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Unearthed Arcana WotC Removes Latest Unearthed Arcana

WotC has removed this week's Unearthed Arcana from its website. Not only has the article's web page itself been removed, the actual PDF has been replaced with last month's "Subclasses, Part 1" PDF (although it's URL still reads... /UA2020-Subclasses02.pdf).

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WotC has removed this week's Unearthed Arcana from its website. Not only has the article's web page itself been removed, the actual PDF has been replaced with last month's "Subclasses, Part 1" PDF (although it's URL still reads... /UA2020-Subclasses02.pdf).

The article included three new subclasses, the bardic College of Creation, the cleric's Love Domain, and the sorcerer's Clockwork Soul.

[NOTE - NSFW language follows].

I don't know if it's linked, but WotC came under criticism on Twitter for its treatment of the Love Domain. The main argument isn't that mind-control magic has no place in the game, but rather that coercive powers should not be described as "love", and that the domain might be poorly named.

People like game designer Emmy Allen commented: "It seems WotC have tried to create a 'Love' domain for clerics in 5e. By some sheer coincidence they seem to have accidentally created a 'roofie' domain instead. Nothing says 'love' like overriding your target's free will to bring them under your power."

That domain was introduced as follows: "Love exists in many forms—compassion, infatuation, friendly affection, and passionate love as a few facets. Whatever form these feelings take, the gods of love deepen the bonds between individuals."

The powers were Eboldening Bond, Impulsive Infatuation ("Overwhelm a creature with a flash of short-lived by intense admiration for you, driving them to rash action in your defense”), Protective Bond, and Enduring Unity.

Whether the criticism was a factor in the article's withdrawal, I don't know. It might be that it just wasn't ready for prime-time yet. It seems the domain itself would be better named a "control" or "charm" domain than a "love" domain, which seems to be the main thrust of the criticism on Twitter.

WotC's Jeremy Crawford commented: "The official version of the Unearthed Arcana article “Subclasses, Part 2” is still ahead of us, later this week or sometime next week. Our team will hold off on answering questions until you’ve seen the real deal!"

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No rule is inviolate
Calling it "Love" and then making it have a class feature to override free will...yeah, probably not the best thing to have released close to Valentine's Day. If you got a glimpse of it before it went down:

  • about 1/2 of the spells take away another person's free will. Don't roofie me and call it love.
  • The big one is the Channel Divinity feature that lets you override the free will of another so they'll be willing to kill for you. Anyone see the first season of the Netflix series Jessica Jones? If not, take a watch. That's not love. That's assault.
The rest is about buffing two allies, whether they really love one another or not.

Ultimately, someone screwed up on this one. We've always had compulsion & mind control spells. This isn't about that.

To get a bit more serious and dark, the error is about intermixing the term "love" with infatuation and violence. My real-life job involves working with victims and survivors of sexual violence, and there's a twisted mentality to many abusers that their victims secretly "love" it and want it.

If the designers want to rename it something else, the "emotions" or "passion" domain and suggest we're dealing with manipulating people, or enhancing others by upgrading the force of their emotions, that's one thing. But, I think the damage is probably done.

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Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
and I think a Madness domain might fall into the same kind of trap as Love did, so that's right out.

Agreed, at least as a domain for PCs. One for NPCs (like Death, in the DMG) is more plausible. I have had clerics in my campaigns who were working in the service of a Great Old One. I gave them GOOlock features and a suitable domain as well.


I get it. A Love Domain will always be a bit iffy as you will have to dodge creepy or no-so-good ideas. A Priest of Aphrodite might be tough to dodge ickiness.

I think the stunned condition is a nice replacement for charms and mind control. Giving someone a case of the braindumbs is something the cleric of a love god might do.


Honestly, I am unsure how it's different than typical charm and domination spells in the PHB. Why don't we get rid of the Enchanter, too?
IMHO, the difference is a matter of framing and terminology. These spells are part and parcel of the Enchanter because they utilize enchantments to charm and ensorcell the minds of others, willingly or not. However, when these spells are framed in terms of representing "Love," then it becomes creepy.

Sorry...I am genuinely confused as to why there is backlash, especially considering that this is a fantasy role-playing game and that things like this have been part of the standard fantasy trope since the beginning. Not trying to be obtuse or angry about it, just baffled.
FYI, this is not a compelling defense.

I get it. A Love Domain will always be a bit iffy as you will have to dodge creepy or no-so-good ideas. A Priest of Aphrodite might be tough to dodge ickiness.

I think the stunned condition is a nice replacement for charms and mind control. Giving someone a case of the braindumbs is something the cleric of a love god might do.
That's not a bad idea, instead of basically taking someone over for a bit, you just stun them for a little bit.

Have Dreamweaver or something playing in the background and we're in business.

Same. I could see Sanctuary as well, with an ability later on to affect two people at once with it. To me, a Love domain, rather than any sort of compulsion aspect would work with a mixture of the School of Abjuration and some sort of Bardic Inspiration mechanic, because that's the...

Ceremony had come to mind. I'm not looking at my books at the moment, so I don't have any other ideas, myself.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Same. I could see Sanctuary as well, with an ability later on to affect two people at once with it. To me, a Love domain, rather than any sort of compulsion aspect would work with a mixture of the School of Abjuration and some sort of Bardic Inspiration mechanic, because that's the...

It do make the world go around.


Biological Disaster
Yeah, I agree that a Love domain should be more about protection and self-sacrifice than mind control.

Having said that, the abilities in this Love domain look like they'd fit fine in a Passion domain. So appropriate for Aphrodite's love in myth, a lot less so by modern standards of the word.

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