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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Vega says, "Aren't undead vulnerable to silver? Or to other exotic metals? Perhaps we should talk to a weaponsmith? Or perhaps to a priest?"

Vega shivers visibly at the thought of undead, but tries not to let it show.

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Sylvar B.

Sylvar is getting bored, what started out as a grand adventure to take on a Drow Queen, some undead and a talking Spider has turned into something entirely too formal. He heads to the town square to sharpen his Barding skills, entertain some townsfolk possibly make some coin in the process. He announces his plans to the group. Surely there is a place in town where a Bard can twist a tale, play a tune and make a little coin. I think i'll head to the town square. You may join me if you wish, otherwise I will return, and join Respen at Laramon's.

Sylvar leaves the Inn and heads toward the town square. He finds some boxes to stand on and begins to weave his tale.
Sylvar retrieves his lute and plays a series of minor chords. He peers into the eyes of those gathered with a menacing stare. He begins to play the Low E string on his lute in a pattern reminiscent of a galloping horse. Didean the Druid crashes through the underbrush of a dense forest riding Glutino his might one horned bull. His spear held over his arm, his quarry darting left and right. An evil forest nymph, bent on the destruction of farms and saintly farmers. He bears down on his foe, the tip of his spear tickling its neck. Glutino’s hot on its back. Suddenly Didean is knocked from his saddle, he lies on the forest floor for a moment, his wind knocked from his lungs. He sees nothing but stars. The spear barely out of reach and the forest nymph laughing in a tree as Glutino attempts to push the tree over. Sylvar strums some minor chords, as he spins on his heels. When he turns back to face the audience, his face has changed expression. “Well hello Didean, I see you’ve been chasing one of my minions. I don’t appreciate that sort of behavior” Sylvars facial expression changes again. This time his voice sounds heroic, his expression un concerned and defiant. “Didean has recovered his breath, he stands with spear at the ready. He speaks at the wind, at invisible figure addressing him.” “Show yourself forest demon, your days of terrorizing the local folk are over, what is your name?? You hide like a coward!! Sylvar’s voice changes back and forth according to the individual speaking. The forest demon laughs, a low and dark show of mirth. Sylvar shimmies a hard bristled brush on the strings of his lute. Creating a dischord of sounds, high and low pitches. The demon laughing You dare challenge me Didean?? I will crush you like the bug you are, my minions will feast on your corpse, you skull will adorn my halls” Didean is struck by an invisible force, his left arm dangles useless at his side. His shoulder removed from its socket. Didean hears a rustle of the wind, branches stir behind him. He is struck again this time its is right leg, his knee buckles beneath him. Didean stands up and leans against his spear. He yells at the demon defiantly. “You strike at me from shadows!! Face me demon!!” Once again he hears rustling. This time he lashes out with his spear, a strong strike that causes him to fall on his injured leg. As he strikes he hears a hiss, and his spear returns with purple blood on it. “ So demon!! You are not immune to injury!! Didean laughs maniacally, the laugh of a man who knows his death is near. The Demon growls in anger, and lashes out at Didean, still invisible. As this happens a strange glow envelopes Didean, the demons claws strike nothing but air. The invisible demon freezes, his minion ceases its laughter, Glutino turns and stares at Didean. Didean rises into the air, his shoulder and knee miraculously heal. The forest Demon appears before him, frozen in fear with a bloody gash nearly spilling his guts on the forest floor. As the glow surrounding Didean subsides, and he falls slowly to the forest floor, unconscious, a brown haired woman appears from behind a tree. The demon lashes out at the woman, his attack interrupted by thorned vines. The vines bind the demon, thorns cutting into his flesh. The brown haired woman stares at the demon with an eternal hatred. Fear is evident on the demons face, “wh wh who are you?” asks the demon. “I AM EHLONNA!!, GODESS AND PROTECTOR OF THIS FOREST, AND YOUR DAYS OF TERRORIZING MY GREEN HEAVEN ARE THROUGH.” The demon begins to protest, but he is stopped by an intense pain. Sylvar produces cloth resembling a branch, it appears to be sprouting from his chest The Demons chest explodes as a tree branch rises out of it. Roots grow from his feet, his eyes turn to apples. The demon’s minion tries to get away but he is trampled by Glutino, gaining an approving nod from Ehlonna. When Didean awakes he is nestled in the roots of an apple tree, its branches heavy with fruit. Glutino is standing nearby, contently eating the delicious red produce. Didean stands, halfway remembering a woman rescuing him, and the demon disappearing. He climbs on Glutinos back and rides off, valiantly searching for other threats to the forest realm.
The crowd mesmerized by the story takes a moment to react. Sylvar walks among the crowd, bowing with his hat out, taking whatever coin the crowd willingly offers. After weaving his tale Sylvar returns to the Inn to search for Respen. If he doens't find him there he will move on the Laramon's to see what he can learn.

