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The Kolloseaum: Team Go Hard or Go Home (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)


First Post
Sadly my powers are all strictly single-target. The only aoe I have is my alchemist's fire, so I'll probably wait a turn or two and see if some of the minions group up together for me to hit a bunch at once. For now I can just shoot one with my crossbow probably.
OOC: You're up, by the way, and though you can't AoE, you CAN buff. I for one would be very pleased with Magic Weapon's hit bonus. ;)

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First Post
Sha'kar keeps a wary eye on the group to the south as he moves over to stand next to Ignatz.
Get ready to go do your thing," he mutters to the half-orc as he prepares to fire his crossbow. He launches a bolt at the group moving in from the south, but it buries itself in the ground just short of it's target.
Sha'kar swears. Sorry Ignatz, looks like you're on your own for now.[sblock="actions"]Move: to K8
Standard: Magic Weapon vs. Goblin Assaulter 4: 1d20+7=10 Miss[/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Sha'kar Menoth Male Genasi Artificer
Initiative: +0, Passive perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Normal

AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 14
Resist 5 Psychic

HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 10/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused

Allarian, Tsugo

Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Quarterstaff 1d8
Ranged Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Repeating Crossbow 1d8

At-Will: Magic Weapon, Thundering Armor
Encounter: Burning Weapons, Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula, Void Assumption
Daily: Icebound Sigil
Item:Alchemist's Fire (1/1)

Quarterstaff - 1d8
Repeating Crossbow - 1d8
Current magazine: 9 bolts
Full Magazines Remaining: 14


Crossbow Caster - Use Crossbow as implement for implement attacks
Voidsoul - Resist 5 Psychic damage
Arcane Empowerment - Empower magic item once per day + once per milestone (Augment Energy or Impart Energy)
Augment Energy - A weapon gains a +2 bonus as a free action once. A weapon can't be infused twice (lasts until next extended rest or until used)
Impart Energy - Recharge a daily magic item. An item can't be recharged twice in a day.
Arcane Rejuvenation - When an ally uses a daily magic item they gain 4 temporary hit points.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Sha'kar, when the monsters' turn is over I think you should go before Dina and I go. I'm hoping that Dina's going to launch me at a Sorcerer using Provocative Order, and If you want you can get another chance to buff me before that happens. Icebound Sigil can't miss and is lasting, but you may want to save that for a later encounter.

Also, Corragan, if for some reason you end up in a position on hit a Sorcerer or the Warmonger with Thorn Spray, let me know and we'll wait after you as well. Does that sound alright, Dina?

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Match One: The Assault on Anakabar, Round 1

Though almost a third of their number fall before they are even able to act, the goblins rush in with cries of "Rikroc, Rikroc, Rikroc!"

One of the sorcerers aims a gnarled stick at Corragan and sends him reeling with a blinding flash, even as the other sorcerer summons a roiling, dark cloud that swirls amidst the party, hindering their attacks.

The goblins rush the walls from all sides, several gaining entry while others scrabble futilely against the walls, several landing blows and arrows that are relatively weak on their own, but threatening with the sheer numbers of goblins attacking. Two goblins fall screaming into the boiling waters as they try to run across the narrow stone wall leading to the Bluffhold and die horribly.

Then Warlord Rikroc blasts a horn, the sound echoing and reverberating in Commonside, suddenly causing Ignatz and Sha'kar to see a goblin where Dina stands and take swings at her. While the party members are attacking each other the goblins nearby attack as well, injuring Dina more.

Half the city is already threatening to fall if the goblins can keep their footholds in Northside, Commonside, Merchantside, and Outtown...

GM: @Faraque , running imposes -5 to attack rolls and makes you grant CA. Fortunately, 17 AC still hits.

Everyone please post your statblocks at the end of each post and track any resources you've used on them so I don't have to - it can take a couple hours to run each turn as it is.

Note: The goblin at K7 is outside the walls. It's not entirely clear on the map, so I'll just clear it up now.

PCs are up in any order!

