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I have added a Dracolich (ancient red dragon) to the undead category. Quick comment about the dracolicch: I don't think a dragon gets stronger (or stays the same) when it becomes undead. I believe making a dragon undead makes it weaker, at least initially. Thus, my version of an ancient red dracolich is 2 CR lower than a typical ancient red. However, this doesn't mean that a dracolich can't become more powerful than a living dragon, it just takes lots of time and work/effort.

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Yes, that's great. I agree it makes sense - an animated bag of bones should be weaker than some tens of tons of solid living muscle.


Finally, concluding my foray into evil dragon types - I have posted Dragotha to the Undead section. The previously posted dracolich was an example of what happens shortly after (first few centuries) the transformation into a dracolich. Dragotha on the other hand is a dracolich at the height of its powers.


Have you thought about publishing your work on DM's Guild?

Yes I have. That has been part of the reason for the slower updates. I do plan on putting some of this on the DMs Guild, but I am working on other (somewhat related) submissions at the moment. To be clear, I still plan to upload the stat blocks here first, and then possibly stat blocks with art and fluff text to the DMs Guild. I would probably upload a category at time, something like: "Immortals Guide: Threats and Allies - Demon Princes vol. 1" I'm not looking to make money, just pay for the art really.

That being said, don't look for anything truly epic related anytime soon, I am a very slow writer and art takes time and cost a lot of money. I'm going to release some related titles on the DMs Guild and see if I can make enough money to pay for art for the Epics and go from there.
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This is excellent, do you mind if I take these and put them into a compendium for use?

As long as it is for your own use /your groups use I don't mind. I plan to do the same and offer it as downloadable PDF when I complete the project. Hopefully by the end of this year.

However, if you prefer I could include a download option in the OP now that would have all the stat blocks compiled into one PDF. It would just mean updating every time I add a monster, something I had hoped to avoid.

Also, please don't publish these and if you put the compendium up somewhere, please provide credit and a link to this tread. Otherwise - go for it!

Voidrunner's Codex

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