Performance Roll = 32 [Legendary Performance]; this result would net you 3d6 gp. for a day's worth of performances at a venue, such as a tavern. Given that there are usually 2 "after-lunch" shows and 2 "after-dinner" shows at such venues, I am rolling 3d6, and then dividing the result by 4. HOWEVER, I am also awarding you story xp., for practicing your profession as an entertainer. The crowd loves you! You also get several roses, and 3 ladies' favors. One guy even buys you a mug of ale! Story xp = 500 xp. pts.

3d6 roll: (+2 to each die, since you sang so well): so, 3d6+6 = 18. Divided by 4 = You earned 4 gp., and 5 sp. for that performance!
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After a slight pause, I reply to Lathir, "I am not exactly sure. I have no knowledge of your proficiencies to even begin to suggest what might be useful. I am wanting to stop by Laramon's again though to find out what he might know about the strengths and weaknesses of clay golems. Vale, what can you tell us about the various types of undead? Is there anything I need to know beyond bludgeoning weapons for skeletons and slashing weapons for zombies?" I ask, patting my masterwork alchemical silver handaxe and masterwork cold iron light mace.

After our discussion, I follow through on my thoughts - finding a temple to ask about undead if Vale feels he isn't informed enough on the subject matter. As a way of thanks, I donate 5 citadels if I do stop to ask (DM dependent).

I also stop at Laramon's to ask for some advice on how best to face a clay golem. "Pardon the intrusion - I was curious if you could offer any insight on how best to defeat a clay golem. Also, I could use some advice. I once had a mentor in The Crimson Eye that combined the arcane arts with martial weapons. I have been working on recreating his style of fighting. While doing so, I ran into an issue that I can't seem to wrap my head around. I am confused why the spell Shield is an abjuration spell with a force effect while Mage Armor is a conjuration spell with a force effect. Are not abjuration spells typically the spells that deal with protection? I have an affinity for abjuration spells and have been mulling over the idea of creating my own spell, based on Mage Armor, but as an abjuration spell. Short of building my own spell lab, is there any place in the city you would recommend I go to work on such a task? I mean, I could build my own lab, but I would rather be near a guiding hand when doing such things - especially in case anything goes awry."

I'll then go to The Dog and Hammer to speak with Eldek Hammergold about acquiring the various weapons. I will also submit to him a request to have a special weapon crafted for myself.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Party Memories & Recollections: Songs Sylvar Has Sung, Vol. I.

DM NOTE: Aust: Here is the recovered text from the webpage I was referring to at lunch. This is the scene where the party first encountered Sylvar, and he sang a song for his supper, so-to-speak. And an interesting tune it was!

Sing A Song of Skorane.​

Sylvar steps forward to shake your hand. "I apologize if my presence here startled you. The gate was open, and since I saw no guards, I came in, locked the gate, and have been standing guard here for about 3 hours, as a token of my enthusiasm."

