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D&D 5E [5E][OOC] Across the Faerun-iverse

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
I appreciate the efforts not to get hosed.

I saw the scimitar (which I think isn't normally a reach weapon?) but I've no problems with it being reach.

My understanding is that opp attacks only happen when a creature moves out of reach, not goes in. So If Endurance enters reach (at the NW square to the goblin, and then continues N, NE, he never leaves a range within 5' of the goblin (and certainly doesn't leave a range of 10').

If I shove the goblin out of my reach, though, he potentially triggers an opportunity attack, but it may be easier just to say no (I don't low what the general understanding is here).

So I did try to keep opportunity attacks in mind as I moved: if I've got it wrong, I deserve the opportunity attack!

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Forged Fury

First Post
Scimitars aren't reach weapons.
ETA: Although if we're making them reach weapons, let me know because Ana has two of them she uses for two-weapon fighting in melee. (Scratch that, I picked up shortswords. I think I have an aversion to playing an elf ranger with dual scimitars for some reason...)

To answer KS's question about OAs, if a creature moves without expending its own movement, it doesn't suffer OAs. Additionally, the reach of a weapon in 5e is from 0 to whatever its reach dictates. So getting closer to an opponent never generates an OA, barring specific feats.
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First Post
The thing with the scimitar is that, in the entry for the Goblin in LMoP, it is stated:

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Now, I know that the PHB only states Finesse and Light, with no reach in there. So I'm going entirely off of what's in the LMoP description for the enemy/weapon. I'm not above making mistakes, so if I'm wrong here please someone let me know. But what I see is that the weapon, at least in the hands of the Goblin in this situation, is reach. Right?

And KS, the reason I asked for your explicit movement was to make sure that you weren't moving both in and out. Because if you move out of reach by maneuvering your way to whatever position you want to be in, you'd open yourself up to an AoO (assuming we figure out what the entry in LMoP is about). You can move into reach, and move about within reach; I just want to make sure that you aren't at some point moving OUT of reach, yes?

EDIT: And as I post this, I decide to look at other entries in LMoP. And the Ghoul, on the same page, states the same thing about 5 ft. reach. It doesn't use a weapon, so I'm assuming that the entry is merely stating that the attack can only reach the adjacent 5 ft. square. Yes? Did I just read that wrong the first time with the Goblin?

And sorry about this: I can tell a story, and I'm great with earlier editions and their rules. But 5E stumps me at times, and I am truly sorry as I don't want to have the story become a mechanical nightmare.

Forged Fury

First Post
Maybe check the other entries for enemies and see what they're showing for reach? Somebody has to be wielding an actual reach weapon in there. If not, maybe someone has a weapon that is obviously not a reach weapon (like a dagger) that would answer the question?

I think the entry is just saying that, with the weapon, the goblin has a reach of 5'.

ETA: Great minds, etc. I think you're doing a fine job, I wouldn't worry about it.


Yes, your second reading is correct. The statblock should be read as "Reach = 5 ft" that is to say, the creature has a reach of 5ft, not the reach property.

5e, unlike 3rd most notably, uses independent rule sets for monsters and characters. So characters' weapons can have the 'reach' property, giving them a reach (stat) 10ft, but monsters can have variable reach stats (like up to 15ft or so I think) so they have an entry for it.

If I shove the goblin out of my reach, though, he potentially triggers an opportunity attack, but it may be easier just to say no (I don't low what the general understanding is here).
For the record, forced movement does not provoke.

PHB Pg. 195 said:
You also don’t provoke an opportunity attack when you teleport or when someone or something moves you without using your movement, action, or reaction. For example, you don’t provoke an opportunity attack if an explosion hurls you out of a foe’s reach or if gravity causes you to fall past an enemy.
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First Post
Then we are all good here. I wish the entry didn't exist as the wording could be misconstrued by some (myself, most notably) as the enemy/weapon having reach. I'll just have to keep that in mind for future reference.

In other words...


Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Thanks all for the clarification about provoking Opportunity attacks. I think we are all on the same page now. Good discussion!


First Post
My hope is that this discussion not only helps all of us in this game, but that we can take this knowledge and help make all the other games out here better too!

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