D&D and the rising pandemic


5e Freelancer
We need a vaccine ASAP, along with some medicine that can treat coronavirus. Unfortunately, people get bored being stuck inside much quicker than it takes to find/make those things.

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In the meantime millions will die from disease and our economic worldwide structure will drastically change from everything we've known the past 50 years.


5e Freelancer
NO. It will end, it will just be a long time. Years.
I am not completely convinced it will end. I mean, we'll get medicine to make it less effective, make vaccines, and mutate to possibly become less deadly against humans. Eventually it will effect less and less people each year, but millions worldwide will die and it will continue to spread through the world for as long as Americans are stupid and don't get vaccines.


5e Freelancer
In the meantime millions will die from disease and our economic worldwide structure will drastically change from everything we've known the past 50 years.
Yes, our economy will crash worldwide, hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, will die in the United States and even more worldwide, and the world will change dramatically. People will starve. People will suffocate in their own blood. People will have severe inflammation attacks and die. It will continue killing, and most likely never be eradicated, just look at what happened with the Measles, but we must try to get rid of it.


Having been re-listening-to the early Expanse audiobooks recently with their descriptions of Belter gesture-based body language due to them spending much of their time in helmets, I did wonder whether we'll start to develop alternate forms of expression to compensate for having half our face covered in public. Maybe there'll be an app for projecting a smile or frown on a smartphone, and you can hold it up over your actual mouth.

Well, as someone who's lived in a country where wearing masks is pretty much standard fare as soon as you so much as sniffle, I can say that, nope, it doesn't really impact expression at all. Or, heck, there's a significant portion of the world where wearing some form of face covering for a significant chunk of the population has been standard for centuries and, again, it hasn't really impacted body language.


Day whatever of lockdown in my South Pacific Police state. 2 more days of lockdown to go.

0 cases today.

By recycling bins full of beer bottles and cans. I the grand scene of things it's not a lot less than 1 bottle a day but feels bad.



Mod Squad
Staff member
I am not completely convinced it will end.

So, perhaps we should take a step back for a second...

It isn't like deadly disease is new to the human race, folks. Smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, black plague, influenza, malaria, HIV... the list goes on and on.

In fact, the only two diseases we have ever successfully eradicated have been smallpox and rinderpest (a disease of cattle, not people). So, no, this will not end, insofar as this hasn't ended for pretty much any other disease. But somehow, we manage.

To be honest, so far there's no specific indication that, long term, SARS-CoV-2 is going to be a particularly intractable beast. Maybe folks are basing expectations on media, where a disease shows up and poof! by the end of the episode there's a complete cure, and we despair if something magic doesn't happen in the commercial break. But, folks, do remember - this disease was first noted only about six months ago! It was noted as a new coronavirus in the first week of January, for cryin' out loud! The fact that no miracle cure has appeared in a mere half-year is no indication at all that there will never be something that does the trick.

Have a bit of patience, folks, before you throw in the towel.


So, perhaps we should take a step back for a second...

It isn't like deadly disease is new to the human race, folks. Smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, black plague, influenza, malaria, HIV... the list goes on and on.

In fact, the only two diseases we have ever successfully eradicated have been smallpox and rinderpest (a disease of cattle, not people). So, no, this will not end, insofar as this hasn't ended for pretty much any other disease. But somehow, we manage.

To be honest, so far there's no specific indication that, long term, SARS-CoV-2 is going to be a particularly intractable beast. Maybe folks are basing expectations on media, where a disease shows up and poof! by the end of the episode there's a complete cure, and we despair if something magic doesn't happen in the commercial break. But, folks, do remember - this disease was first noted only about six months ago! The fact that no miracle cure has appeared in a mere half-year is no indication at all that there will never be something that does the trick.

Have a bit of patience, folks, before you throw in the towel.

Vaccines aren't 100% effective. Even other normal flu shot is something like 67% effective iirc.

Main benefit of lockdown seems to be buying time to get PPE and medical supplies sorted.

I don't think you can lock down longer than 2-3 months even in sane countries.

There's even an element if classism to it.

Most jobs can't be done from home. Go broke lose house/job so the middle/upper class can hide.

We haven't had the collapse USA has had here. It's more if a slow motion train wreck as business after business falls over.

Longer it goes on more people will either get complacent or ignore the rules. Some won't have a choice.

Already got online friends looking at living on the street.

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