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Insight's Secret Wars OOC Thread


This is the OOC thread for my forthcoming Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition SECRET WARS game. This thread will initially be used for character creation and, once the game starts, will be reserved for "out-of-character" discussions.

The RG Thread is now available.
The IC Thread is also available.

This game is based on Marvel Comics' SECRET WARS limited series, published 1984-85. If you're not familiar with the series, I recommend you find some way to read it. Here are some links that may help you: Secret Wars - marvel.com and Secret Wars - Wikipedia. Though the game is based on the Secret Wars limited series, this game is not set in the Marvel universe/setting and does not use those characters; think of the foregoing as flavor and structure more than story. More about the setting and characters below.

The characters, both PCs and NPCs, are whisked off to a distant world/dimension and are separated into two camps, one consisting of "good" and "neutral" characters, and one consisting of "evil" characters. The rest of the circumstances and rules of this concept will be made clear during play. For now, keep the general idea in mind.

This is a "four-color" setting. This means bigger-than-life heroes and villains. Your characters are some of the toughest, smartest, and most powerful beings in the known universe. In a "four-color" setting, the gritty and realistic is "filed off" and replaced with action and high adventure. Characters tend to have purer motivations and allegiances (though not EVERYTHING is black and white). Heroes are heroes and villains are villains. The "antihero" concept is not really in vogue.

In this setting, supers are a known commodity in society. They've been around in pop culture since about World War II and some of the longer-lived supers have histories going back even further. Very few supers are "out"; most of them have secret identities to protect their privacy and loved ones. Other than the introduction of super powers, aliens, magic, and ultra technology into the universe, the rest is as our own world. Certain things have changed with the introduction of these concepts, but it isn't something you really need to consider. Superheroes and supervillains exist and your character is one of the good guys.

This game uses the Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition rules. In order to make characters and play in this game, you must have access to a copy of these rules.

The player characters are members of a super-team called FOREVER FREEDOM. Each of you are "legacy" heroes; a parent or relative has somehow "handed down" their powers or equipment to you in order to continue their legacy of fighting supervillains and other crime. Beyond that guideline, you are free to create what you wish, as long as it generally fits into the "classic" four-color theme. If you're not sure if your idea is classic, it probably isn't. I'll help people craft their characters to fit into the game concept.

Characters are PL10 heroes, built using 150pp. The standard character creation rules apply, though some advantages and powers may not be legal because of the game concept. We'll go over those on a case-by-case basis. The characters have worked together for a while and should be created with that in mind.

Here is a list of the major heroes in the setting. Your characters have some knowledge of all of these NPCs and could have a history with one or more of them.

The Atomic League is a group of scientists who were transformed by their nuclear experiments into super-powered beings. Though they are ostensibly "good", the law and the public do not trust them.
  • Core: Acts as a "battery" for radiation-based powers
  • Halflife: Projects radiation
  • Lady Nuke: Has radiation-based melee attacks and effects
  • Meltdown: Superheats materials

The Crusaders are a quasi-governmental entity first established to keep various super-powered beings from becoming national security threats. Though the Crusaders are associated with the US Government and other world governments, they act independently (for the most part).
  • Between: Teleporter
  • Captain Epsilon: Super strong with some magical equipment
  • Glitter Girl: Uses magic dust and beams to blind and damage
  • Metabo-Lad: Has superhuman speed and metabolism
  • Prodigy: Telekinetic and telepathic powers
  • Steelclad: Armored suit
  • Super-Fly: Shrinks and becomes strong and quick

  • Avatu: Alien from another dimension with super advanced technology
  • The Duelist: Immortal swordsman
  • Omen: Uses precognition and other psionic abilities in melee combat
  • Velocity: Speedster

And the major villains of the setting are:

This pair of thuggish supervillains are pretty powerful together, less effective apart.
  • Assault: Charges up improvised weapons
  • Battery: Strong and tough, a tank

The Maidens of Mayhem are an all-female group of supervillains.
  • Amp: Lightning powers
  • Entropy: Destroys objects and weakens her foes
  • Epicenter: Causes earthquakes
  • Jade: A ninja, with all that entails
  • Scream: Uses sonic powers

Turmoil is the major supervillain group of the setting. They are most often set against the Crusaders.
  • The Claw: Uses a powerful ultra-technology claw
  • Dr. Hand: Telekinetic powers
  • The Golem: Magical construct, a tank
  • Lilith: A demoness with mind control powers
  • Midnight Shadow: Uses various darkness based effects
  • Mountain: A tank that grows to epic size
  • Obsidian: Uses strange black energy to various effects
  • Red-Eye: A sniper of superhuman ability

  • The Mask: Uses gadgetry and super skills (think evil Batman)
  • Nemesis: Steals powers
  • The Oracle: Superior magical abilities
  • Queen Cyborg: A giant cybermechanical villain
  • Tick-Tock: Time-based powers

My goal is to update this game three times a week. It will be updated more often during story/dialogue time than during combat. I would like players to commit to posting about that often. Generally, I will post an "update" that will include multiple player posts and a brief rundown on what is happening. If you've played in my games before, you will recognize this. I do this to make sure everyone is on the same page. We'll discuss posting in combat at a later time.