Dewydd said:
"Quain sent you? He certainly has a knack for being in the know, the old dog! I'm surprised news reached him as fast as it did. Yes, I was actually considering forming a company, but I hadn't really made it known yet."

Sylvar (To Dewydd): "Well, he didn't know, in the strictest sense. He warned me that it was just a hunch; he said that you'd been inactive for several months, and that usually, when mercs do that, it's because they're getting ready to strike out on their own."

Dewydd said:
"I'm truly interested in right now is hunting undead near Skorane. The opportunity to make a hefty sum of money is there, but there's also the risk of running into a vampire."

Sylvar (To Dewydd): "Ah, the ruins of Skorane. I know a song about that place, would you like to hear it?"

Without waiting for an answer, Sylvar begins to sing! He has a fine, baritone voice!

Long ago, in gentler days, fair Skorane prospered, under Dyvers' gaze,

Abundance and mirth were had by all, til the day foul Velmir came to call;

Plague was rife, and good folks died, gone was fair Skorane, once Dyvers' pride,

But Velmir was felled, though mighty and great, by a fierce cabal called the Circle of Eight;

The plague was gone, but the ruins remained, Velmir was vanquished, but the rumors maintained,

Skorane was haunted, and cursed, and avoided, but 'twas a false rumor that bandits exploited;

But the bandits soon left, driven from there, by Baylex The Grim, evil Hextor's great heir,

This wretched, vile priest built a temple below, and lay undiscovered, great evil to sow;

'Til a misfit band discovered his plot, the taste of steel was what Baylex got,

His mistress, the demoness, fell to the brave band, and the rest of the temple to Margull's hand;

The forces of Dyvers came fast, like a wave, crashing on Skorane, with sword, shield, and glaive,

The town was razed, and the cultists were slain, and Skorane lay empty, always to remain;

Once, fair Skorane was a source of pride, but now it's a place for criminals to hide,

Too many times has evil dwelt there, abandoned, poor Skorane! and no longer fair;

Who knows what evil lurks there today? My friend, I beseech you, head not that way!

My friend, I beseech you, head not that way!

After his song ends, Sylvar adds, "You'd be wise to bring a strong priest with you, if you're headed that way. I recently heard that the adventuring band known as The Seven of Steel will now need to change their name, to reflect the fact that two of them died there. They were tight-lipped about it, but I overheard something about hordes of zombies, living statues, and a giant spider... As for finding a priest, I hear that there's an Elven Temple not far from here, at the edge of the Gnarleywood, whose Curate has been known to hire himself out. Might be worth a shot."

Vega smiles at Sylvar. "You have a smooth, pleasant voice, young Minnesänger," she says.

Sylvar smiles, and replies: "Und Sie haben einen schönen Kopf des Feuers, meine Dame."

At that point, Vega looks both surprised, and embarrassed. "Your accent isn't perfect, but I see you've spent some time in the Frozen North?"

Sylvar (To Vega): "Let's just say that such a topic is better suited for another day, my lady."


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Party Memories & Recollections: Songs Sylvar Has Sung, Vol. II.


Sylvar has been listening to the conversation deep in thought, silently taking in the information being provided by Maxwell. Suddenly his face lights like that of an old man who has suddenly remembered where he put his false teeth."
Gentlemen, if I may interject for a moment. I have been attempting to recall a story I was told once that may shed some light on what we are getting ourselves into. It was Lathir's comment about the Drow priestess that brought this memory to mind. If I may sing for you a ballad that tells the tale of an overly ambitious mage."

