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Fullmetal Alchemist - Lure of the Flames (Recruiting)


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Yay, a completed character... more or less. A few quibbles and some answers, but otherwise good:

- The earth 'strength' thing doesn't fit in especially well with the setting. I'm a little out of it at the moment so I'm not entirely sure how to suggest you re-word it, I'll give it some thought.

- I assume the earth alchemy thing is in addition to your standard alchemy, Ie, 5 ranks of normal, plus three stacking ranks of earth specialization?

- I'm a little touchy on blasts in M&M (They tend to absolutely destroy mooks and wreck significant areas due to the scaling.) Give me a little to think on what, if anything I want to do to the areas.

- Luck I have no specific limits on. I'd prefer not to see entirely luck based characters, but that is more of a personal preference than any real banning. What you have is fine.

- Millitary ranks are as follows: Major/State Alchemist, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, at one point per rank. There are additional ranks both above and below, but the higher ranks are limited (For now) and the I assume anyone being sent on this mission is either a talented civilian or someone of a decent rank.

Other than that, I like'em.

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Was trying for a techie-type, but I wasn't sure what kind of Device stuff would be appropriate for the setting. I went with automail for now, though I know Shayuri had already expressed interest in that concept. If I could do something similar without automail (or if automail doesn't work the way I'm using it, which is entirely possible), I'd do that so that I'm not sniping an idea. Basically I wanted someone who'd built armor / gadgets that let him work faster and harder. That's probably more exoskeletal than automail (which appears to be surgically attached from what I can tell).

Jericho "Spider" Carrington

STR 16 (+3)/20(+5)
DEX 16 (+3)/20(+5)
CON 15 (+2)
INT 18 (+4)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

Movement: Burrowing: 88ft. Leaping: 1500 ft.

Combat :
Base Attack +9
Strike: +9, Toughness DC 26, Crit 19-20
Trip: +11, Range 10 ft
Unarmed: +9, Toughness DC 20

Defense 21 (+8 Base +3 dodge)
Toughness +10 (+3 con +8 Protection)
Fort +7 (5 base + 2 con), Reflex +10 (4 base + 5 dex), Will +5 (5 base)

Skills: (56 ranks) *=Skill Mastery
Knowledges: Life Sciences (+8/4); Technology (+8/4)*
Acrobatics (+10/5), Climb (+10/5), Craft (mechanical (automail?)) (+11/7), Disable Device (+15/11)*, Investigate (+8/4), Medicine (+8/8)*, Notice (+4/4), Sleight of Hand (+9/4)*

Feats(18): Ambidexterity, Attack Spec (Trip), Diehard, Dodge Focus 3, Eidetic Memory, Improved Block 1, Improved Disarm 1, Improved Grab, Improved Pin, Improved Trip, Improvised Tools, Instant Up, Inventor, Skill Mastery (Craft, Medicine, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand), Teamwork 1, Equipment 1, Improved Grapple (Free with Additional Limbs power)


Spider has replaced both of his legs with automail, and his innovations have allowed him to add an extra set of modified automail arms to his torso. Pretty much all of his powers are tied to these enhancements:

* Additional Limbs 2 (arms) (2PP)
* Four-armed tunneling (Burrowing 4) (4PP)
* Mechanical extension (Elongation 2, Limited to arms (no movement benefit)) (1PP)
* Enhanced Dexterity 4 (4PP)
* Enhanced Strength 4 (4PP)
* Leaping 3 (3PP)
* Advanced automail materials (Protection 8) (8PP)
* Extra Hands Get It Done Faster (Quickness 1) (1PP)
* Automail pounding (Strike 6, Mighty, Ext reach 2, Split Attack, Thrown 7) (17 PP)
* Monkey around (Super-Movement: Swinging)
* Claw your way up (Super-Movement: Wall-Crawling 2)
* Tethered hand launch (Trip 1, Knockback, Split Attack) (3PP)

Binoculars, Caltrops, Flash Goggles, Gas Mask, Night Vision Goggles

25 Abilities + 34 Combat + 14 Saves + 14 Skills + 18 Feats + 55 Powers +20 Unknown = 180


Yay, a completed character... more or less. A few quibbles and some answers, but otherwise good:

- The earth 'strength' thing doesn't fit in especially well with the setting. I'm a little out of it at the moment so I'm not entirely sure how to suggest you re-word it, I'll give it some thought.
Yeah I wasn't entirely certain of that bit either, but had trouble thinking of another way to do it. I somewhat envision it as him transforming the rock to form a thin casing around his torso/arms, making him harder to damage, and strenghtening his physical attacks, I'll try to find another way.

- I assume the earth alchemy thing is in addition to your standard alchemy, Ie, 5 ranks of normal, plus three stacking ranks of earth specialization?
Yes, hence the 100 pounds normal, 1000 pounds earth limits on transform.
- I'm a little touchy on blasts in M&M (They tend to absolutely destroy mooks and wreck significant areas due to the scaling.) Give me a little to think on what, if anything I want to do to the areas.
I assume you mean the area version? (Blast is just the generic ranged damage power). So the regular blast is fine?
- Luck I have no specific limits on. I'd prefer not to see entirely luck based characters, but that is more of a personal preference than any real banning. What you have is fine.

- Millitary ranks are as follows: Major/State Alchemist, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, at one point per rank. There are additional ranks both above and below, but the higher ranks are limited (For now) and the I assume anyone being sent on this mission is either a talented civilian or someone of a decent rank.

