• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Unearthed Arcana New Unearthed Arcana: Psionics!

There’s a new Unearthed Arcana article out, and it’s all about psionics! "Their minds bristling with power, three new subclasses arrive in today’s Unearthed Arcana: the Psychic Warrior for the fighter, the Soulknife for the rogue, and the tradition of Psionics for the wizard."

There’s a new Unearthed Arcana article out, and it’s all about psionics! "Their minds bristling with power, three new subclasses arrive in today’s Unearthed Arcana: the Psychic Warrior for the fighter, the Soulknife for the rogue, and the tradition of Psionics for the wizard."


In this 9-page PDF, there are also some new psionics-themed spells (including versions of classic psionic powers like id insinuation and ego whip) and two new feats.

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Thanks for the suggestions; a lot of them are kickstarter and I have some ethical concerns about supporting them. I guess I could check out the others, but we're pretty disappointed at this time.

I guess I just don't understand why the far-and-away leader in the rpg industry isn't taking more risks in the innovation department. I don't understand how, with decades of data and research, there are still concerns about "bloat" (though that bizarrely doesn't apply to subclasses) and making high-level play viable...what's the point of being the league leader if you keep playing like you're not?

Mind you, I'm not sure WotC is employing the designers I'd want for this kind of thing, but I think they're in a great position to say "Go design the thing you always wanted, be as creative as possible, and don't let the masses dilute it." What terrible thing happens? MAYBE the idea is a dud...so? Lots of smaller companies survive duds. WotC wouldn't feel it at this point.

Eh, it would be nice to see. Whatever.

"Don't let the masses dilute it."

What the what...?

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Thanks for the suggestions; a lot of them are kickstarter and I have some ethical concerns about supporting them. I guess I could check out the others, but we're pretty disappointed at this time.
A lot of them where kickstarters, but most of the links have already completed and are available for purchase outside the kickstarter. What would be your ethical concerns? Is kickstarter a suspect orginization? If so I was unaware, I don't want to support an unethical orginization if I can help it.

I guess I just don't understand why the far-and-away leader in the rpg industry isn't taking more risks in the innovation department.
So your issue is not that there isn't content, it is that it isn't produced by WotC. That's fine, I know that bother's some people. However, it is not uncommon for industry leaders to take the conservative approach. I don't know if it is a valid business approach, but it is a common trend across multiple industries. What is interesting about WotC is the innovated with the DMsGuild to provide a place for the creativity of others to grow. WotC can never be as creative as their thousands of fans and now they have a place to showcase that creative - and WotC maintains the right to use it and make it "official!" Pretty clever from multiple points I think.
I don't understand how, with decades of data and research, there are still concerns about "bloat" (though that bizarrely doesn't apply to subclasses) and making high-level play viable...what's the point of being the league leader if you keep playing like you're not?
It is possible that their decades of research indicates the current strategy is the way to go. I mean, it certainly seems to be working for them. I've never been a part of D&D edition that felt so robust & thriving and I started playing in the 80's with AD&D 1e and D&D.

You also have to ask yourself, are you upset they aren't making the game you want? You imply the game isn't viable at high level. That may be true for you, but that is not true for all groups. Just sniff around these forums and you will see quite a few people having a great time with high level. Personally I have group that is level 12 and level 15 (not sure if you consider that high level or not) and we area having a great time. Heck, for one of those groups I even use the monsters straight out of the books!

So, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't working, and apparently working well in this case.

Mind you, I'm not sure WotC is employing the designers I'd want for this kind of thing, but I think they're in a great position to say "Go design the thing you always wanted, be as creative as possible, and don't let the masses dilute it." What terrible thing happens? MAYBE the idea is a dud...so? Lots of smaller companies survive duds. WotC wouldn't feel it at this point.

Eh, it would be nice to see. Whatever.
I guess, I personally I like that WotC keeps the conservative path and it allows all of us homebrewers (the heart of D&D IMO) the space to explore the fringes. I have long ago accepted that no version of D&D (or any RPG) is going to be exactly what I want. What is so exciting to me about 5e is that it has a great and rather innovative foundation upon which you can make all manner of modifications. I am able to easily make a game that very closely resembles my ideal and the explosion if ideas from the community that their approach has created has been an unending inspiration that has helped achieve my goals.

