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D&D General How do you handle Romance in D&D games?

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CR 1/8
I deal with romance in D&D like I deal with romance in real life; obliviously when it happens to my NPC/character, clumsily when my NPC/character initiates it, and when it works I have no freakin' clue of what I did right. I wish I was joking...

D&D: "Make a romance roll."

Real life: "Make a romance roll."


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
aren't most high school and college movies/TV shows written interchangably
In some aspects, not in terms of how romantically experiences the characters are IME. I think few people will be able to come along for the ride when all or even most of a group of 18-21 year olds are just having thier first awkward foray into romance.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
D&D: "Make a romance roll."

Real life: "Make a romance roll."
Lol I’m the opposite. In person, I’m very insightful and make connections quite easily. The further removed from direct interaction in person I get, the worse I get at navigating social interactions. My characters are very bad at romance.


In some aspects, not in terms of how romantically experiences the characters are IME. I think few people will be able to come along for the ride when all or even most of a group of 18-21 year olds are just having thier first awkward foray into romance.
I was thinking the reverse, where the high school ones always have more college level problems. I know the whole 'kids are having kids' thing was true even in the 80's, but my high school had like 200 Srs graduate, and 6 of them were parents, and maybe triple that where sexually active in any meaningful way... today my niece and nephew (and my fiancé's nephew) are just around starting high school and there are both less students and less parents as students (I assume in both cases some dropped out) so the idea that the whole school is active in high school seems odd to me... heck only a few (not counting) years ago my cousin graduated and it didn't seem like the way any of the HS movies play out (Disney/kids ones under play it or ignore it, but most more 'serious' ones practically make them act like 25 year old's at a singles bar...

now that's not to say there are not realistic ones at all... but most HS movie/TV shows play it diffrent then reality for the entertainment... I expect a game/mod would do the same.

If the character has title, arranged marriages will come up. Have to legitimize the heir, and all. Choose the spouse (and family!) wisely.

As adventurers come in all genders and orientations, the local whorehouses cater to all kinds, especially in the big cities.

Sometime opportunities for flings or romances happen. A torrid affair may garner an enemy, but will give you a little spring in your step (spend 100gp, +1 to saves for a month). A passionate romance helps you press on when things are grim (spend 50gp / month, +1 to saves while continuing). Details of encounters are omitted.

This has been always with PC to NPC interactions. I've been in games where multiple PCs had soap-opera levels of interaction, but those were back in the day where there were multiple DMs and 30-50 players.


Eh, wenching has been a part of my D&D experience with players since my first days with the game. Have had player romances, NPCs romances and most things in-between. Anything sexual has been handled off-stage.

I'm looking forward to Strixhaven, but I doubt "romance" will come up in game at all. I'm here for the learnin', and fighting the MtG equivilant of Voldomort.

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