note: Instead of having 'blunderbuss' weapons on their own, I just went the easy route, since the "damage on a miss" quality fits them well in the first place. Con as the requisite stat is representative of, say, being able to better control the kick-back of the weapon - better control, more miss damage. That's the theory anyways. Con also makes the feat mesh well with the Careful Shooter feat, and with Dwarves as a race.]

The only "unique" weapon I've statted out thus far is the "gunblade" (or, in D&D terms, the Crossbow Sword). No other "guns" really require new stats.

Double Weapon
Crossbow Sword +3 1d10 ----- 40 gp 10 lb. Heavy blade Stout
- Secondary End +2 1d6 10/20 ----- ----- Crossbow Off-hand, load free
[Note: very few characters will actually take this weapon, or be able to truly benefit from it. Ranged and two-weapon rangers would both be better served with other superior weapons. Rogues would get no benefit from the heavy blade end. Heavy blade fighters are the best bet, though beastmaster rangers could also benefit (if they select ranged ranger powers as well). The heavy blade fighter is my favorite option; he can multiclass to glean some significant benefit from the secondary end. Ranger gives him some skirmishing options, if he picks ranged powers. Rogue gives him a 1/round sneak attack, which he can trigger with the secondary end, as well as the skirmishing options. To "sweeten the deal," I've also put together a Weapon Mastery multiclass option for the weapon, below. This note? Waaaay too long. ]


"Weapon Mastery" Options
The following two multiclass-only options are designed along the same lines as the Weapon Mastery multiclass options from Dragon, and follow those same rules. The first gives a more distinct fighting style for the gunblade user, though it remains most likely in the hands of a heavy-blade fighter. The second expands upon the "gun as an implement" concept, giving a character who wants to go that direction a bit more of a distinction - it's inspired by the "magic guns" of FF:Tactics, and the "gunner" classes of FF:TacticsAdvanced (mostly 2, as I sadly cannot find 1).

[sblock=Gunblade Mastery]
Gunblade Training [Multiclass]
Prerequisites: Dex 13
Benefit: You gain proficiency with the crossbow sword. When you make a ranged attack with the secondary end of the weapon, you do not provoke opportunity attacks. In addition, when you score a critical hit with the heavy blade end of the weapon, you can make a ranged basic attack against the same target with the secondary end of the weapon as a free action.

Gunblade Novice [Multiclass]
Prerequisites: Gunblade Training, 4th level
Benefit: You can swap one 3rd level or higher encounter power you know for the synchronized shot attack power.

Synchronized Shot Feat Power
With expert timing, you fire a bolt into your foe just as your blade bites into him.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a crossbow blade.
Target: One creature.
Attack: Strength vs. AC or Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. Make a secondary attack against the same creature, using the secondary end of the weapon.
At 11th level, 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
At 21st level, 3[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Secondary Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
At 11th level, 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
At 21st level, 3[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special: When you choose this power, choose whether you use Strength or Dexterity to make the primary attack.

Gunblade Expert [Multiclass]
Prerequisites: Gunblade Training, 8th level
Benefit: You can swap one 6th level or higher utility power you know for the reflex shot stance utility power.

Reflex Shot Stance Feat Power
As you fight, you use the crossbow in your weapon to extend your battlefield presence.
Daily * Martial, Weapon, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You must be wielding a crossbow blade.
Effect: Until the stance ends, you threaten all enemies within 2 squares of you with the secondary end of your weapon. If an enemy provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can make a ranged basic attack on the target with the secondary end of your weapon as an opportunity attack.

Gunblade Specialist [Multiclass]
Prerequisites: Gunblade Training, 10th level
Benefit: You can swap one 9th level or higher daily power you know for the blowback combo attack power.

Blowback Combo Feat Power
You stab your foe viciously, blast him back and off of your blade with a bolt, then follow up with a final slash.
Daily * Martial, Reliable, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a crossbow blade.
Target: One Creature.
Attack: Strength vs. AC or Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Make a secondary attack on the same creature, using the secondary end of the weapon.
At 15th level, 3[W] + Strength modifier damage.
At 25th level, 4[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1[W] damage, and you push the target 1 square, and shift into the space that the target occupied. Make a tertiary attack on the same creature, using the blade end of the weapon.
At 15th level, 2[W] damage.
At 25th level, 3[W] damage.
Miss: You push the target 1 square, but do not shift into the space the target occupied, and do not make a tertiary attack.
Tertiary Attack: Strength vs. Reflex or Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
At 15th level, 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
At 25th level, 3[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Special: When you choose this power, choose whether you use Strength or Dexterity to make the primary and tertiary attacks.

[Notes: I think everything is pretty fair for this one, though I'm a bit concerned about the potential for three attacks with the daily at level 25+. Granted, you only get each if the prior one hit, but still, it's like a slightly changed Blade Cascade. *shrugs*]

[sblock=Mystic Gunner]
Mystic Gunner Training [Multiclass]
Prerequisites: Dex 13
Benefit: You can use crossbows as implements any class. You do not gain the weapon's proficiency bonus to attack rolls when using a crossbow as an implement.
Once per encounter, as a free action, you can add your Dexterity modifier to the range of any Area or Ranged implement power. You must wield a crossbow to benefit from this ability.