If anything, I fear that if WotC tries to innovate it will kill the creativity in the greater community. For example, before the Artificer came out there where dozens of options created by homebrewers. Now that the official one is out I bet that innovation dries up, and DMs will be less likely to allow 3pp content now that we have an "official" option. The same with Psion and psionics. I think the best approach for me is for WotC to be conservative and let the homebrewers, the creative force behind the game, be creative and innovative. So I guess thus far I am lucky and happy, I'm sorry it is not what your looking for.

Eric V

A lot of them where kickstarters, but most of the links have already completed and are available for purchase outside the kickstarter. What would be your ethical concerns? Is kickstarter a suspect orginization? If so I was unaware, I don't want to support an unethical orginization if I can help it.

So your issue is not that there isn't content, it is that it isn't produced by WotC. That's fine, I know that bother's some people. However, it is not uncommon for industry leaders to take the conservative approach. I don't know if it is a valid business approach, but it is a common trend across multiple industries. What is interesting about WotC is the innovated with the DMsGuild to provide a place for the creativity of others to grow. WotC can never be as creative as their thousands of fans and now they have a place to showcase that creative - and WotC maintains the right to use it and make it "official!" Pretty clever from multiple points I think.

It is possible that their decades of research indicates the current strategy is the way to go. I mean, it certainly seems to be working for them. I've never been a part of D&D edition that felt so robust & thriving and I started playing in the 80's with AD&D 1e and D&D.

You also have to ask yourself, are you upset they aren't making the game you want? You imply the game isn't viable at high level. That may be true for you, but that is not true for all groups. Just sniff around these forums and you will see quite a few people having a great time with high level. Personally I have group that is level 12 and level 15 (not sure if you consider that high level or not) and we area having a great time. Heck, for one of those groups I even use the monsters straight out of the books!

So, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't working, and apparently working well in this case.

I guess, I personally I like that WotC keeps the conservative path and it allows all of us homebrewers (the heart of D&D IMO) the space to explore the fringes. I have long ago accepted that no version of D&D (or any RPG) is going to be exactly what I want. What is so exciting to me about 5e is that it has a great and rather innovative foundation upon which you can make all manner of modifications. I am able to easily make a game that very closely resembles my ideal and the explosion if ideas from the community that their approach has created has been an unending inspiration that has helped achieve my goals.

If anything, I fear that if WotC tries to innovate it will kill the creativity in the greater community. For example, before the Artificer came out there where dozens of options created by homebrewers. Now that the official one is out I bet that innovation dries up, and DMs will be less likely to allow 3pp content now that we have an "official" option. The same with Psion and psionics. I think the best approach for me is for WotC to be conservative and let the homebrewers, the creative force behind the game, be creative and innovative. So I guess thus far I am lucky and happy, I'm sorry it is not what your looking for.

Kickstarter has reacted very poorly to their employees attempts to unionize. You'll get the story with a Google search.

It's not simply that it isn't WotC producing the content; it is that people are designing only within the space established...and I'd like to see what can be done when that space is expanded. Kobold Press has released some interesting stuff, but no new classes, afaik. And even the neat ideas that WotC does produce get hampered, in my opinion, by their own internal design rules, resulting in the example I gave above of the Nine Hells paladin that heals with a touch. What bad thing happens if they just release the Hell Knight as a class, to avoid silly aspects like that? Nothing. Their position is too strong. It's bizarre to think that a book of additional classes would hurt the game at this point in any real (which is to read, financial) way.

I am assuming you are talking in good faith, but it's weird to me that you haven't seen the threads just around here about how high level play (as presented in the product) is still not viable. They're there. Most people just excuse it as "high-level play has never worked," and I don't understand how that can still be an argument in 2019.