Hear this tale and be forewarned of rampant avarice
This song of the Drow mage seeking life eternal
Her search brought her to this precipice
From whence she eagerly lept

forsaking all others she pursued life eternal
but such power cannot be found in light of day
in dead of night called upon by the unholy
In the words of a vampire she found her way

In one simple kiss you will have what you request
The vampire's words were falsly true
In one simple kiss she completed her quest
In one simple kiss she became a vampiress

The vampire celebrated, thought himself quite strategic
While the Drow's new
fate hung on her neck like a stone
The undead on his victory was inebriated
The mage took his power as her own

So long life was granted
The vampiress was all alone
So distraught she sought someone with whom to share allegiance
Soon she found a land so enchanted as to contain Serindak the Dark

They shared their love for blood and defiance
So seeking more power, they made an unholy pact
The world would soon fear their alliance
But the Dark Drow Queen celebrated the fact

In power and influence they flourished, evil in fervent cultivation
One to be an Assassin
The other a Dark Magician

So when you go to fight the Drow, beware the Dark Magician, and fear the darkest night.
keep watch for her red-eyed lieutenant, a Dark Assassin, of equal might

There you have it gentlemen and lady, make of it what you will. However, if the story is true then the Drow Mage and Serindak the Dark are very dangerous. I would suggest a great deal of caution going into this venture. I hear resurrection costs 25,000 gp. or more.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
After a slight pause, I reply to Lathir, "I am not exactly sure. I have no knowledge of your proficiencies to even begin to suggest what might be useful. I am wanting to stop by Laramon's again though to find out what he might know about the strengths and weaknesses of clay golems.

Lathir, thinking this might prove to be a good idea, accompanies Dewydd to Laramon's and inquires as to possibility of useful weaponry or perhaps a means of augmenting his own simple, half-spear to be better equipped to handle the undead.

Aust Thale

Respen Patchwall 14 Come What May...

The party spends the night at the inn.

The new day is Patchwall 14, CY 963:

Everyone wakes up at 6:30 am.
Everyone is bathed, groomed, and dressed by 7:30 am.
Breakfast is served between 7:30 am and 8:30 am.
The party members who need to are now able to retire to their rooms, for study and prayers.
Spells are regained by 9:30 am. [Everyone should take this opportunity to adjust and/or update your spell lists, as needed.]

@Aust Thale
DM's NOTE:Vale, before turning in last night, you talked with the bartender downstairs, and he told you that there is a Dwarven Shrine in the Royal Grounds district, near the Mayor's Tower. He says that the shrine is run by three Dwarven priests, one of whom is a High Priest of Moradin. The shrine would be an excellent place to pray in general, and they may even have trinkets for sale that would aid against undead. It's probably worth checking out.

Respen, you have a hunch that you may be able to acquire the scrolls and alchemical equipment that you need from Laramon, and possibly even at a discount, since he has agreed to accept you as an apprentice!

DM's NOTE: Dewydd, it occurs to you that the party is very well off, currently, in the way of cash reserves. It might not be a bad idea to visit The Dog and Hammer, to see if there are any weapons available which are forged from special metals (cold iron, silver, mithral, etc.) which might aid you against the undead.

EVERYONE: It's the sunny morning of a brand new day! What do you do?

~ So much to contemplate. So much to prepare for. I am reminded of the days before the great Boar hunts. I am reminded of the day before trips with Auror to the Dwarven mountains. So much to do. So much to do. ~

Respen wakes with purpose. He actually slept instead of simply meditating. For the first time in a long time, he felt expectant but content. Looking forward, but not simply "walking the Oerth". He is mildly disappointed with not meeting Delbin Archaenus directly, having wished and wanted and travelled so long to meet him. However, he is humbled and extremely pleased that Laramon knew his uncle. In fact, he was his friend! And willing to mentor Respen personally! Oh comfort, thy name is elf! Oh elf, thy name is family! Oh family, be well-pleased!

Respen quickly eats his breakfast and states his intentions to Sylvar, Dewydd, Lathir, Vale, and Vega that he will return to Laramon's for as long as Laramon will indulge him, hopefully until Elevensies (Hobbits have the best names for meals!). First however, he retires to study his spells, of which half way through he realizes the keys to new spells that he had been on the tip of mastering. So simple, yet so difficult. The moment comes on him with a rush, and suddenly the magical texture of the weave smoothens, and he smiles in recognition of new abilities.

