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D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver


Queen of Everything
Selari moans from the floor, having quite a bit of a headache. "Thanks Phrophet." Then her eyes narrow at her attacker. "Bastard." She rolls a time or two to get a clearer shot at the bugbear who downed her.

OOC: Please forgive me, Fenris is at school today. 1) Can I shoot my bow from the ground? If not, can I get up then shoot? 2) I just add my proficiency bonus to the d20 roll? 3) Any allies within 5 feet - I am assuming that means of my target, not of me? 4) Apologies for all the dumb questions. I haven't played enough 5e yet to know this stuff :)

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OOC: Please forgive me, Fenris is at school today. 1) Can I shoot my bow from the ground? If not, can I get up then shoot? 2) I just add my proficiency bonus to the d20 roll? 3) Any allies within 5 feet - I am assuming that means of my target, not of me? 4) Apologies for all the dumb questions. I haven't played enough 5e yet to know this stuff :)
OOC: 1) Attacks from Prone have disadvantage. 2) Attacking= roll d20 + Dex mod for Bow(since ranged) + Proficiency assuming you are proficient. 3) I'm not sure what this question is in reference to? 4) Don't worry about it. 5) Bonus info: Standing up from prone uses half of your movement for the round.


Queen of Everything
OOC: Thank you [MENTION=211]Phoenix8008[/MENTION]! The 5ft question is in regards to sneak attack Selari is a rogue And I think the new rules say to qualify you need allies within 5' but I just wasn't sure if that meant of the target or not. I assuming it means the target. Can you even sneak attack with a bow anyway? Eekk! Lol with the movement, can you now move, attack, then move the rest of your movement?
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First Post
OOC: To sneak attack, you have to have two options: 1) With a Ranged or Finesse weapon you can Sneak Attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. or 2) If you have an enemy of the target within 5' of the target you are attacking, then you don't need advantage on the roll in order to use Sneak Attack once per turn (Your ally distracts them enough for you to get a good shot in). And yes, anyone can move, then attack, then move every turn now. No feat needed. Just be aware you will draw an Opportunity Attack if you move out of a creature's threatened range.


Queen of Everything
OOC: Got it, I think. Thank you again!!! I'm not sure if Phrophet is within 5 feet or not, I'll let Kira figure that out ;)

In one fluid motion, Selari gracefully rises from her prone position making sure to have a direct line to the bugbear, draws her shortbow, aims and fires at her attacker.

"Thanks for the nap, jerk*." *You should go ahead and insert a much nastier word here. Selari is no delicate flower ;)

Shortbow Attack (1d20+2=10)

Apparently almost dying affected the elf more than she would like to admit. Her shot goes wide, whizzing off into the distance. Selari lets out a stream of expletives that would quite injure delicate ears.

Lord Sessadore

Aenwyr hisses an elven curse word when he sees his spell did not hold most of their adversaries. However, in these close quarters, more spells would not be his most reliable means. Relieved at seeing Prophet has taken care of Selari, Aenwyr draws, feints, and strikes with his scimitar in a series of fluid motions in the hopes of both wounding the brute and distracting him from Selari.
[sblock=OOC]Aenwyr moves up to Klarg if he wasn't already, and draws his scimitar.

Scimitar vs Klarg: 1d20+4=21, 1d6+2=6 damage.

Edit: Also, [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION], you should have rolled +5 on your attack there (+2 proficiency, +3 Dex), which means you would hit AC 13. Still probably not quite enough, but it could conceivably hit...[/sblock]
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Selari manages to get to her feet but her shot goes wide. Aenwyr has better luck, drawing a thin line of blood on Klarg's arm.

The pitiful still-entangled goblin again attempts to extricate himself.

Escape entangle (1d20-1=19)

And finally succeeds. Letting out a small squeal of triumph, the creature then rushes to its master's side.

Klarg, meanwhile, roars in anger and lashes out at the one who just injured him, Aenwyr.

Klarg attack and damage vs Aenwyr (1d20+4=23, 2d8+2=9)

Aenwyr's ribs crunch underneath the bugbear's morningstar, one possibly puncturing his lung, though the resilient elf is still standing...barely.

OOC: Aenwyr has taken 9 damage and has 1 hp left.

Mina is up!


First Post
Once again Mina danced up the stairs just far enough to see what Klarg was up to. Her voice rang out through the room- the harsh goblin tongue sounded quite odd in her sweet singer's voice. Then just as gracefully, she backed away again, out of easy melee reach.

[sblock= OOC] Move up into range; cast Vicious Mockery at Klarg; move back. Klarg must make a DC 13 WIS save or take 1d4 psychic and have Disadvantage on his next attack roll. [/sblock]

[sblock= Goblin speech] "Oooh, what a Mighty Warlord... Even the elves are just to tough for you! [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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