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D&D 5E 20th level Sorcerer vs the world

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The dark one :)
He doesn't need to find him. The Sorcerer just needs to follow your direction.
Ah now I understand ^^ so if the wizard lives at about 150 km from your fortress (not that far) you're leaving your home and walk in straight line for 150km? Even a 10 int simple sorcerer must now that this is not real your sorcerer is rather5-6 int here

Okay, so we have now established the sorcerer is outside of his fortress, and has no 9th level spell slots, probably no 8th level spell slots either, not more than a handful of hit points and every 20th level wizard on the planet now knows where he is and where he is going, because while he is mind blanked, none of the celestials with him are. Let me know when he arrives in Binky's town.
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Okay, so we have now established the sorcerer is outside of his fortress, and has no 9th level spell slots, probably no 8th level spell slots either left not more than a handful of hit points and probably every 20th level wizard on the planet now knows where he is and where he is going, because while he is mind blanked, none of the celestials with him are. Let me know when he arrives in Binky's town.

Binky is so scary .... :eek:

Alfred the Homebird, Wizard 20 (Chronurgist), Variant Human, Background of Cloistered Scholar.

INT 20, DEX 14, WIS 15, CON 14, CHA 10, STR 8 (standard array)
Feats: Telepathic, Observant, 2 ASI (INT and CON), Lucky (he broke up with a DMM and lived...), Skill Expertise (Nature),
Skills: History, Nature, Investigation, Arcana.
HP: 122

Cloned, equipped with a contingency and a Simulacrum of himself.

Alfred had a tumultuous youth! After being raised as a teenager in Candlekeep, where the average girl's age is 83, he felt the need to explore the world and set out to adventure. He uncovered many magical secrets and in his time became a famed investigator, unearthing many ruins and the secrets they countained. At some point, he even explored the underworld and wooed a Drow Priestess named Eilirilia, who fell for his wit, if not his charm. However, the affair didn't last as they had a disagreement over several political points between its upbringing in the faith of Ilmater and the drow clan social practices. Still young, and not knowing that you need some compromise to make a couple work, he left one day, leaving only a note wishing the best for Eilirialia and hoping she will find someone more like her. He retired to Candlekeep for a long time, where he studied among the dusty tomes and perfected his arcane power.

A few years later, noticing the secluded life was affecting his health, he retired in a rural area and tilled his garden to fight back ache, improving his Constitution greatly. With his theoretical approach backing practical skills, he gathered some following publishing gardening tips for the various noble interested in horticulture.

Sometimes, however, this newfound popularity was tiring as people regularly sought him for advice... Alfred was used to the tranquillity of Candlekeep's hall after all. So he made a double of himself and used him as a butler and general remover of unwanted wisitors. Just in case, he made this duplicate a day where he was loaded with memorized offensive spells -- better safe than sorry! He would however gladly open his door for real enthusiasts.

Quite recently, he was made aware that Eilirilia was somehow with a creepy guy looking like a Magen and living a paranoid life. Discounting the rumours, he didn't act on his information... until Ilmater knocked on his door and said "Man, do something! Toughen up and kill the bloke!" [which was very un-Ilmater-like, thought Alfred].


Strategy in the mighty fight against the planar-travelling Retriever who delivered HUN-HAT to his smoking lounge.

Roll initiative (+7) vs Retriever (+3) and incapacitated HUN-HAT (+2, irrelevant).

Realizing that HUN-HAT can become tiring if he succeed on his saving throw to free from paralyzation, and that it is not a regular cookie seller or amateur herborist, warranting removal from the premises (but not enough to harm him until further information is gathered... Alfred was never big on violence and the guy just arrived uninvited in his home). Plus, if Ilmater was right, it was the guy he was tasked to fight, and who apparently made Eilirilia live a very uncomfortable life... He had left her, but she didn't do anything wrong, it was the result of her upbringing and she didn't deserve to hover until the end of time without ever touching the ground. So after an instant of internal monologue, Alfred reluctantly settle for the use of nonlethal force.