At 9:30am, he ends his study and spends a few minutes watching Sylvar deliver an epic performance in the open. Respen allows himself the briefest respite of thespian drama, laughs deeply in admiration of his friend Sylvar, and walks the path to Laramon's abode, with Sylvar, Dewydd, and Lathir in tow. He makes separate arrangements to meet Vale either at the Dwarven temple after seeing Laramon, or if not there, then at one of the evening mealtimes (6pm or 8pm).

He seeks his newly minted mentor's counsel on golems, vampiric spiders, skeletons and zombies. He will recount Sylvar's hymn of warning regarding the Drow Mage or Serindak the Dark, and he will inform him that the party has decided to explore these ruins. He will include a summary of Maxwell the Dwarf's encounter and the loss of his party. And as he always will with eager anticipation, Respen writes down notes on anything and everything that Laramon returns: advice, admonishment, suggestions, warnings, experience, and resources. He believes that he has an answer to the golem. Particularly, he wishes to acquire scrolls and alchemical supplies.

After meeting with Laramon, depending on how long it takes, Respen intends on trying out the hat of disguise that he acquired, and look in again on the tavern where he met Dewydd, Vega, and Karth. Particularly, he wants to visit the shop above it to scout it, and doing so with the hat of disguise will be killing two birds with one stone. As he walks to Laramon's he contemplates what disguise to imitate, how to use the hat, and questions to put to Laramon about it if he can't figure it out himself. He also wishes to visit the Dog and Hammer, and if Dewydd or other party member goes he will attend with them (assuming that doing so does not throw him off of his objective to look in on the tavern and shop above it.

He addresses Vale before he goes to Laramon's, "What will you do with Gus?"
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Aust Thale

Vale's Day, Patchwall 14, To The Temple And Dog & Hammer: Let's hear it for the Dwarves!

The party spends the night at the inn.

The new day is Patchwall 14, CY 963:

Everyone wakes up at 6:30 am.
Everyone is bathed, groomed, and dressed by 7:30 am.
Breakfast is served between 7:30 am and 8:30 am.
The party members who need to are now able to retire to their rooms, for study and prayers.
Spells are regained by 9:30 am. [Everyone should take this opportunity to adjust and/or update your spell lists, as needed.]

@Aust Thale
DM's NOTE:Vale, before turning in last night, you talked with the bartender downstairs, and he told you that there is a Dwarven Shrine in the Royal Grounds district, near the Mayor's Tower. He says that the shrine is run by three Dwarven priests, one of whom is a High Priest of Moradin. The shrine would be an excellent place to pray in general, and they may even have trinkets for sale that would aid against undead. It's probably worth checking out.

Respen, you have a hunch that you may be able to acquire the scrolls and alchemical equipment that you need from Laramon, and possibly even at a discount, since he has agreed to accept you as an apprentice!

DM's NOTE: Dewydd, it occurs to you that the party is very well off, currently, in the way of cash reserves. It might not be a bad idea to visit The Dog and Hammer, to see if there are any weapons available which are forged from special metals (cold iron, silver, mithral, etc.) which might aid you against the undead.

EVERYONE: It's the sunny morning of a brand new day! What do you do?

~ Aye! Time to stir up a purpose! ~

Vale awakens startled! Due to Gus' presence and clear intent to guard Vale's person in this new place, the innkeeper had placed Vale in a room close to the main tavern room, and thus, guests coming and going in the late hour had prevented Vale from sleeping. Vale felt Gus' front paws up on the bed and on his abdomen.

"Oy! Gus! Quit whimpering, animal. It's only people outside preparing for breakfast. I'll take you outside in a few minutes. Hold your water, Fluff!"