Other than that, I like'em.

Allright, looks like I'll be at 3X Benefit: Rank for Colonel. :)

Also, Jkason, I notice a problem with your characters speed : Your leaping is far too high. Leaping rank 3 gives 10X. Your normal would be 10' + str mod(5) + Acrobatics check(1d20+10). Assuming you take 10 on the acrobatics, your normal jump is 35'. X10 for leaping makes it 350 feet, not 1500.

Also burrow 4 gives 10mph. *Edit: Just realized that your math on burrow is assuming the GM uses Precise movement rather than the more common Approximate movement, guess we'll have to ask him which he uses.

Nali? Aproximate movement in M&M means 1mph =10 feet/round. Precise means 1mph = 8.8 feet/round.
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As for sniping concepts, it's cool. I have several ideas, so I am in no way calling dibs on an automail based concept.

I could still do a chimera...one of the secret humanoid ones they experimented with...

Or I have an idea for an alchemist now too.


I have no clue about the continuity of Fullmetal Alchemist, but I dig alchemy and M&M.

I'll do a little research and see if it would be something I would like. :)

Edit: I see there is some stuff streaming on Netflix. Any suggestions as to what I should watch to best grok the setting?


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Okay, just sort of on my way to bed, but I'm going to try and clear up the backlog that seems to have sprung up. =)

Jemal - One way of explaining an increase in your physical attack strength in a fluffy fashion would be using your transmutation in conjunction with a swing. You swing and alter the ground beneath them to drag them forward, or push yourself closer to up the power.

Or you bring up a slashing wave of earth while you swing. Empowering an attack in that fashion I'm fine with, my problem was mostly with physically increasing your strength... Hmm.

By blast I did mean area. Was thinking 'blast' style templates. Still thinking on it.

jkason - Just as a setting thing I'd like to keep fast movement speeds, and particularly jump in the low hundreds, especially if unassisted by alchemy (Automail is a close second.) That said, if Jemal's calculations are right, then 350ish should still be okay.

While I originally kinda disliked your character on first reading, Its growing on me =). You are right in that the automail is usually surgically attached, and it almost always replaces a limb. The four arm concept is unusual, but I can see the innovation there... you'll be the first guy to ever use an automail limb that is not a replacement.

If you want, the arms don't necessarily need to be surgically attached, they'd need a connection point (Think matrix-like metal joints built into the flesh) but could probably be disconnected if need be if you were thinking of using it as a device.

Hero4Hire - I'd go a few episodes into the series, say 3-5 to get a feeling from the start. Personally I'd watch it all, but that'd give you a reasonable feeling for where things stand. (Though the first episode of the newest series is kinda insane...)

I'll probably poke my head in to make some updates and corrections tomorrow. So far so good though =)


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Hero, just start watching the Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood episodes. They don't have them ALL, but they have more than enough to get into.


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Also, Jkason, I notice a problem with your characters speed : Your leaping is far too high. Leaping rank 3 gives 10X. Your normal would be 10' + str mod(5) + Acrobatics check(1d20+10). Assuming you take 10 on the acrobatics, your normal jump is 35'. X10 for leaping makes it 350 feet, not 1500.

jkason - Just as a setting thing I'd like to keep fast movement speeds, and particularly jump in the low hundreds, especially if unassisted by alchemy (Automail is a close second.) That said, if Jemal's calculations are right, then 350ish should still be okay.

I used hero lab to build him, which gave me some odd values. It listed running jump as 150, with leaping as 10x jumping. I think the standing jump was 35, which would better match Jemal's calculations. I'm good with it either way.

While I originally kinda disliked your character on first reading, Its growing on me =). You are right in that the automail is usually surgically attached, and it almost always replaces a limb. The four arm concept is unusual, but I can see the innovation there... you'll be the first guy to ever use an automail limb that is not a replacement.

If you want, the arms don't necessarily need to be surgically attached, they'd need a connection point (Think matrix-like metal joints built into the flesh) but could probably be disconnected if need be if you were thinking of using it as a device.

Well, I'm glad he's growing on you. :) I think he seems much more battle-y than I really intended him to be. The basic idea was a tinkerer who added limbs and legs for efficiency, because it was easier to just do everything himself than, you know, explain it to people. :) I think I may have gotten a bit spendy on the powers, really, since a lot of them I didn't need at very high levels so I had points to spare and started getting creative. ;)

On the latter element, an earlier draft actually had the 'anatomic separation' power so that he could detach two of the arms for doing things remotely, but (1) the mechanics of all that started confounding me (several powers depended on his having all four arms, but I couldn't justify making the whole lot Alternate Powers and couldn't figure out how to properly limit them) and (2) Reading up on automail, I read that it's powered by the person's own nervous system, so I wasn't sure how an independent arm would work in-setting. I went with a limited "elongation" instead. I'll mull over both the above, though, and see if I come up with a workable re-draft.


Okay after some research, the idea I am playing with is a mercenary hailing from Xing who is able to use the Dragon Pulse to manipulate his personal Chi.

Edit: After playing around with some builds. Nothing I was really happy with mechanically. Good luck with the game.
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Just to keep people informed, I'm a touch ill at the moment. I should be fine to update and comment tomorrow, but I feel incredibly bad right at this moment. =/

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