Mystic Gunner Novice [Multiclass]
Prerequisites: Mystic Gunner Training, 4th level
Benefit: You can swap one 3rd level or higher encounter power you know for the launch spell attack power.

Launch Spell Feat Power
You channel magic into your weapon, using it to launch your magic a greater distance.
Encounter * Arcane
Standard Action Area burst 1 within weapon range
At 11th level, burst 2
At 21st level, burst 3
Requirement: You must be wielding a crossbow as an implement.
Special: This power is considered to have the same keywords and target as the at-will power you use with it.
Effect: Use a blast or burst at-will implement attack power. The power becomes an area burst 1 within a number of squares equal to your weapon range.
At 11th level, the at-will power you use deals +1 die of damage, and the power becomes an area burst 2 within a number of squares equal to your weapon range.
At 21st level, the at-will power you use deals +1 die of damage, and the power becomes an area burst 3 within a number of squares equal to your weapon range.

Mystic Gunner Expert [Multiclass]
Prerequisites: Mystic Gunner Training, 8th level
Benefit: You can swap one 6th level or higher utility power you know for the tagged blast utility power.

Tagged Blast Feat Power
A successful hit on a target leaves a glowing mote of energy on it.
Daily * Arcane, Implement
Free Action Ranged weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a crossbow as an implement.
Trigger: You hit a creature with an area or ranged implement attack power.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and all allies with line of sight to the target know his location, and ignore any penalties for concealment the target may have.

Mystic Gunner Specialist [Multiclass]
Prerequisites: Mystic Gunner Training, 10th level
Benefit: You can swap one 9th level or higher daily power you know for the mystic overload attack power.

Mystic Overload Feat Power
You fire your magic through your weapon, leaving it charged with the risidual magic power.
Daily * Arcane
Standard Action Area burst 2 within weapon range
At 15th level, burst 3
At 25th level, burst 4
Requirement: You must be wielding a crossbow as an implement.
Special: This power is considered to have the same keywords and target as the at-will power you use with it.
Effect: Use a blast or burst at-will implement attack power. The power becomes an area burst 1 within a number of squares equal to your weapon range, and deals +1 die of damage. Until the end of the encounter, while wielding the same crossbow as an implement, you deal +2 damage with implement attack powers.
At 15th level, the at-will power you use deals +2 dice of damage, the power becomes an area burst 3 within a number of squares equal to your weapon range, and you deal +4 damage with implement attack powers.
At 25th level, the at-will power you use deals +2 dice of damage, the power becomes an area burst 4 within a number of squares equal to your weapon range, and you deal +6 damage with implement attack powers.

Hmmm I really like the idea of shotgun type weapons still only being single target, but count as area effects against swarms. Nice Idea.

The Human Target

I think I included a quick bayonet in my writeup. Basically it can be attached to any rifle. It is a light blade, +2 prof, d6 damage. You count as wielding a bayonet whenever it is attached to a rifle you also wield.
It helps most classes by allowing them to threaten melee while they fire. It helps fighters with the firearms path by allowing them to make use of 'light blade' powers while a firearm is equipped.

Yeah I think I'll yank the idea for sure.

The more I look the more anemic my pocket pistol looks vs the hand crossbow. I might bump it up a little bit.

Maybe a +3 to hit.


First Post
Yeah I think I'll yank the idea for sure.

The more I look the more anemic my pocket pistol looks vs the hand crossbow. I might bump it up a little bit.

Maybe a +3 to hit.

I would suggest building all these firearms by basing them on an existing weapon. For a pocket pistol, using hand crossbow as a template seems obvious.

Hand crossbow is +2, 1d6, 10/20, load free
dagger is +3, 1d4, 5/10, load minor (load free with quick draw)
Pocket pistol is +2, 1d4, 5/10, load minor

So editing your pistol to
+3, 1d4, 5/10, load minor
sets it on par with both the crossbow and the dagger

Now all you need is for Da Vinci to attach it to a mechanism on your wrist, and you're set.


A gunblade is constructed by forging a melee weapon with a firearm. The parts of the weapon are referred to as the 'melee portion' and the 'firearm portion' respectively. You may combine any heavy blade or spear with any rifle, any light blade with any pistol, or any mace or axe with any shotgun. A gunblade is a superior weapon.

A gunblade allows you to use both a melee weapon and a firearm without having to switch weapons for the price of one feat. Additional feats allow you to reap additional advantages and produce synergy between your combined weapons.

Name of a gunblade:
A gunblade's name has the form [melee portion] [firearm portion].
Examples: "dagger pistol", "longsword greatshot" rifle.

The price of a gunblade is the sum of the prices of the two portions of the weapon. For example a "longsword longrifle" costs 30gp + 15gp = 45gp.

