• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Pinnacle of your Collection

Achan hiArusa

Just one?

My white box. It cost me $21 at a comic book store but it didn't have "Men & Magic" it had "Eldritch Wizardry" instead. I found a copy of "Men & Magic" on Ebay for $17, thus completing the set.

1st Edition Shadowrun hardback. Now if i could only get it signed by Elmore.

1st Edition "Teenagers from Outer Space". Signed by Mike Pondsmith

Deities and Demigods with all the mythos included.

A Runequest Boxed set and the Land of the Ninja supplement.

A 1st Edition Vampire the Masquerade in Mint Condition (along side my 1st Edition Werewolf and Mage neither of which are mint)

I also have every Basic Set (Holmes on up) except the Brown one which I gave away as a present and the Original Expert set, the full BECMI set, and the Cyclopedia. I could never get an EPT boxed set, but I got the Different Worlds Reprint as well as almost a full set of Swords and Glory and Gardasiyal books (missing one).

Oh, and I do have a set of Dragons from 47 on, but I've been trying to offload them because I have had to move too much and they are heavy.
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First Post
My 1e players hand book and unearthed arcana both signed by Gary Gygax.
2 issues of polyhedron that I wrote a side track adventure for Ravens Bluff in.
And so much more.

The Shaman

First Post
The Keith Bros. "lost supplements" for Traveller sits at the top of the heap, with The Lost Abbey of Calthonwey fantasy adventure and The Nocturnals sourcebook for Mutants and Masterminds supporting them on either side.


My most valuable and likely most treasured RPG items are the six original Castle Greyhawk level maps, drawn by Rob Kuntz:


The Keith Bros. "lost supplements" for Traveller sits at the top of the heap, with The Lost Abbey of Calthonwey fantasy adventure and The Nocturnals sourcebook for Mutants and Masterminds supporting them on either side.

I've been very curious about the Keith brothers' lost supplements for Traveller and their general catalog of materials ever since Tadashi Ehara introduced me to their work from Gamelords.

On and off, I've been talking to Bob Charrette about reprinting The Lost Abbey of Calthonwey....


Victoria Rules
Physical item: probably my 1e DM screen with Dave Arneson's signature across the front. Right behind that would be the large "Decast" banner currently hanging in my gaming area and hand-made by the players in my current campaign...or the oversized set of stuffed polyhedral dice hand-made by my now-wife long before such things were as commonly available as they have since become...or the still-growing collection of 0e and 1e modules I've managed to amass over time...or...

Intangible: the memories of laughter and good times the game has provided.

Lan-"thus far"-efan


It's a bit more recent than most of what is posted here but I have the full set of all Midnight d20 products, including the boxed set. One of the books is the only RPG book with my name in it (a special thanks for early editing and feedback but as close to a RPG publishing credit that I will ever receive).


Been here a while...
I'd have to say it's probably my 1e DMG that Gary Gygax signed for me at the last GenCon I was able to attend. Not in pristine condition, or even that rare, but its mine.

Prior to getting that, I'd say it was my copy of World of Synnibar and it's only known supplement. I was kind of proud to have a copy of perhaps the worst rpg to ever see print. I mailed both to Piratecat for $1 and a Gentleman's Agreement that he never send them back.

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