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Goblin Sorcerer 1: Blinding Flash(Range 10): 14 Fort vs Corragan's 13 Fort(+2 Cover), hit, 11 damage and Corragan is blind until the end of the Goblin's next turn. Move to F16.
Goblin Sorcerer 2: Doom Cloud(Burst 3 in 10): All PCs take -2 to attack rolls while in the zone. Move to O11.

Goblin Assaulter 1: Move to G7. Climb wall: Athletics 20 vs DC 15, success. Move to I9.
Goblin Assaulter 3: Move to L5. Charge to K7, Battle Axe(+1 charge): CRIT vs Sha'kar, 5 damage and push 1.
Goblin Assaulter 4: Goblin Tactics(when missed by Sha'kar): Shift to S9. Run to N9, climb wall: Athletics 12 vs DC 15, fail. Climb wall: Athletics 11 vs DC 15, fail.
Goblin Assaulter 5: Run to F11, climb wall: Athletics 7 vs DC 15, fail. Climb wall: Athletics 10 vs DC 15, fail.
Goblin Assaulter 6: Run to G17. Move to J17. Acrobatics 5 vs DC 15, fail, fall into water, 5 fire damage, dead.
Goblin Assaulter 8: Move to J3. Charge to K3, Battle Axe(+2 CA, +1 charge): 16 AC vs Rilissa's 19 AC, miss.

Goblin Shield Bearer 3: Run to H15. Move to J17. Acrobatics 4 vs DC 15, fail, fall into water, 5 fire damage, dead.
Goblin Shield Bearer 4: Run to F13, climb wall: Athletics 20 vs DC 15, success. Short Sword(-5 run, +2 CA): 13 AC vs Corragan's 16 AC, miss. Corragan is marked until the end of the goblin's next turn.
Goblin Shield Bearer 5: Run to N8. Climb wall: Athletics 20 vs DC 15, success. Move to L11.
Goblin Shield Bearer 6: Move to O10. Total Defense: +2 defenses until the start of the goblin's next turn.
Goblin Shield Bearer 8: Short Sword(+2 CA): CRIT vs Rilissa, 4 damage. Rilissa is marked until the end of the goblin's next turn. Shift to N2.

Goblin Sniper 2: Shortbow(+2 CA): 23 AC vs Corragan's AC 18(+2 cover), hit, 5 damage. Move to G18.
Goblin Sniper 3: Shortbow(+2 CA): 24 AC vs Rilissa's 19 AC, hit, 5 damage. Move to O9.

Goblin Warmonger Rikroc: Move to C3. Battle Cry(Burst 1 in 10): 16 Will vs Ignatz' 11 Will, hit, 13 Will vs Dina's 15 Will, miss, 21 Will vs Sha'kar's 14 Will, hit. Ignatz and Sha'kar make Basic Attacks of Rikroc's choice. Ignatz MBA(-2 Doom Cloud): 1d20+4=9 AC vs Dina's 17 AC, miss. Sha'kar's MBA(-2 Doom Cloud): 1d20+0=19 AC vs Dina's 17 AC, hit, 1d8=4 damage. Goblins in the aura granted MBAs: Assaulter 1's Battle Axe(+2 CA): 21 AC vs Dina's 17 AC, hit, 5 damage. Assaulter 3's Battle Axe(2 CA): 21 AC vs Dina's 19 AC(+2 cover), hit, 5 damage and push 1. Rikroc falls prone.

Reinforcement Roll: 13 vs DC 20, fail. Reinforcement now DC 19.

Corragan: H12, 12/28hp, blinded, marked(Shield Bearer 4), -2 attacks
Sha'kar: K9, 25/30hp, -2 attacks
Rilissa: L2, 18/27hp, grants CA, marked(Shield Bearer 8)
Ignatz: J7, -2 attacks
Dina: J9, 10/24hp, -2 attacks

All enemies have Goblin Tactics(Immediate Reaction, when missed by an attack): the Goblin shifts 1 square.

Goblin Warmonger Rikroc: C3, 37/46hp, concealment, prone
Goblin Warmonger: 46 HP, AC 18, Fort 16, Ref 17, Will 16. MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage.

