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Recent content by BEKirby

  1. BEKirby

    What d20 books are on your must-buy list?

    Right, I'll ask again: Can anyone provide details on this book? I've not seen anything on the Alderac site. A link would be most appreciated. Thx.
  2. BEKirby

    What d20 books are on your must-buy list?

    World's Largest City? Don't recall seeing anything about this before--anyone care to share some details?
  3. BEKirby

    Green Ronin Sells Out...of Award Winning Titles

    Well, I have to say I'm pleased...for pretty obvious reasons. :cool:
  4. BEKirby

    Psyched for The Black Company!

    It's almost like he had the quote ready to pull out for just this reason... :lol:
  5. BEKirby

    Arrr, mateys

    What to do with a pirate ship Well, let's see, you could: Make a yellow-bellied landlubber walk the plank Harass the mainland Send some scurvy dogs to Davy Jones' locker Sink a frigate Sink a ship o' the line Sink a junk Find a deserted island to bury your treasure Get yerself a lass (or lad)...
  6. BEKirby

    Very Quick! Very Urgent! Suggest new name for EN World Player's Journal

    How 'bout... Of course, late to the thread, but that doesn't stop me from suggesting: EN World Picayune Just because we don't have enough periodicals with "Picayune" in the title. /got nothin'
  7. BEKirby

    Gaming stores in the Denver area?

    Consider B&R thirded. A good friend of mine took us out there when we were visiting out Colorado way earlier this year. Not only were the prices for used books cut in half, but a lot of the new material was 20% to 30% off. I consider myself fortunate that I live near NYC (where our choices are...
  8. BEKirby

    EN World Player's Journal--Mostly Dead?

    No prob'. Though it doesn't sound encouraging, I'm sure that it could well be because of some "bigger and better" plan in the works. Thanks for replying.
  9. BEKirby

    EN World Player's Journal--Mostly Dead?

    Just curious to hear whether or not this mag was still a going concern, as I haven't seen anything about Issue 5 on these boards or at the Goodman Games site. Any updates that anyone "in the know" would like to share? Thanks.
  10. BEKirby

    What would you do with this oathbreaking paladin?

    I'm a bit unclear on the timing of events, but here's my take: If I'd been GM'ing this one, and the Paladin had offered up the arrow before they'd gone through a lot of give and take with the Dragon, then heck yeah, the Paladin should be punished. The Paladin is not only offering up a big...
  11. BEKirby

    Anyone have Black Sails Over Freeport yet?

    =Bump= ...and still no EN World reviews. Yarr, what be up with that, me hardies?
  12. BEKirby

    The contests are OVER! Thanks very much to everyone for playing!

    Sometimes I go, most times I don't. Usually it comes down to how much vacation time I've got and how much cash-poor I'm feeling a few months prior.
  13. BEKirby

    Ping Green Ronin: Martial Arts Mayhem Web Enhancement link broken

    Sorry, should have been more specific. Didn't know if you were linking to the file from outside the GR site. What I should have written was: "I just went to the site and the ZIP file started downloading just fine." Ah, if only I could go back to those heady days of yesterday. But it seems like...
  14. BEKirby

    Ping Green Ronin: Martial Arts Mayhem Web Enhancement link broken

    Where are you trying the link? The link on the GR site seems to be working.
  15. BEKirby

    Big Modules

    I'll also throw in a little plug for something I worked on: You may also want to take a gander at Black Sails Over Freeport, a mega-adventure that will take your players from around 6th level to around 14th. And if you start with the original Freeport trilogy, that'll take them from 1st to...