Vale ambled out of bed and patted Gus on the head. "Good boy...I'll attend to you in a moment." Content with that answer for the moment, Gus laid down in front of the door. Vale attended to his chamber pot and washed himself at his water basin. The water was warmer last night. He smiled in spite of himself as he washed his face. The party had clear intent to explore Skorane; therefore, if he was going to assist properly, he'd not to acquire additional gear to do so. His conversations with Maxwell regarding his party's failure in their encounter. Hubris caught them by the tail. However, given what was said, it was clear that it still might not have been enough. His cousin was not easily spooked, and even less likely to bail on a fight. And the two of them had their fill of undead in the recent past. It wasn't as if they were new to the fight. Yes, preparations and planning would make or break this adventure.

After cleaning up quickly, he is early to breakfast, intent on making his morning prayers count afterwards. After sending Gus out to do his business (reminding him to not make a mess nor accost bystanders), He listens to Respen, Dewydd, and Lathir make their arrangements, and he see Sylvar wander out of the inn toward the open air. He hears the bard telling a story to the crowd and laughter and exclamations of wonder and awe. Clearly this young elf is a performer. He smiles. Yes, be entertained now. Get all of it you can. You'll need all of the good cheer you can muster if we are going to battle with anything more than skeletons and the occasional zombie. He frowns, for a moment in a dark place all his own.

Respen approaches him about meeting later, to which Vale agrees, and he asks about Gus. "Gus will come with me. He'll be fine. He needs to walk and get used to the city. Perhaps I'll join you earlier if possible. You've been on the streets here no? Any amount is more than I have; perhaps we could take a walk and you can give me a 'lay of the land'. I need to go to the Temple first, however. It is important I declare myself arrived for my order, as well as inquire on tools or weapons that can be had to take on this mission. Elf, I do not sense that you take this mission lightly. I encourage you to keep that clarity and seriousness. I fret that we shall be significantly challenged."

Vale attends to his morning prayers, seeking guidance and replenishing the well of magic bestowed on him. He puts on his clerical vestments and his mithral shirt, with his backpack full and weapon ready. He cleans up his room and leaves for the Temple.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
What you discovered at Laramon's Tower, at the Dog & Hammer, and at the Temple.

Just a little note to myself, to remind me of who is where.

The Party Consists of:

1. Respen (Headed to Laramon's Tower, and to the Dog & Hammer.)
2. Sylvar (Headed to Laramon's Tower, and to the Dog & Hammer.)
3. Lathir (Headed to Laramon's Tower, and to the Dog & Hammer.)
4. Vega (Headed to Laramon's Tower, and to the Dog & Hammer.)
5. Dewydd (Headed to Laramon's Tower, and to the Dog & Hammer.)
6. Vale (Headed to the Dwarven Shrine)
7. Kasnik (Parked at the Inn in Dyvers until further notice.)

Respen said:
Respen allows himself the briefest respite of thespian drama, laughs deeply in admiration of his friend Sylvar, and walks the path to Laramon's abode, with Sylvar, Dewydd, and Lathir in tow. [...] He seeks his newly minted mentor's counsel on golems, vampiric spiders, skeletons and zombies. He will recount Sylvar's hymn of warning regarding the Drow Mage or Serindak the Dark, and he will inform him that the party has decided to explore these ruins.


At Laramon's, Dewydd discovers that the wizard does indeed have a ring that would suit his needs; (4,900 gp. deducted for a ring of Weaponsmithing Competence +7); Laramon says that it was one of the first magical rings that he ever made, intending it to be a gift to a friend, but that person went Dragon hunting and never returned.

Laramon warns Respen and his friends that fighting Vampires is a dangerous business. He says that Vampires are vulnerable to Silver, but the metal alone is not enough; their skin is so tough, the silver must be magically enchanted to become strong enough to cut, smash, or rip the skin, where the silver can then "poison" the creature with its alchemical properties. [i.e., you need a +1 Alchemical Silver Weapon.] Laramon happens to have a +2 Alchemical Silver Greatsword, that he will sell to the party for 7,000 gp., which is 1,580 gp. LESS than its actual market value, according to Dewydd.

