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Once Upon A Time in the Weird West


Priest races Hammer between the horse and the zombie and slashes at it with his longsword. The blow connects and sends the creature's head flying off, knocking the wall of the sheriff's chambers.

Jianna mounts her horse and pulls out Dragoon, firing the gun at one of the zombies 40' away. There is a resounding boom as it hits the zombie, a man in his 40s wearing a still-new vest, blowing a chunk of chest off one of them. However, the creature continues to stumble forward, arms outstretched.

The zombies start to charge forward, their eyes only reflecting mindless hunger. Jianna's horse neighs in fear, but she controls her steed. She looks at the victims, and sees that they were probably harmless citizens in their former lives, but now in their new state of unlife, all they seem to want to do is kill and feed. The smell of their rot almost makes her want to retch.

Map below. Grey z is the dead, dead zombie. Underlined red marks the wounded zombie.

Initiative: Priest, Jianna, Zombies

You notice that the zombies all seem to have a large, gory wound in their chest area.


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First Post
Something terrible was happening in this town. There was a lot that needed to be done, but this was not the time. And the light would be gone soon.

"Girl, head out of town, I'll catch up with you."

The Priest wheels Hammer around, and the big horse circles to the other side of the girl. His sword flashes in the light of the dimming sun.

Move to E7-F7, attack same as before - longsword and Hammer's hoof attack, focusing on unwounded zombie first.
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Jianna, human female.

Jianna is not sure of the wisdom of the Priest's decision. She decides not to argue the point, and instead, glances around for the safest way out of town. Given the number of zombies pouring out of the buildings, that would proably something like the shortest as well. She heels the horse and sets off, relying on speed and mobility to keep her out of harms way.

ooc: * Ride +6. Using the Priest's attack as cover would seem to be the best way, and it has the advantage of taking her past the lesser number of zombies.


Priest steers Hammer towards the two zombies and swings at the unwounded undead, dressed in an overcoat and wearing a sheriff's badge. The creature dodges the blow as Priest's swing goes by clumsily. However, Hammer rears up and kicks out at the creature, striking it in the face with its hoof. The man staggers to the floor momentarily before getting up again, drool pouring down it's chin.

Jianna starts her horse sprinting past and the zombie and the creature lumbers slowly to watch her, arms outstretched as though asking for a hug. She has just zipped by when she hears the bells. The church bells are ringing, in a deliberate manner.

The church is located about 40' behind the three approaching zombies

The two zombies attack Hammer, with the sheriff slashing it's claws at the horse, revealing three fine line of wounds. The other zombie fails to strike a blow, brushing against Priest's skin.

The trio of zombies rushing forward, and Priest sees that they resemble a family of sorts. Soon he will be wedged between the two groups...

Initiative: Priest, Jianna, Zombies

The church bells continue to sound. Jianna wonders who's ringing them...


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Jianna, human female.

Seeing that her new companion has not cut out with her, Jianna wheels her horse around, bringing it to a halt about about 50 - 60 feet from the nearest zombies. She glances over the heads of the zombies to the church spire beyond, hoping to get some indication of who, or what, is ringing the bells. It could be someone calling for help. It could equally be some diabolical call to arms.

Jianna brings up her pistol, looking to even the odds if possible. But only if she can get a clear shot.

ooc: * pistol +2 range (2d6, 20, 40 ft. 5/6shots), Spot +1


First Post
The Priest grits his teeth as he misses, realizing he could be in trouble. He hears the bells of the church ring. Is the church warded against the undead? Or is it more zombies using the bells to raise an alarm? The Priest sees the girl stop and raise her pistol again.

Urging Hammer to attack, the Priest lashes out with his sword once again.

Attack and move. Single attack with longsword and single hoof attack, trying to drop the two zombies and move away from the other three. Using action point if necessary. (Should've used one last round). If there are zombies left standing, he'll take the AoO(s).


Priest's sword cleaves into the first zombie, killing it. Hammer's hoof attack, however, fails to strike, as the horse speeds past. The sheriff zombie's tongue rolls out and his fingers dig deeper into Hammer as the horse brushes past.

Forgot to add: 2 points of damage previous round, 5 points this round on Hammer

Jianna tries to get a clear shot but Priest and Hammer make it difficult. She fires off her pistol at the rightmost zombie but the bullet misses altogether.

Suddenly, out of the shadows, the hound that disappeared appears. It jumps at the sheriff zombie and bites into it's head, the momentum of it's leap tearing it's head off. You can see the dog is a mangy beast; a mongrel of some sort with vicious jaws.

One of the three remaining zombies tries to grab the dog, digging it's sharp nails into it's flesh. The other two charge towards Priest and Jianna, though one could describe it better as a fast 'shuffle'. On horseback, the two could easily outrun these creatures.

The bells continue to ring in a constant rhythm, as though calling sinners to mass. TONG TONG TONG

Initiative: Priest, Jianna, Hound, Zombies

The two zombies that were between Priest and Jianna have been dispatched, leaving the three further away. Sorry no map this round. :)


First Post
"What the...?"

Gritting his teeth, the Priest wheels Hammer around, circling the two approaching zombies and moving to flank the zombie attacking the dog.

Same attack as before, with flanking bonus
Priest: +11 melee (1d8+10/19-20, Longsword)
Hammer: +9 (1d6+4, hoof)


Jianna, human female

Jianna holds postion so long as she is out of range of the zombies. She continues to shoot at the zombies if clear shots present themselves.

"I'm down to 4 shots left here. We could just haul ass and find us a nicer town!"

ooc: * pistol +2 range (2d6, 20, 40 ft. 4/6shots)
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Priest circles the approaching zombies, confusing one of them to such a degree it trips and falls to the floor. As they get closer he realises that they appear to be two brothers and a sister, bound to the undead yoke. Using his momentum, his sword slices into the flesh of what would probably be the older brother attacking the mysterious hound. His sword cleaves into the body of the rotting corpse, but the blow is insufficient to give it divine rest.

Jianna aims and shoots at the sister of the approaching zombies, hitting it right in the chest.The creature falls to the floor, into a kneeling and then a bowing position, as though it was thanking Jianna for releasing it from its unlife. It becomes finally still.

The hound lunges at the already wounded corpse but bites only bone.

The much-wounded zombie brushes the dog aside, and it lets out a loud "yip!" It hits the wall, but gets back up again, snarling. The zombie that had tripped in confusion stands up again, moving towards Hammer hungrily.

Jianna's horse titters and shivers, made nervous by the sight of these unnatural creatures and the smell of death in the air.

The bells continue to toil. TONG TONG TONG

Further down the street, in the direction of the church, about three more shambling forms can be seen.

Before it lunged, The dog momentarily locked into your eyes with a look, almost of recognition,as though it were trying to communicate something.

Voidrunner's Codex

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