Goblin Sorcerer 1: F16
Goblin Sorcerer 2: O11, +1 AC/Ref
Goblin Sorcerer: 46 HP, AC 17, Fort 14, Ref 15, Will 16. MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d6+7 damage and slide 1.

Goblin Sniper 2: G18
Goblin Sniper 3: O9, +1 AC/Ref
Goblin Sniper: Minion, AC 13, Fort 12, Ref 14, Will 12. MBA: +6 vs AC, 4 damage.
Goblin Snipers Killed: 2

Goblin Assaulter 1: I9
Goblin Assaulter 3: K7
Goblin Assaulter 4: N10, grants CA, +1 AC/Ref
Goblin Assaulter 5: F11, grants CA
Goblin Assaulter 8: K3, Aegis(Rilissa)
Goblin Assaulter: Minion, AC 12, Fort 13, Ref 13, Will 12. MBA: +6 vs AC, 5 damage and push 1.
Goblin Assaulters Killed: 3

Goblin Shield Bearer 4: G12, grants CA
Goblin Shield Bearer 5: L11, grants CA
Goblin Shield Bearer 6: O10, +2 defenses
Goblin Shield Bearer 8: N2
Goblin Shield Bearer: Minion, AC 16, Fort 13, Ref 13, Will 12. MBA: +8 vs AC, 4 damage. Effect: The target is marked by the Shield Bearer. Shield Bearer Aura: All allies gain +1 AC/Ref per shield bearer adjacent to them.
Goblin Shield Bearers Killed: 4

Effect Key: location, hp/max hp, damage related, TenT or TsnT, conditional, save ends, encounter[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]Walls: Crossing the walls takes an extra square of movement if you are crossing between walls within the city or crossing walls to leave the city. Crossing walls to enter the city takes a DC15 Athletics (Climb) check.

Cover: The walls grant cover against attacks made from outside the city to the inside.

Water: The water is boiling for extra drama. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the water takes 5 fire damage. The Athletics DC to swim in it is DC 10.

Walls in Water: Creatures can cross the wall segments in the water leading to the Bluffhold by making a DC15 Acrobatics check. Failure means the move action ends and the creature falls into and adjacent water square. Crossing the gap at L16 requires a DC 10 Athletics (Jump) check.

Difficult Terrain: City, forest, and river squares are difficult terrain. For any square, its terrain type is whatever the majority of the square contains. When in doubt, ask for clarification.

Obscurement: Forest squares are light obscurement (grant concealment, 5 squares of them provide total concealment).[/sblock]

[sblock=Special Rules][sblock=Appease the Crowd]
*As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +2 to their next d20 roll if they beat the DC, plus +2 per 5 by which they beat the DC. If the check is failed, the PC takes a -2 penalty to their next d20 roll, -2 more per 5 by which they miss the DC.

I.E, if the DC is 15, 1-5 would be -6, 6-10 would be -4, 11-14 would be -2, 15-19 would be +2, etc.

*All skill DCs will start at 15 and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs go up at the end of the round in which they are used. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds.

*Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.

Current Skill DCs:
Perception: 17
Others: 15[/sblock]

[sblock=The Siege]Overrun: If any enemy starts their turn within a district (any of the eight labelled areas with cities) that district is "overrun" for the remainder of the match.

Loss Condition: If six of the eight districts are "overrun", the group loses and everyone dies (To the Death).

Reinforcements: At the end of each of the monster's turns there is a chance reinforcements will arrive. I'll roll a d20 each round vs DC 20. If the roll succeeds, reinforcements have arrived and all PCs gain an AP that must be spent during the next round or it is lost. The reinforcement DC goes down 1 after the roll each round.[/sblock][/sblock]


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First Post
Sha'kar cringes as he realized he just attacked one of his allies.
"Sorry Dina, I don't know what came over me!"
He moves back between his two allies and infuses Dina with a burst of healing energy, then turns back and shoots at the shieldbearer that made his way into the city, but the bolt goes wide again.
"Someone take care of that shieldbearer before he manages to capture that sector![sblock="Actions"]Move: Shift to J8
Minor: Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture on Dina, she regains HP equal to her surge value + 2
Standard: Magic Weapon vs. Shieldbearer 5 - 1d20+7=11 Miss again - invisible castle doesn't like me :([/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Sha'kar Menoth Male Genasi Artificer
Initiative: +0, Passive perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Normal

AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 14
Resist 5 Psychic

HP: 25/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 10/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused

Allarian, Tsugo

Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Quarterstaff 1d8
Ranged Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Repeating Crossbow 1d8

At-Will: Magic Weapon, Thundering Armor
Encounter: Burning Weapons, Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula, Void Assumption
Daily: Icebound Sigil
Item:Alchemist's Fire (1/1)

Quarterstaff - 1d8
Repeating Crossbow - 1d8
Current magazine: 8 bolts
Full Magazines Remaining: 14


Crossbow Caster - Use Crossbow as implement for implement attacks
Voidsoul - Resist 5 Psychic damage
Arcane Empowerment - Empower magic item once per day + once per milestone (Augment Energy or Impart Energy)
Augment Energy - A weapon gains a +2 bonus as a free action once. A weapon can't be infused twice (lasts until next extended rest or until used)
Impart Energy - Recharge a daily magic item. An item can't be recharged twice in a day.
Arcane Rejuvenation - When an ally uses a daily magic item they gain 4 temporary hit points.[/sblock]


First Post
"You are not the real threat now," says Rilissa, as she moves to intercept the group at the southern wall. Seeing part of the model city in her way, she attempts to somersault over the model and land in the clearing right past it. Conjuring flame from the air, she whips up a whirlwind of flame and heat, incinerating the four goblins facing the south wall.

Start of Turn - No longer granting Combat Advantage, no longer suffering -5 to hit.

Move - Moving to O8, provoking AO from K3. Making an athletics check to jump over one square of difficult terrain at O7.

Minor - Appease the Crowd - Athletics check, impressing the crowd with the jump over the model city.

Standard - Flame Cyclone, encounter power, close blast 3, center on O10. (Potentially has a bonus from Appease the Crowd)

[sblock="Stat Block"]
Rilissa Shandalar - Female Shadar-kai Assault Swordmage 1
Initiative: +1 Passive Perception: 9 Passive Insight: 9
AC: 19 Fort: 14 Ref: 14 Will: 14
HP: 27 Bloodied: 13 Surge Value: 6 Surges left: 9/9
Speed: 6 Languages: Allarian, Imperia
AP: 1 Second Wind: Unused

Powers: (Underlined is used)
Aegis of Assault, Lightning Lure, Greenflame Blade
Shadow Jaunt, Flame Cyclone
Frost Backlash


OOC: Edit: Flame Cyclone is an Int vs. Reflex, Encounter, close burst 3, 1d8+Int+Str fire damage attack. Also adding roll for OA provoked.
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Standard - Flame Cyclone, encounter power, close blast 3, center on O10. (Potentially has a bonus from Appease the Crowd)

GM: Appease the Crowd's bonus applies to the first D20 roll you make, so that would be your N9 Flame Cyclone attack. You beat the DC by less than 5, so that means a +2 bonus(as per the example in the Appease the Crowd rules).

Please roll the monster's OAs against you (you have their MBAs) to save me some time, as well as telling me what defense (AC/Fort/Ref/Will) your powers target and exactly what their effect is. It may not seem like it takes much time for me to find and look up the power on your sheet, but it all adds up. Thanks in advance.

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: WEContact what do you think about this?

Dina will move adjacent to Ignatz and Sha'kar.
Dina will heal Corragan.
Dina uses magic weapon to try to kill a nearby minion.
Dina will us an AP to launch you at the shieldbearer next to Corragan.
If you kill the shieldbearer, you can then swift charge the Sorcerer northeast of the city using furious assault to increase your damage if you hit.

I could send you directly to the sorcerer to the south, but I figured Rilissa is right there and with all the city being difficult terrain, I can't get you to the northeast sorcerer on a single charge.

Edit: I could also wait to see if Corragan can take care of the shieldbearer (he could catch him and the sorcerer in a thorn spray), then send you towards the other minion adjacent to the shieldbearer if he kills it. You'd still then be able to charge the sorcerer with Swift Charge.
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