D&D 5E So this is how D&D 5e dies, a beautiful start only to die in disgrace because of mismanagement. RIP 5e


What does it mean for D&D to die? I mean I don’t know what that means. Is it dead if it isn’t published anymore? That’s surely not the case. And will not be the case.

I think instead of being so extremely vengeful as some seems to be, why not play different game for some period?
It has many advantages
1. You vote with your money letting WotC know you don’t like the direction
2. You support other RPGs which could use the support.
3. Instead of spending feelings on being depressed and sour - and in the process making other people on the internet feel the same - you get to pour some positive feelings into something. I’d much rather read a positive “Just tried Level Up and it’s amazing”-thread than yet another “WotC are greedy and should burn”-thread.

What I’m trying to say is spin this to something positive. D&D isn’t going away. You books are not evaporating.

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They should remember this is not a monopoly, or a cartel with a price agremeent. Here the players need to use the head for the survival of their PCs, and they were aren't so easy to be tricked or manipulated.
They probably know that their market share will not be all that affected, and that their move into systems like DDB and on-line gaming hold a far greater return potential than easily-pirated pdfs.

With HBO, Amazon, and Netflix pushing high-res High Fantasy, D&D is safe.

I think "the death of D&D as a brand", "the death of D&D as a cultural phenomenon", "the death of all games called D&D", "the death of 5e D&D as a game at the center of ttrpg culture", "the death of 5e D&D as a game that is played", "the death of D&D as a profitable business for WotC", "the death of the 5e era D&D fad", and several other things are all, in fact, different things that are being discussed interchangeably in this thread.

Do with that insight what you will, but I think you'll do yourself a favor if you clearly decide in your own mind exactly which thing(s) you are predicting the imminent death or enduring longevity of.

Note that the thread was ostenibly about 5e dying. Even that may refer to several different things however.


I hardly doubt it's going to die, but I am very much hoping this'll piss off enough people and cause enough of a storm to give way for other games and companies to be given more prominence. And for D&D to no longer be see as "the TTRPG", from this point onward.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
I doubt 5e will die by the end of the year as it will take time for competitors to really come operational.

but if oned&d will be stillborn and if something else might start to move towards the king of rpg I do not know.

but these feel like the opening shots of something so we will see in the coming months.

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