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D&D and the rising pandemic


I see you are familiar in the ways of cats!

Somewhere, I gave a picture from my childhood (in the mid-70s) of my two cats storming my castle and wreaking havoc with the plastic knights & horses. Well, not so much storming as one occupying the courtyard and keeping the other out.

I need to scan it one day...

Got 2 of them. Ones on me atm she's very needy and the wife is at work. Barely sat down for breakfast and yeah.

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Sweden's herd approach.

Per capita ten times death of neighboring Finland.

Last per capita death rate has increased 50% since last time I posted it.

They were worse than the USA, now they're up there with UK.


Mod Squad
Staff member
We’re still considering what we need for the outer layers, but that article convinced us to track down some of these for the inner layer. Here’s why:

Inserting two of these towels into an ordinary cotton mask brought filtration up to 93% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, the smallest their machine could test. Meanwhile, the cotton masks filtered 60% of particles at best in their tests, Schempf said.

So, there can be an issue with this in the context of a cloth face mask.

Two towels, inside a cotton mask - that's four layers of fabric. Air is a fluid, and will take the path of least resistance, which, with four layers of fabric, is likely around the edges of the mask. Yes, the mask filters wonderfully... but most of the air is probably no longer going through the filter!


Staff member
So, there can be an issue with this in the context of a cloth face mask.

Two towels, inside a cotton mask - that's four layers of fabric. Air is a fluid, and will take the path of least resistance, which, with four layers of fabric, is likely around the edges of the mask. Yes, the mask filters wonderfully... but most of the air is probably no longer going through the filter!

It is a Maginot Line. That’s why they compare these more to surgical masks as opposed to the N95s.

But as they’ve been saying- before and after the changing recommendations on wearing masks- it’s less about protecting you than protecting others FROM you.

(Additionally, my personal experience tells me that you’re also not ONLY getting air though the sides.)


Staff member
After a very basic point, that depends on whether you are wearing them properly.

1) the metal part- if it has one- is meant to go over the nose and you’re supposed to pinch it for a better seal. It seems a small thing, but you can definitely notice the difference. If I’m wearing one and forget to pinch, my glasses start fogging quite quickly.

2) you need to cover both your nose and mouth. In my experience, you need to pull the bottom down under the chin to prevent slippage.

3) Ideally- and I‘m guilty of this- your facial hair doesn’t protrude under the boundaries of the mask.

4) once you’re mask is properly fitted to your face, avoid touching it as much as possible. I see people out & about manipulating their masks constantly while eating & drinking on the go.

5) remove it from the rear by the loops or drawstrings, not by grabbing the front. That way, you don’t contaminate your hands in the process.


After a very basic point, that depends on whether you are wearing them properly.

My effort at a home made mask. Old tee shirt with hoodie and beanie.


Found some normal ones at corner store for $.1.20 each. $8 for 100 ml hand sanitizer.

Only been to supermarket once in 4 weeks.


Anyone know how effective Is one of these:


Would be annoying to wear for very long. The cartidges are labeled “R51A Chemical cartridge for organic vapors”. I got this to wear while pulling out fiberglass insulation from my crawl space. It seemed to be a good way to avoid a lung full of fiberglass filaments.

Problems: I have only the two filter cartridges. I’d have shave my beard to get a good seal.

Be safe, be well,
‘Tom Bitonti


Mod Squad
Staff member
Anyone know how effective Is one of these:

The cartidges are labeled “R51A Chemical cartridge for organic vapors”.

Not an expert, but my quick reading suggest that won't do it. The R51A is for vapors - things that are already a gas. It needs a dust/mist (DM) or high efficiency (HEPA) filter to prevent transmission of covid-19.


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