Wielding a gunblade:
When you use the gunblade with enough hands to use the melee portion of the weapon, you are considered to be wielding the melee portion of the weapon.
Whenever you hold the gunblade with enough hands to use both the melee and firearm portions of the weapon, you are considered to be wielding both the melee and firearm portions of the weapon.
For example, using the melee portion of a 'longsword greatshot rifle' requires 1 hand, while using the firearm portion requires 2 hands. Using the melee portion of a 'greatsword small rifle' requires 2 hands, and using the firearm portion also requires 2 hands (even though a small rifle can normally be fired in one hand).

A gunblade is considered a superior weapon. To gain a proficiency bonus to attack using either portion of the weapon, you must take a feat to become proficient with the gunblade (ex. 'superior weapon proficiency: dagger pistols') You must also be proficient with the melee and firearm portions of the weapon.

When you attack with a gunblade, choose either the melee or firearm portion of the weapon, and choose only a portion that you meet the requirements for wielding. You make the attack as though equipped with that weapon. For example a ranger equipped with a 'bastard sword longrifle' could use double strike to attack an adjacent orc (using his offhand bastard sword), or to shoot an orc 5 squares away (while wielding his gunblade in both hands).

Both portions of your weapon must receive enchantments separately.


Fire with an Aid:
You prop your gun on a nearby surface for a steady shot
Prerequisites: Proficiency with a gunblade
Benefit: While wielding a gunblade and a shield, but unable to wield the firearm portion of your gunblade, you may forgo your shield's bonus to AC and Ref until the beginning of your next turn to wield the firearm portion of your gunblade until the beginning of your next turn.
In addition, when attacking with a firearm while prone or behind a low wall, you gain a +1 bonus to damage.

Fire within the Armor:
You stick your dagger between the plates of the foes armor, and he screams as you squeeze the trigger.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with a gunblade
Benefit: Whenever you hit an opponent with the melee portion of your gunblade, the first attack you make against that target with the firearm portion of your weapon before the end of your next turn gains combat advantage. Apply this bonus only if the target remained adjacent to you between attacks.

Drive the Shot Home:
You jab your weapon into the target, letting a shot loose as you do.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with a gunblade, Fire Within the Armor
Benefit: Once per encounter when you perform a successful charge attack with the melee portion of your gunblade while also wielding the firearm portion of your gunblade, you may perform a ranged basic attack against the target with the firearm portion of your weapon as a free action. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Blast into Melee:
You fire your weapon as you swing it, adding to the momentum of your attack
Prerequisites: Proficiency with a gunblade
Benefit: When you attack with the melee portion of your gunblade while also wielding the firearm portion, you may fire the weapon as a minor action. This does not grant you an extra attack, instead the melee attack gains a +2 bonus to damage on a hit.

Defensive Blade Maneuver:
Your blade covers your foe while you find a nice place to put a bullet
Prerequisites: Proficiency with a gunblade
Benefit: When you attack adjacent enemies with the firearm portion of a gunblade while also wielding the melee portion of the weapon, you do not provoke opportunity attacks from your targets.

Offensive Blade Maneuver:
You control your enemy's movements with your blade, only to plant a bullet where he least expects it.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with a gunblade, Defensive Blade Maneuver
Benefit: When you attack an adjacent enemy with the firearm portion of your weapon, while also wielding the melee portion of the weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to damage for the attack as long as you have combat advantage against the target.
Last edited:

The Human Target

I would suggest building all these firearms by basing them on an existing weapon. For a pocket pistol, using hand crossbow as a template seems obvious.

Hand crossbow is +2, 1d6, 10/20, load free
dagger is +3, 1d4, 5/10, load minor (load free with quick draw)
Pocket pistol is +2, 1d4, 5/10, load minor

So editing your pistol to
+3, 1d4, 5/10, load minor
sets it on par with both the crossbow and the dagger

Now all you need is for Da Vinci to attach it to a mechanism on your wrist, and you're set.

I approve of you and all your works good sir.



I realy like this idea, and commend you all for trying to keep it simple. A couple 2cents for what it is worth.

I would take most of the feats mentioned for gunblades and make them magical properties. Maybe think of them as technology rather than magic, but this way they can scale with the pc's other gear. Nobody mentioned magic being added to the base weapon, or double weapon with gunblades. I would be interested to see what other forms of technology would rise similar to guns, like trains or flying ships, but that is another thread.

I would make them higher damage, but longer reload times. This may be more realistic, but less fun in the way that characters cannot use them more like crossbows and bows. I guess this being the case, I would leave them like you have them and embrace the goblin pirates and golem supercanon.


I would make them higher damage, but longer reload times.

This makes them good first round weapons - shoot once and then draw your blade. It also makes carrying several firearms a good tactic. Both these things happened historically and might make sense, but they might also unbalance your game. Done this way, firearms is the ranged weapon for characters who have Dex but don't use ranged weapons all the time - that is rogues. Rangers are better off with weapons with faster reload.

Voidrunner's Codex

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