Please understand that I DO understand that the strategy has worked so far, spectacularly as far as the sales go. That is exactly why I feel they could take more risks at expanding the game...the people who play who aren't hardcore gamers aren't leaving because a few new classes got released, I just don't believe that.

Look, I understand you're a homebrewer and I hope I'm not coming off as just disparaging homebrew; that's not the intent. I'm just talking about the products available to buy from professional designers working for the industry-leading producer. Right now, what they are producing for the game really isn't offering my group anything new or fresh after 5 years. Maybe they can't? Maybe there are just built-in aspects of the game that prevent that (a new class won't necessarily feel that fresh if it has a shared spell list with the other 3 arcane casters, for example)? I don't know. The Mystic was a step in that direction, and was interesting...but it got shouted down for reasons both legit and not, and so I fear we won't see something like that again.

I'm just a guy asking for the people who write D&D to write some stuff without being hamstrung by the popular vote and let the creativity be unbound...and apparently that's a bad thing. It's caused our group to move on, the first time we've left an editon of D&D for reasons other than a new version of D&D got released; we've been pretty loyal to the game since 1e.

Anyway, happy gaming to you.


Kickstarter has reacted very poorly to their employees attempts to unionize. You'll get the story with a Google search.
Thank you for the heads up!
It's not simply that it isn't WotC producing the content; it is that people are designing only within the space established...and I'd like to see what can be done when that space is expanded. Kobold Press has released some interesting stuff, but no new classes, afaik. And even the neat ideas that WotC does produce get hampered, in my opinion, by their own internal design rules, resulting in the example I gave above of the Nine Hells paladin that heals with a touch. What bad thing happens if they just release the Hell Knight as a class, to avoid silly aspects like that? Nothing. Their position is too strong. It's bizarre to think that a book of additional classes would hurt the game at this point in any real (which is to read, financial) way.
Of course WotC just released a new class. That being said, if you want new classes and your not willing to look outside WotC I understand your pain. It is not mine, but I get it.

I am assuming you are talking in good faith, but it's weird to me that you haven't seen the threads just around here about how high level play (as presented in the product) is still not viable. They're there. Most people just excuse it as "high-level play has never worked," and I don't understand how that can still be an argument in 2019.
I have read them, and typically the responses in thread contain an equal number of respondents saying high level play works just fine. And I assume you are aware of this as well since you imply you are familiar with those threads (but perhaps you don't read the comments). If you check me out at all you will see I am an advocate of high level play and have stated out over 150 epic level 5e monsters, gods, demon lords etc. on these forums. I've made them stronger than the official monsters because I believe the official monsters are too weak. However, that has not been my experience in play with one of my groups. So, from a design standpoint i agree high level monsters are weak, that isn't the same as saying high-level play doesn't work. Also, from this work I have interacted with a lot of people who have played 5e at high levels, to lvl 20 and beyond (with epic bonuses or some of the 3PP for lvl 20-30). So I know 5e does or at least can work just fine at high level. Finally as i mentioned everything is going great with my groups that are level 12 and lvl 15. Perhaps it will change dramatically over the next 5 levels, but I doubt it.

Please understand that I DO understand that the strategy has worked so far, spectacularly as far as the sales go. That is exactly why I feel they could take more risks at expanding the game...the people who play who aren't hardcore gamers aren't leaving because a few new classes got released, I just don't believe that.
I don't disagree with that idea, but their goal is to sell 100,000 copies of any book they produce. Perhaps that is their roadblock to producing the content you want. I think there is room to expand and you would think they have the space to do it. I just think they have been pretty clear that they are going to expand very, very slowly.

Look, I understand you're a homebrewer and I hope I'm not coming off as just disparaging homebrew; that's not the intent. I'm just talking about the products available to buy from professional designers working for the industry-leading producer. Right now, what they are producing for the game really isn't offering my group anything new or fresh after 5 years. Maybe they can't? Maybe there are just built-in aspects of the game that prevent that (a new class won't necessarily feel that fresh if it has a shared spell list with the other 3 arcane casters, for example)? I don't know. The Mystic was a step in that direction, and was interesting...but it got shouted down for reasons both legit and not, and so I fear we won't see something like that again.

