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Scott's Bluff (one-shot DnD 3.5)

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Lobo Lurker

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Akko & Haggo leave the apartment at Marcus's direction while Marcus moves forward. As he speaks, a nimbus of light surrounds him. "Surrender now, lest you feel the righteous might of the Arcane Shield!"

Three figures populate the room. In the far corner, an overweight, bearded guardsman with a softly glowing halbard looks at you uneasily. Nearer you, by the table, a tall, thin, & reedy man with greasy, unkempt hair and a long thin mustachio stands by a very large oaken table. Papers, journals, scrolls of vellum, maps, and books are strewn everywhere about the room; Almost as if you've entered the quintessential absentminded wizard's study. He picks up his polearm and settles into one of the heavy wooden chairs.

The room's third occupant, a short & sleazy-looking hobgoblin, backs around the corner and you lose track of him.

Mardin steps up out of the carpeted anteroom and into the 'hallway' behind Marcus. "Yeah!"

The greasy man in black ringmail says, "Nah, I don't think I will. You see this?" he says as he holds up a bronze badge. "This means that I'm the law. It also means that you are trespassing. So now I'm asking you, what are you doing here?"

Scavatch moves forward as well, and nocks no less than three arrows, which 'causes the fat guardsman to pale visibly. "The next one of you that moves gets nailed to the floor!"

"What! Am I talkin' to myself here? I ask the questions, runt! Now put down your weapons and answer when better men speak to you."

The fat guardsman, tries to pull himself together. "Y- Yeah- Yeah... we're the law around here, not you. Not you. You can't tell us what to do. J- Jus- Just get out of here and be on your way citazens."

The thin, greasy guard rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah, way to tell them Linus. You've really got a handle on the situation now."

Arvad and Threednle move up behind thier companions, but don't do anything just yet.


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First Post
Lobo Lurker said:
The greasy man in black ringmail says, "Nah, I don't think I will. You see this?" he says as he holds up a bronze badge. "This means that I'm the law. It also means that you are trespassing. So now I'm asking you, what are you doing here?"

The fat guardsman, tries to pull himself together. "Y- Yeah- Yeah... we're the law around here, not you. Not you. You can't tell us what to do. J- Jus- Just get out of here and be on your way citazens."

The thin, greasy guard rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah, way to tell them Linus. You've really got a handle on the situation now."
Speaking over his shoulder "Make sure the Hobgoblin doesn't escape I'll deal with these two" smiling menacingly at the seated guardsmen "You confuse me with someone who is afraid to break the law in the pursuit of good" calling upon his celestial heritage Marcus summons his abiltiy to paralyse another.

OOC: Marcus uses Hold Monster against the seated guardsmen (DC 15)Assuming the the seated guardsmen fails his save then Action 1 else Action 2

Action 1[sblock]
Turning to Linus "Now that your 'friend' is neutralised we can talk undisturbed, I can see that your not complety comfortable with the actions of your companions, there is still hope for you." smiling warmly at Linus "Recently a dark power has invaded Scott's Bluff which has turned otherwise good people bad, my companions and I mean to cleanse this cancerous growth from this once fair town, join us and you will be hearlded as a hero, defy us and you will be destroyed along with all those who willingly follow this dark power"[/sblock]

Action 2[sblock]
Striding over to the seated guardsmen Marcus points his Greatsword at his face "Move, and I will strike you down, minion of evil"[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Scav says nothing, but takes a 5 foot step to N10.
Once there he readies an action to shoot the next enemy that takes any offensive action.
Ranged attack +12/+7, +1 enhancement, -6 three arrow Manyshot = +7
Damage 1d6+3, +1 obsidian = 1d6+4 per arrow 20X3 critical

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Marcus said:
Speaking over his shoulder "Make sure the Hobgoblin doesn't escape I'll deal with these two" smiling menacingly at the seated guardsmen "You confuse me with someone who is afraid to break the law in the pursuit of good" calling upon his celestial heritage Marcus summons his abiltiy to paralyse another.

OOC: Marcus uses Hold Monster against the seated guardsmen.

The guardsman stiffens and goes rigid for a second, but then relaxes. A sly smile worms its way across his mustachioed face. "You see that Linus... that would be classified as ASSAULT upon an officer of the law. This bloke's goin' ta jail."

Marcus said:
Striding over to the seated guardsmen Marcus points his Greatsword at his face "Move, and I will strike you down, minion of evil"

Looking over to the fat guard he drawls, "Officer Linus, place this man under arrest."

Looking at Marcus's sword he hawks phlem on it and snarls, "Get this farm implement out of my face, and it'll go easy on you."

As Scavatch moves futher into the room and readies his bow, he hears the rustle of someone treading on a piece of paper... the other seem to not have noticed.

Officer Linus looks down at him nervously. "Nnnn... nn... now, n... now, there's no need for violence. Why don't you just pu... put your weapons away and we'll discuss this like civ... civilized folk."

Threednle, Arvad, & Mardin move into the room so as to cover thier allies.
(OOC: You guys didn't post but, it seemed logical)

Arvad looks around and his eyes narrow. "What was... Watch out! I think there's something invisible in here!" He draws his blade but doesn't seem to know where to put it.

DICE ROLLS: [SBLOCK]Hold Person (DC 15) (1d20+4=16) RESISTED

Listen Checks (1d20+5-2=15, 1d20+3-1=19, 1d20+14-1=25, 1d20+10-5=10, 1d20+2-2=9)

Spot Checks (1d20+5=14, 1d20+6-1=24, 1d20+2=15, 1d20+10-5=15, 1d20+2-2=17)[/SBLOCK]


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Arvad glances around looking for something with which he might mark an invisible man such as fireplace ashes or soil in a potted plant.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Scotley said:
Arvad glances around looking for something with which he might mark an invisible man such as fireplace ashes or soil in a potted plant.
OOC: Welcome back!
Arvad doesn't notice any plants or a fireplace. There are a ton of papers, books, and loose vellum scrolls though.


Guest 11456

Threendle Goodhaven : Male Human Conjurer 7

Upon hearing Arvad speak of the possibility of something invisible, Threendle waves his arms and speaks the arcane words of power. A large glowing cat appears in front room.

OOC: Summon Monster IV; location E11-E12-F11-F12, duration 7 rounds - Celestial Lion; Large Magical Beast; HD 5d8+20; Init +3; Spd 40 ft.; AC 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural); BAB +3; Grp +14; Atk Claw +9 melee (1d4+7), Full Atk 2 Claws +9 melee (1d4+7) and Bite +4 (1d8+3); SA Pounce, Improved grab, Rake 1d4+3, Smite evil 1/day claw +9 melee (1d4+12); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., Resistance 5 to acid, cold, and electricity, Damage reduction 5/magic, Spell resistance 10, Low-light vision, Scent; AL CG; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2; Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6.

Skills & Feats: Balance +7, Hide +3, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5; Alertness, Run.

Voidrunner's Codex

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