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D&D 5E D&D New Edition Design Looks Soon?

WotC’s Ray Winninger has hinted on Twitter that we may be seeing something of the 2024 next edition of D&D soon — “you’ll get a first look at some of the new design work soon.”.

WotC’s Ray Winninger has hinted on Twitter that we may be seeing something of the 2024 next edition of D&D soon — “you’ll get a first look at some of the new design work soon.”.



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Both ROll20 and FantasyGrounds used publish such data but not as far as I know in the last number of years.
Seems though that Roll20 claim some 10 million users. I cannot s find numbers for FantasyGrounds. The closest I can get are session data

i personally do not care for the product that Joe is pushing. I am not particularly looking for a 3d map for D&D play or an AR app for table play. What I want is telepresence. VR representations of the players in the same virtual room that supports the any standard VTT for the tactical stuff instead of dungeon tiles or a flipmat in the real world.
My ideal would be a holodec simulation of the D&D world that includes the option to change your own appearance to match your PC. Just be sure to not turn off the safety regulators! :)

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
My ideal would be a holodec simulation of the D&D world that includes the option to change your own appearance to match your PC. Just be sure to not turn off the safety regulators! :)
Why not? I heard that D&D is supposed to ask your permission before it's allowed to kill you, and everything else can be fixed in your sleep.


My ideal would be a holodec simulation of the D&D world that includes the option to change your own appearance to match your PC. Just be sure to not turn off the safety regulators! :)
Only if it could match my personal fitness to that of my character :D .
Though a if VR can solve the walking problem I would like to try a game/fitness application that taught actual swordmanship.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
They didn't replace those though, they just used advantage everywhere else and pretended there weren't a bunch of places +N things existed while stripping the rules that helped support depth & nuance for +N.
Go (re)read the design diaries. The vast majority of small bonuses and penalties were replaced with Advantage/Disadvantage, and they kept a few places with numeric bonuses/penalties where they wanted it to stack with Adv/Dis or didn't want it to replace trying to get it another way, like the Bless spell.

And yes, losing some of the "depth and nuance" of an overly complicated system that would not work with bounded accuracy was acceptable. That does not make it less interesting, it makes it more fit for purpose when they are actively streamlining the rules.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
My theory is there is nothing wrong with the ranger and never has been. It's just a meme. It's possible there isn't even a ranger class to begin with.
It doesn't matter if there actually is a problem, only that "enough" people think that there is. That's the problem with all of this. Who yells the loudest is the most important consideration to WotC.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Wow. A mechanic specifically designed to replace lots of small bonuses, from all over the place and your complaint is that it is used all over the place to replace small bonuses.

And yes, when 5e came out there was a lot of praise about how it was an interesting new mechanic that was able to clear up this existing problem, so it is also a counterpoint to Micah's complaint that they don't dare do new mechanics.
I said interesting, not new. There is nothing interesting about advantage, except that D&D took so long to give it a try.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Go (re)read the design diaries. The vast majority of small bonuses and penalties were replaced with Advantage/Disadvantage, and they kept a few places with numeric bonuses/penalties where they wanted it to stack with Adv/Dis or didn't want it to replace trying to get it another way, like the Bless spell.

And yes, losing some of the "depth and nuance" of an overly complicated system that would not work with bounded accuracy was acceptable. That does not make it less interesting, it makes it more fit for purpose when they are actively streamlining the rules.
I vastly prefer Level Up's widespread usage of expertise dice to supplement advantage/disadvantage to just using a/d alone.


Which leaves the question of whether the tastes of gamers actually changed that much over the years with some demographics growing larger than others, or if it's creator's bias towards it that is weighting it that way.
It's what it was since the playtest.

Many things didn't reach 90% approval that the original surveys required in order to get into first version of the edition. As Time passed the percentage of threshold needed to be added into the game lowered and lowered and now we're at the point where the very popular but not extremely popular items are now hitting the game and you're seeing those being added into it.

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