I'm just a guy asking for the people who write D&D to write some stuff without being hamstrung by the popular vote and let the creativity be unbound...and apparently that's a bad thing. It's caused our group to move on, the first time we've left an editon of D&D for reasons other than a new version of D&D got released; we've been pretty loyal to the game since 1e.

Anyway, happy gaming to you.
Find it hard to believe you can't find what your looking for within D&D unless you are just sticking to WotC stuff. But if you can't good luck. Personally my groups already think WotC has produced to much content:
  • Artificer
    • Alchemist
    • Artillerist
    • Battle Smith
  • Barbarian
    • Path of the Berserker
    • Path of the Totem Warrior
    • Path of the Battlerager
    • Path of the Totem Warrior
    • Path of the Ancestral Guardian
    • Path of the Storm Herald
    • Path of the Zealot
  • Bard
    • College of Lore
    • College of Valor
    • College of Glamor
    • College of Swords
    • College of Whispers
    • College of Eloquence (UA)
  • Cleric
    • Arcana
    • Death
    • Destruction (Jetpack7)
    • Forge
    • Grave
    • Knowledge
    • Life
    • Light
    • Nature
    • Order
    • Prophecy (Jetpack7)
    • Tempest
    • Trickery
    • Twilight (UA)
    • War
  • Druid
    • Circle of the Land
    • Circle of the Moon
    • Circle of Spores
    • Circle of Dreams
    • Circle of the Shepherd
    • Circle of Wildfire (UA)
  • Fighter
    • Champion
    • Battle Master
    • Eldritch Knight
    • Purple Dragon Knight
    • Arcane Archer
    • Cavalier
    • Samurai
    • Psychic Warrior (UA)
    • Rune Knight (UA)
  • Monk
    • Way of the Open Hand
    • Way of the Shadow
    • Way of the Four Element
    • Way of the Long Death
    • Way of the Sun Soul
    • Way of the Drunken Fist
    • Way of the Kensei
  • Mystic (UA)
    • Order of the Avatar
    • Order of the Awakened
    • Order of the Immortal
    • Order of the Nomad
    • Order of the Soul knife
    • Order of the Wu Jen
  • Paladin
    • Oath of Devotion
    • Oath of Heroism (UA)
    • Oath of the Ancients
    • Oath of the Crown
    • Oath of Vengeance
    • Oath of Conquest
    • Oath of Redemption
  • Ranger
    • Hunter
    • Beast Master
    • Gloom Stalker
    • Horizon Walker
    • Monster Slayer
    • Swarm Keeper (UA)
  • Revised Ranger
    • Beast Conclave
    • Hunter Conclave
    • Deep Stalker Conclave
  • Rogue
    • Thief
    • Arcane Trickster
    • Assassin
    • Mastermind
    • Swashbuckler
    • Inquisitive
    • Scout
    • Soul knife (UA)
    • The Revived (UA)
  • Sorcerer
    • Draconic Bloodline
    • Wild Magic
    • Storm Bloodline
    • Divine Soul
    • Shadow Magic
  • Warlock
    • Archfey
    • Archfiend
    • Great Old One
    • Celestial
    • Hexblade
    • Pact of the Chain
    • Pact of the Blade
    • Pact of the Tome
    • Undying Pact
  • Wizard
    • Abjuration
    • Conjuration
    • Divination
    • Enchantment
    • Evocation
    • Illusion
    • Necromancy
    • Transmutation
    • Bladesinger
    • War Magic
    • Onomancy (UA)
    • Psion (UA)
  • Dwarf
  • Hill Dwarf
  • Mountain Dwarf
  • Duergar
  • Elf
  • High
  • Wood
  • Drow
  • Winter Eladrin
  • Summer Eladrin
  • Autumn Eadrin
  • Spring Eladrin
  • Sea Elf
  • Shadar-Kai
  • Halfling
  • Light Foot Halfling
  • Stout Halfling
  • Ghostwise Halfling
  • Human
  • Variant Human
  • Dragonborn
  • Gnome
  • Rock
  • Forest
  • Deep
  • Half-Elf
  • Half-Orc
  • Tiefling
  • Asmodean
  • Glaysan
  • Fiernan
  • Mephicilian
  • Levistusian
  • Zarielian
  • Beleezbubian
  • Dispaterian
  • Mammonian
  • Loxodon
  • Minotaur
  • Simic Hybrid
  • Vedalken
  • Orc
  • Goliaths
  • Aarokaa
  • Genasi
  • Air
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Tabaxi
  • Aasimar
  • Protector Aasimar
  • Scourge Aasimar
  • Fallen Aasimar
  • Firbolg
  • Kenku
  • Triton
  • Hobgoblin
  • Goblin
  • Bugbear
  • Kobolds
  • Yuan Ti Pureblood
  • Lizardfolk
  • Tortles
  • Githzerai
  • Githyanki
  • Tabaxi
  • Shifters
  • Changelings
  • Kalashtar
  • Warforged