Laramon warns Respen and his friends that Clay Golems are also deadly foes, and tells them that if they plan to face the Golem and the Vampire together, then perhaps a last will and testament is in order, which he would be happy to sign as a witness. He says that blunt, Adamantine weapons are the only way to deal with them, and he does not have anything that would help in that regard. However, Laramon also says that the High Priest at the Temple of Odin is a weaponsmith, and that in combat, he carries an Adamantine Warhammer. Laramon says that if anyone in this city can sell the party an Adamantine Hammer, it's that guy. Laramon also suggests that the party check The Dog & Hammer, because Eldek has been known to have reserves of special metals for commissions. Laramon also mentions that there are a handful of spells which might affect the Clay Golem; a Move Earth spell will push them back violently and cause a significant amount of damage; a Disintegrate spell will slow the golem down briefly and damage it slightly; and an Earthquake spell will stop the golem in his tracks for a brief period, and cause him a great deal of damage. Laramon has scrolls of these three spells available for purchase.

Laramon says that he knows very little of the Drow, other than very general, broad things about their physiology, ideology, and society. However, he knows of a person who is an expert on the subject; the Lord Mayor himself is said to have traveled in the Underdark extensively, and it is rumored that he has personally killed many scores of those creatures, and that he is their most hated and feared enemy. Laramon doubts the veracity of that last claim, saying that the Drow chiefly fear the Illithids (commonly called "Mind Flayers") because of their proximity to Drow areas, and their constant skirmishes and incursions into Drow territories. Laramon says that Mind Flayers see anyone who isn't a Mind Flayer as cattle, food to be eaten, nothing more. He says that, ironically, the Drow feel the same way about non-Drow; thus, the two civilizations abhor each other, and each seeks to destroy the other, in order to achieve total dominance of the Underdark. Long story short: BE VERY WARY OF THE DROW.

Laramon says that zombies are resistant to any weapon which doesn't have an edge to it; the easiest way to destroy a zombie is to cut it up, with some sort of slashing weapon. The weapon need not be magical. Conversely, skeletons are resistant to any weapon which isn't blunted. The best way to destroy a skeleton is to smash it to pieces with some big hammer or mace, or other blunt weapon. Like with zombies, the weapon need not be magical. Laramon says that if the Drow Wizard and her Vampire Spider are present, then THEY are the chief threats, almost to the point of completely ignoring the zombies and skeletons. Laramon also points out that if the Drow Wizard has created a Clay Golem, then she is likely a powerful, true Wizard, capable of doing horrible things to the party. Laramon says that the Golem, Spider, Skeletons, and Zombies can possibly be defeated; but he says that if the party should run into the Wizardess herself, then he would advise the option of flight; 'tis far better to flee, and live to fight another day.

After imparting this wisdom, Laramon says that he will be too busy to talk for the next few days, as he has important projects which need attending. But he does give Respen a key to the Tower, as well as a non-magical pendant which bears his symbol, and will allow Respen to pass the gate guard. Laramon speaks a command word before handing Respen the key; when Respen accepts it, Laramon speaks another word, and the key glows briefly. Laramon then informs Respen that the key is magically keyed to him, and only he can use it. Laramon tells Respen that he is free to use the library as he wishes, but the lab (where Laramon is working) is off-limits, at least for the next little while, when Laramon will be at a crucial point in his project.

Note for Dewydd: Laramon says that since you are a friend of his new apprentice, you may use his library for spell research, but the lab is off-limits. He says that Respen must be with you when you visit. (i.e., he doesn't give you a pendant, nor a key.) DEWYDD AND RESPEN: Please note that using his elaborate, meticulously curated library gives you a +5 research bonus to any Knowledge or Spellcraft check that you make while in the library for at least 5 hours.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Other Places The Party Visits...

Respen said:
Particularly, he wishes to acquire scrolls and alchemical supplies.

Laramon has a few scrolls for sale, at fair prices. (See next GM box.)

