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D&D (2024) Here's The New 2024 Player's Handbook Wizard Art

WotC says art is not final.

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I know I'm not alone here - I'm not even alone in this thread - in feeling this. Isekai has become a watchword for "complete trash on every level" to me. Like, offensively bad. And I think a lot of people who watch some anime, but for who it's not like, their "lifestyle" and "anime fan" is not a descriptor they'd identify with, the visceral reaction to the term "Isekai" is... pretty negative.

Its stuff like what you've described here that has me pretty tenative on even engaging in a lot of media from that direction. I know that there are gems out there, and some stuff that is critically acclaimed, but you can miss me with a all that stuff you've described thats for sure.

I just want blood and guts and weird surreal horror, kthx.

Several posters have said this wizard gives MTG vibes. Several other posters have pointed out that that Strixhaven is a D&D setting. Which got me thinking:

How fast would the D&D corner of the internet explode if the sample setting in the DMG was Dominaria?
I think the reaction would be extremely negative, on the whole.

There is a crossover between MtG fans and D&D fans, for sure, but even among them, the idea of replacing D&D's own core/sample/default setting with the mediocre and forgettable (even compared to, say, the FR) Dominaria setting would cause considerable upset. Any non-D&D setting would, no matter how much WotC owns it.

Also, frankly, I don't think the D&D team would be keen, because it weakens D&D's brand identity, and sort of suggests it's just a subset of MtG. It also reminds people that D&D is a "WotC brand", rather than a beloved game - that's a mistake, right now. Remember the survey? Remember how WotC got significantly more negativity than D&D did? People who said they like D&D, mostly said they were neutral or negative on WotC as a company.

So why in god's holy name would you possible want to reinforce the connection between the somewhat negatively regarded WotC brand (further damaged recently by Larian abandoning them, no matter how diplomatic Swen was), with the D&D brand? It's just a straight-up Bad Idea.

I know some people would defend this stuff to the death, but it's exactly this kind of idiocy, at this relatively delicate time in D&D/WotC's history, that would cause another PR disaster for WotC. It would be a profound mistake to do something like that. People who don't think it would be don't understand fan volatility very well, I think.


Where is that Singe?
You agree that they can disagree with you but it makes no sense that they would?
YES!!!! Sort of. It is more I just don't understand why they would make that choice that way if they didn't have to. Which is why I just say it "Makes no sense to me", because it doesn't.

Now, this is a very different discussion. But also... maybe you've been without glasses for too long? Like, I have some pretty terrible eyesight, and if I lost my glasses I wouldn't be able to read, and I'd have a hard time seeing people's faces... but I other than a headache I could still interact in the world.

For a powerful mage, who doesn't really need to see the fine details of their enemies... yeah their enemies are going to be a bit blurry and indistinct, but you don't need to slip a firebolt as thick as your wrist through a gap in their armor, you just need to hit center of mass.

Not everyone with glasses are Velma and utterly blind without them. There is no reason to think that just because she would be unable to read a book she would be helpless without her glasses.
Well, I still wear glasses when driving at night. I certainly don't need to, but it makes things "crisper". Sort of like going from HD to 4K.

And I know many people don't need classes to function. Most people in history dealt with poor eyesight before glasses were invented, after all!

However, something being blurry and indistinct could be to the point you cannot tell friend from foe at a distance, so who do you target with the spell? Or do you not realize two allies are fighting in that crowd of enemies, so you end up fireballing them as well? Ranged attacks would probably be with disadvantage if your eyesight is impaired enough.

If something to help is available, glasses OR a magical "cure", people generally use them.


I don't think I am misidentifying them, I'm afraid.

Isekai doesn't have to be like that, and there are honorable exceptions, one of which already mentioned, but the vast majority of Isekai that reaches the West, at least, does conform, to a greater or less extent, to the broad stereotype I'm putting out there. It's like there's an entirely different set of standards for Isekai. Non-Isekai anime, to be successful, to be recommended, to be well-regarded, has to be pretty good, by and large - dramatic, well-animated, clever, sometimes original and daring, it usually has to have something to say, or at least something familiar in a clever way. It also tends to need charming and memorable characters. Further, if it falls into a lot of tropes like the crude cheesy power-fantasy (sub-Shonen stuff, more about min-maxing than "unlocking your true power"), or harem stuff, most anime tends to get severely mocked and disregarded and rightly so.

But Isekai? You just cannot trust any Isekai that is being recommend or watched by a lot of people because it isn't being held to those standards. It isn't being watched for the same reasons. It isn't because it's a cool story, or clever, or has something to say, or looks great, or has, amazing, ridiculous fight scenes (or all the above, like JJK). It's being watched because it's cheap, completely uninspired, completely uninspiring, nothing-to-say, nothing to add, not even visually, power-fantasy, often significant harem or harem-adjacent elements, and very often with protagonists so fundamentally awful they hark back to the worst anime protags of the '80s and '90s.

Is there other anime that bad? Yes. But it tends to be unpopular and often not even make it to the West or performs poorly if it does. Whereas in Japan and seemingly to a lesser extent in the West, Isekai, no matter how dire, and most of it is so dire, seems to get a free pass on any kind of quality or decency or modernity at all.