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When building your characters, please observe the following trade-offs:

1. Skills. Your character's total modifier with a skill cannot exceed +20.

2. Attack and Effect. Your combined attack bonus and effect bonus/rank cannot exceed 20.

3. Dodge & Toughness. Your combined Dodge and Toughness cannot exceed 20.

4. Parry & Toughness. Your combined Parry and Toughness cannot exceed 20.

5. Fort & Will. Your combined Fort and Will cannot exceed 20.

Walking Dad

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Reporting in.
I would to play someone like Xeno / Martian Manhuner / the 2e Martian archetype.

Not the last of his kind and descended of the 'Golden Age' member of his race who had first contact with Earth.


First Post
Looks like I missed the interest check thread, and looks like there's a pretty sizable amount of interest. If there's an opening, though, I'd be interested. The idea of legacy heroes if a fun one, as the 'new generation' tries to eke out it's own niche in the shadow of a predecessor.


First Post
So there is already an actual Union Jack in the marvel mythos (And there are 3 prior XD), I did not know this at the time of writing. Now to think up a better concept/name!

So in writing up an alternate I realised this will be the more fun character to roleplay and less of a rip off than my other idea(<- this is what is known in the writing world as 'irony'). SO BEHOLD! Union Jack! who is the 4th in line of succession of Union Jacks. He is effectively a mass produced (and British) version of Captain America. He is strong, smart and is a expertly trained black ops soldier. However unlike the previous 3 Union Jack's who fought bravely with honor and distinction for Queen and Country and were paragon of the English Knighthood whom they were members of. Eric is a Manchester native and before his time in the service of the queens army he'd been arrested several times in connection with pub brawl and football riots. While undoubtedly a valuable asset on the battlefield, his social manners are less than what one would expect of a knight of the realm. Basically, soccer hooligan given enhanced strength and senses and the best of the best training with weapons, hand to hand fighting and military tactics.

Hes not really an anti-hero, hes just kind of a prick ;p
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First Post
I'm thinking either:

A 'temporal speedster,' who doesn't really go fast...but rather makes everyone ELSE go slow. Pretty standard speedster, except powers are based on time control, not heightened metabolism or Speed Force or whatnot.

A plant controller, who's powers are based on whatever plants are around, but also carries seeds that she can cause to grow to make specific plants wit specific effects. Lots of afflictions and area effects.


First Post
Reporting in. :)

Ok, the concept I was having in mind worked (I think) up until the "handed down" part. :p

But I guess it would still work, just that the "spark" would have happened to a parent.

Anyways... here is what I am thinking so far for a character concept:

Blitz has inherited her powers from her mother, who was (when she was young) struck by a powerful lightning bolt during a raging storm. Instead of burning her, however, she somehow transformed into lightning herself, or rather she became able to turn herself into lightning.

I basically thought about a bit of a mix between Speedster and Energy Controller here.

Her Powers would include Super Speed (turn into lightning and zip away; no Quickness though, as that doesn't make sense), Teleportation (within line of sight only, but with the ability to zap through an opponent and damaging him or her that way; which would be her standard way of attacking -- and I'm quite sure I have read exactly that somewhere as an option... just don't remember whether it was M&M2 or HERO, but I suppose it should be somehow doable with Linked or such ;)), Insubstantial: Energy (maybe bought up to Reaction, if I can afford it, and it is ok in general), maybe Fly (while Insubstantial), and Regeneration (only when within reach of a source of electricity; a generator, high-voltage, lightning storm, stuff like that).

She would be very agile, but not very strong (i.e. a lot more Dodge/Parry than Toughness, and a bit more Will than Fort).

She would look like a cute, blonde girl with blue jeans, chucks, and a purple t-shirt with a white or yellow stylized lightning bolt on it.

What do you think? Does that fit your idea of 4-color?

And one question:

"whisked off to a distant world/dimension"

That means, we were born on, say, Earth, where the parents (still) are, too, but before the campaign begins, we (but not our parents or other people we know; other than the other PCs, that is) were somehow brought to a distant world (which is similar to our Earth, but not the same).

Is that about right?

And when did it happen (i.e. how long before the campaign starting time)?

And another question... those Tradeoffs are standard M&M3 (or did you change them somehow, which I didn't really notice yet :))?


P.S. I'm not familiar with Secret Wars, but there should be enough information about to change that soon.


Awesome! I loved the secret wars.. actually i generally loved a lot about comics from that period. Heading out to Thanksgiving dinner (Canadian), will post char. concept after.


After reading, I think I'm going to give this one a pass. 2ed was a nightmare, and I don't see 3e being any better. Thanks anyhoo, and happy gaming!

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