  • Acolyte
  • Anthropologist
  • Archaeologist
  • Azorius Functionary
  • Boros Legionnaire
  • Charlatan
  • Criminal
  • Dimir Operative
  • Entertainer
  • Faceless
  • Fisher
  • Folk Hero
  • Golgari Agent
  • Gruuul Anarch
  • Guild Artisan
  • Haunted One
  • Hermit
  • Izzet Engineer
  • Marine
  • Noble
  • Orzhov Representative
  • Outlander
  • Rakdos Cultist
  • Sage
  • Sailor
  • Selesnya Initiate
  • Shipwright
  • Simic Scientist
  • Smuggler
  • Soldier
  • Urchin
However, my groups have been playing in the same campaign since 5e started and we are only level 12 & 15 (this one started in 4e) after 5 years, so I understand we are outliers! I've only seen a half dozen classes & archtypes in play over that whole time!

Happy gaming to you as well!


I think the worry is, once they open that particular bottle - a new class for a given concept - the genie is out. People will immediately demand that their particular concept gets catered to. And, before too long, we run right back into the same issue that sank every other edition - every table becomes so niche that no product can possibly appeal to a majority because no majority exists anymore.


It's not simply that it isn't WotC producing the content; it is that people are designing only within the space established...and I'd like to see what can be done when that space is expanded.
What people? Again it looks like 3pp is acceptable based on this comment. And there is just a ton of D&D 5e stuff that has expanded into the available 5e space. Are you just wanting WotC content? I keep asking this, but you have never specifically said yes or no, so I am not sure.

Stacie GmrGrl

Something more innovative but in a less low-magic setting.

Check out Mage Hand Press. They have a good space sci-fi setting called Dark Matter for 5e, which has a Gadgeteer Class in it.

They also have done the following classes: Craftsman, Witch, Investigator, Gunslinger, and Alchemist... The Craftsman, Alchemist and Gunslinger have their own crafting item creation rules that are very cool.

The Craftsman class is my favorite 5e class.

They did other classes but I'm forgetting their names. I know one is very much like the 4e Warlord. It's just not called Warlord.

I think WotC gave us a fine game in 5e. I have enjoyed playing it. They provided a solid template and the structure of the game works. But after 5 years and seeing so very few new ideas come out from them while seeing them produce so many campaign 'stories'... And seeing how conservative they've been with their own game designs...

... Having an Artificer with no true artifice crafting rules, turning psionics into a form of wizardry, fewer player directed books and many more adventures, this could go on.

It's very opposite both 3.5 and 4e.


Check out Mage Hand Press. They have a good space sci-fi setting called Dark Matter for 5e, which has a Gadgeteer Class in it.

They also have done the following classes: Craftsman, Witch, Investigator, Gunslinger, and Alchemist... The Craftsman, Alchemist and Gunslinger have their own crafting item creation rules that are very cool.
Those sound interesting. I will have to check them out. Thank you for pointing me in there direction.

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