So... On round 1, Alfred will Imprison (9th level spell slot), using the Eternal Slumber version [he has been cultivating rare soporic herbs in his garden, right by the thyme patch] the HUN-HAT. Should the HUN-HAT succeed on his DC 19 Wisdom check (with his +0 ability score and no proficiency... but you can't rule out a natural 20), Alfred will spend an exhaustion level and activate his Convergent Future ability to set the dice to one less than was needed to succeed. Eternal slumber it is for the HUN-HAT.

On the same round, the Simulacrum butler is actively trying to remove the offending Retriever... a Large creature in the smoking lounge is SURE to make a mess! The immediate goal being protection of the furniture -- since there is obviously nothing threatening happening to anyone so far. His action is therefore to cast Polymorph to turn the Large Retriever into a CR 0 snail (which is lower than the original CR, so it's OK). If needed (the retriever rolls at +5 against a DC19), he'll use his own Convergent Future ability to make sure his mission to protect the premises is accomplished. As a move action, he'll move to the snail and collect it.

For some reason, after 10 minutes, the snail will vanish, leaving a puzzled Simulacrum (who was still concentrating on the spell) and an even more puzzled Alfred. Maybe interrogating the HUN-HAT will bring some answers. But it is a story for another day. Right now, Alfred can return to make herbal tea. For some reason, he dinged XP for defeating a level 20 threat after this uneventful, albeit strange, event, which puzzled him even more.

HUN-HAT is defeated by Alfred, all from the comfort of his own home. Vote.
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Any divination, dream spell and anything about the Sorcerer fails, because no one knows who The Demigod really is. If you don't know who the creature is that you want to affect, all of these indirect spells fail.
Now, in addition to being impossible to know who he is. So, let's change bodies.

The last trick revealed.

Remember that the Sorcerer is Master of Deception and Disguise.
So, I still hadn't revealed that ..

The Sorcerer, Master of Deception.

Wished Magic Jar: Get the Drow Favored Consort Body

Cast Death Ward, destroy the Jar and avoid death (Death Ward effect)
A new body.

Stealth +11, 225 HP, Elf (Don't Sleep)
The Master of Deception and Disguise is revealing his tricks.

View attachment 131173

He is not just changing his Disguises, but literally his body.
Sorry, just reviewed the magic jar spell. Wish will allow you to cast magic jar, but using a wish to also provide a body to possess goes beyond using a wish to duplicate a spell effect, so that's a 33% chance of not being able to cast wish ever again.

Finding a body to possess by other means seems to be DM fiat and thus outside the parameters of this exercise. For that matter, so is the simulacrum of the drow matron mother, so no retriever.

Another point - though it is more of a grey area - is whether death ward will protect against deliberately destroying the container when more than 100 feet of the sorcerer's original body. It seems to me that it is not an Effect that causes instant death like power word kill, but a built-in consequence to prevent misuse of the spell. Since I am an interested party and my ruling shouldn't count, I did some online research to see what neutral third parties said about the interaction. I've seen opinions ranging from "you return to your original body" to "you exist as a disembodied spirit" to "you die anyway". I haven't found any support for the idea that you can continue to use the new body.

You are a clear target, easy to kill and very slow and easily counterspellable.
You cant counterspell anything. He's literally in an Anti Magic Field, as are you, grappled.

I cant cast anything either once that spell is active mind you.

Galven Magen's Static Discarge kills this guy instantly. Your tactic would never work
No, as I have already stated, they've been dealt with by my own infinite Simulacra (who have 9th level slots) and my own Magens. We can safely assume our legions of Simulacra and Magens and summoned beings cancels each other out.

Not really fair on me, because my Simulacra have 9th level spells (and Wish) but I'll happily just rule they cancel out your legions of minions.

Bladesinger is especially quickly killed by the Lighting Demigod with Aasimar ability.
You take every turn, no save / no attack roll. 50 damage.
Storm Fury + Aasimar 'skill.

What gibberish are you dribbling on about now? In order for the Aasimar racial abilities to do anything you have to activate them as an Action, and then you have to actually land an attack on the Bladesinger. Spells are out (due to the AMF) so its going to have to be a Melee attack (or ranged weapon attack).

Voidrunner's Codex

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