• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Devil's Brigade - WWII - IC


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Nuemiller quickly and quietly ducks behind a large rock in the stream, trying to stay out of the water as much as possible.

Nuemiller Skill Check
[sblock] 19 - Move Silent
20 - Hide[/sblock]

Kerensky slides nearby to Jakobsen's position. He disappears into the grass.

Kerensky Plan Check
[sblock] 14 - Plan Check
OOC - Lasts 4 rounds = 24 seconds. It has been over 4 rounds of movement to get to the stream.
21 - Hide Check
10 - Spot Check
You easily see the communications tower is on a hill to the northeast. It was not visible before because of the trees. It is easily seen now with is red light flashing on top of it. [/sblock]

As the squad takes positions they wait. For those on the east bank and in the water, the shape of guard becomes visible on the west bank he is walking along the raised bank of the stream. He carries his rifle in the ready position. He is only 50 feet away, when the same thing that happened to Harrison and Nuemiller happens to the guard. He slips into the water making a huge splash.

For those on the west bank you cannot see anything but you hear a loud splashig sound in the stream it is only about 50 feet north of your current position.

A loud scream of suprise and anger blurts from the guards mouth. "F%*$!"

Another voice only 40 feet north of the squads position on the west bank states "Speak in German!"

End of Round 1

SGT Hoffman 21
SGT Harris 16
SSG Munroe 16
SGT Harrison 16
Guard #1 15
Dog 15
Tech/4 Jakobsen 15
Cpl Nuemiller 11
Guard #2 10
LT Kerensky 8
Guard #3 7

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Neumiller transfers his knife to his left hand and draws his pistol as well, trying to keep an eye on the floundering guard without being seen. He clenches his teeth to stop their chattering as his legs start to go numb from the icy water.*

*Or so I would guess. :)
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Here is a new map. I am trying a new program, please be patient. I am still figureing it out.

Squares are 5 feet.

1 - Jakobsen
2 - Kerensky
3 - Munroe
4 - Nuemiller
5 - Hoffman
6 - Harrison
7 - Harris
8 - Guard


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Harris quietly crawls forward to the edge of the river bank trying to stay down under the cover of the tall grass.


Munroe mutters a curse to himself at how close the guards are, fires off several shots in the direction of the noise to "discourage" anyone from coming closer.


First Post
Hoffman easily sees the first guard standing in the water.

Skill Check
[sblock] 20 - Spot Check
Hoffman see another guard emerge from the grass looking over at the guard in the water. He doesn't seem to notice you and is focused on the guard in the water. [/sblock]

Harris slides throught the grass trying to get into a postion where he has some concealment in the grass and not be noticed.

Skill Checks
[sblock] 23 - Move Silent Check
18 - Hide Check
26- Spot Check
Harris slides like a snake through the grass, not a sound heard as he gets to within a few feet of the stream bank. He burrows into a mat of grass finding a good sniper hole. As he adjusts into position he sees one guard in the water, another standing a few feet away on the bank looking at his partner in the water, and see the another guard walking in the grass, he sees only the shoulders and head wading through the grass. He is only 30-40 feet from the rest of the squads position. [/sblock]

Munroe grabs his rifle and goes to put a few rounds down range. When he pulls the trigger the first time there is a loud 'click!' The weapon misfires!

Rolled a 1!

[sblock] It will take 2 move actions to clear the weapon. One has been done this round. [/sblock]

After Harrison drops to grass and aims his LMG, he slides into the grass for concealmeant.

Skill Check
[sblock] 15 - Hide Check
28 - Spot Check
Harrison sees one guard in the water, another standing a few feet away on the bank looking at his partner in the water, and just the shoulders and head of another in the wading through the grass. He is only 30-40 feet from the rest of the squads position. [/sblock]

The members on the west bank hear the sound of a guard and dog approach from the north. Those on the east bank see the guard. (Nuemiller hears it) He stops about 10 feet from the group. He turns on his flashlight for a second scanning the grass for whatever made the sound. The white light ruins the adjusted natural night vision of all. The dog barks and pulls the guard towards the stream. They walk between Munroe and Kerensky, never even knowing they were there. He and the dog stop just short of going in the water.

Tech/4 Jakobsen 15
Cpl Nuemiller 11
Guard #2 10
LT Kerensky 8
Guard #3 7


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Hoffman curses inwardly as he realizes he is on the wrong side of the stream to close with the approaching guards. He hugs the ground trying to stay concealed. He puts his knife away and and readies his carbine for when the fecal matter hits the oscillating device.

OOC: Hide, Move Silently, Spot, & Listen


Morgan Harris brings his rifle up and sights along the barrel. He takes a deep breath and slowly exhales. When his lungs are empty, his whole body goes still and he pulls the trigger back, shooting at the guard on the bank looking at his companion in the water.


First Post
Harrison trys to remain hidden while tracking the guards to the north with the LMG.

~Better wait before I start blasting away, just maybe we can take them quietly. But the moment someone makes aloud noise its showtime. I didn't carry this @#$% heavy gun all night for nothing.~
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