Laramon says that his alchemical supplies are reserved for personal use. He says you'll have to go to the Mage Guild to buy that.

Respen said:
DM, my question was in regards to creating a scroll for transmute mud to rock and vice versa. We'll need to purchase, and I wanted to ask Laramon about it. I thought there would be dialogue to do so. I can change my post to do it, or we can pool and purchase if others agree with Respen's idea.

Laramon has both of those scrolls, Wizard version, 9th level caster, and for you, it's 95% of book price (5% discount.)

Respen said:
Respen intends on trying out the hat of disguise that he acquired, and look in again on the tavern where he met Dewydd, Vega, and Karth. Particularly, he wants to visit the shop above it to scout it...

Before leaving Laramon's tower, Respen gets a crash course from Laramon on how to use the hat. After a few minutes of tinkering with it, Respen is already quite proficient with it.

The entire building is boarded up, and closed. A sign out front says:

This building has been confiscated by the rightful government of the City of Dyvers. This building will be placed on the auction block on Sunsebb 01, CY 963. Auction begins at HIGH NOON. All approved bidders will be welcome. Approval is available from the Lord Mayor's office.


The ink on the sign looks fresh (within the last day or two.)

DM's NOTE: The fight happened (and the campaign started) on Patchwall 9th. That was 5 days ago. You suspect that this sign might have been painted either yesterday (the 13th) or perhaps the day before (the 12th.) Apparently, there is truth to the saying "Justice is swift in Dyvers."

Respen said:
He also wishes to visit the Dog and Hammer, and if Dewydd or other party member goes he will attend with them.

Dewydd, we have already discussed this on Facebook Messenger. The cost for your exotic item will be 20,000 gp., plus the Ring of Weaponsmithing Competence +7, and it will require two years to complete. The item will be ready on Patchwall 14, CY 965.

As it turns out, Eldek has a few weapons available that are made from either Cold-Wrought Iron, Alchemical Silver, Mithral, or Adamantine. They are:

12,000 gp. [+2 Magical Cold-Wrought Iron Longspear]

450 gp. [ Masterwork Alchemical Silver Longsword, +1 to Hit, -1 to Damage] (He has 4 of these in stock.)

4,800 gp. [+1 Magical Adamantine Greatclub (2H).]

3,500 gp. [Masterwork Adamantine Heavy Mace] (He has 2 of these in stock.)

PLEASE NOTE: HOUSE RULE: Mithral is a type of ultra-pure silver, and will affect creatures with Silver-based Damage Reduction. This is because in Tolkien's books, "Mithral" (D&D's copyright-safe imitation) is actually "Mithril Silver." Since it is called SILVER, that is how I treat it.

3,000 gp. [Masterwork Mithral Warhammer] (He has 3 of these in stock.)

5,000 gp. [+1 Magical Mithral Longsword] (He has 2 of these in stock.)

5,000 gp. [+1 Magical Mithral Shortsword] (He has 2 of these in stock.)

Vega buys one of the +1 Magical Mithral Shortswords. There is now one left.

The Dwarven Shrine Visit:

Vale Learns:

1. The only place to buy alchemical supplies is the Mage Guild.
2. The priest of Clangeddin, upon hearing that plan to face down undead creatures, gives you an Ephod of Authority for free, with his blessing.
3. The shrine has a stockpile of scrolls. If they have something you want, you can purchase it at 75% of book price (25% clergy discount.) Post a list on the OOC channel, and I will tell you which ones they have available.
4. The priest of Moradin offers to swap Mithral Shirts with you, temporarily, provided you return it after clearing out the village. His Mithral Shirt is of the +2 variety.
5. You can have as much Holy Water as you want, for free.
6. The priest of Clangeddin offers to contact your clan for you, and send along any message you desire.
7. The priest of Moradin will sell you a +1 Heavy Mithral Mace of Disruption for 10,000 gp. (4,000 gp. clergy discount!!)

Voidrunner's Codex

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