I know I'm not alone here - I'm not even alone in this thread - in feeling this. Isekai has become a watchword for "complete trash on every level" to me. Like, offensively bad. And I think a lot of people who watch some anime, but for who it's not like, their "lifestyle" and "anime fan" is not a descriptor they'd identify with, the visceral reaction to the term "Isekai" is... pretty negative.

Might that change in future? Maybe, but it would it take the genre to fundamentally start asking far more of itself.

But part of that is because many of the old isekai shows aren't regarded as such, because they existed before the term.

And, like you could say the same thing about Urban Fantasy being all about toxic relationships and sexism. There is a lot of urban fantasy that follows those tropes... but that doesn't mean that Urban Fantasy is DEFINED by those tropes, they are just common.

Near-sightedness is a kind of blindness, albeit mild. Most people who are legally blind actually have some degree of sight. Heal can "end" any form of blindness
Semantics. Heal ends the “blind” condition. If you don’t have the blind condition it does nothing.
Alter Self is temporary, but one can appear as any age or in any physical condition. Obviously, one can appear any ethnicity or any gender
Way to completely miss the point. People want to see people like them represented in the game. So, your message is, you can be an adventurer irrespective of your gender or ethnicity, but don’t even think about it if you wear glasses. Frankly, I had enough of that bullying **** at school.


I assume some worlds have jet fighters. I mean why not put them in the sky with rhe picture of the fighter? They exist somewhere.

like whatever you like. I won’t tell you why it’s wrong.

Well, if it is what I like, you can't tell me why what I like is wrong. Kind of definitionally.

I expressed an opinion. I like the art but not that choice. It “feels” anachronistic…for a medieval fantasy vibe I typically like. Granted the D&D world is not historical.

Why is the ONLY acceptable answer that this piece of art is perfect. I am sorry. I don’t like that choice. But not really. I am not really sorry actually.

I've never said that the only acceptable answer is that you must find the art to be perfect. But, if you wanted to say that it feels anachronistic to have bronze armor in DnD, it is a legit rebuttal to point out that Theros is a setting where Bronze armor makes perfect sense.

We are allowed to respond to your criticisms. And it is a legit response that while it may not fit the vibe you like, it does fit DnD.

So many other people likes all of it…maybe that would be more pleasant for you to focus on?

And no, I do NOT like a lot of what has been put out in terms of settings to include the Realms.

And you don't have to like them, but if you realize that the majority of the things being made don't fit your style, judging something as poorly representing the game because it doesn't fit a vibe the game is not going for.... seems odd to me.

For the record despite the &$@* glasses, I think this piece bodes well for the overall quality of the upcoming art.

Personally, I think the Champion art speaks much more highly for the quality of art in the game, but I do agree the quality seems like it will be much higher.


really shouldn't have to state that explicitly. I've done so in my last several posts (e.g. IMO, to me, my opinion) because others seems to overlook that if I am speaking about something for myself, it is always my opinion.
You shouldn't have to, but this has been an affliction of posting online for a long time. I've gotten half into the habit of stating things as my opinion in some conversations just because of this situation.
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Its stuff like what you've described here that has me pretty tenative on even engaging in a lot of media from that direction. I know that there are gems out there, and some stuff that is critically acclaimed, but you can miss me with a all that stuff you've described thats for sure.

I just want blood and guts and weird surreal horror, kthx.
Yes, as a "returning anime viewer", after a 20+ year gap, I would say you have to pick your anime very, very carefully. There are great shows (not many), good shows (which are often cool but flawed), there are okay shows, and there are terrible shows - the latter are by far the largest category.

If something is:

A) Being called an Isekai


B) Set inside in a videogame/MMORPG

There easily a 95% chance it is completely terrible and you'd be embarrassed to be seen or thought of as watching it, because it's drivel. No matter how many people say it's good.


Cry havoc! And let slip the pigs of war!
Well, if it is what I like, you can't tell me why what I like is wrong. Kind of definitionally.

I've never said that the only acceptable answer is that you must find the art to be perfect. But, if you wanted to say that it feels anachronistic to have bronze armor in DnD, it is a legit rebuttal to point out that Theros is a setting where Bronze armor makes perfect sense.

We are allowed to respond to your criticisms. And it is a legit response that while it may not fit the vibe you like, it does fit DnD.

And you don't have to like them, but if you realize that the majority of the things being made don't fit your style, judging something as poorly representing the game because it doesn't fit a vibe the game is not going for.... seems odd to me.

Personally, I think the Champion art speaks much more highly for the quality of art in the game, but I do agree the quality seems like it will be much higher.
What I would say is that it was a statement of preference with some explanation as to why. I was very clear about how it felt was not a factual thing. I said “SEEMS” in all caps to clarify the point it may not be anachronistic. How can it be?

As to “you probably don’t like enough of what has been published so sit down and be quiet,” my answer is simple.


I do however try not to pile on and beat dead horses. I don’t want to crap on people’s enjoyment. Plenty of other people here are very vocal about how much 5e sucks, WOTC is corrupt, ad nauseam.

I like the game and it’s the only rpg I play anymore. My basement is dedicated to it.

I think the new art will be good. How about I leave it there and I will pretend I like the glasses?

Carry on.

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