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[LPF] Ties that Bind


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Riding along, the group enjoys the shade, the bird song, and Elenka's melodious accompaniment. It's a pleasant change of scenery.

Still, as the group continues, they get an odd sense that they're being watched. It is Audra who spots the first form flitting stealthily through the trees. Quietly, she points it out to the others. Soon, Drevezh'Korol spots a second form on the opposite side of the path, also keeping pace with the group as they move ahead.

Trying to determine a course of action without alerting the predators to their presence, the group spies a clearing up ahead.

[sblock=OOC]Annnnnnnnnd we're back. :)

Looks like you spoke a little too soon, Artur. Although your comment made me feel as though I wasn't being completely obvious. ;)

The unidentified dinos are aware of you, but not aware that you are aware of them. Everyone is on horseback. Trees provide cover, and you cannot move through their spaces. Also, I'm considering all spaces not within the central open area of the path/clearing as providing concealment.

We're not in initiative/combat yet, but still please give me only 1 round's worth of actions. [/sblock]


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Elenka's humming suddenly cuts off and she looks around trying to get a look at whatever is pacing them.

"Where is it? I don't see it. And what is it?"

Drevezh'korol slips off his horse, moves up alongside Elenka and takes hold of the bridle of her horse.

"Remember what happened when you tried to fight from horseback when we were set upon by wolves."

"Hmm, yes." She slips from her horse and continues walking along. "Audra, would you be interested in some magical armament?"

Dismount for both. Drev will take the reins and look for the closest place to secure the horses. Elenka will prepare (and cast) Mage Armor on Audra if she wants it.[/sblock]

• • • Elenka Danyllova • • •__• • Drevezh'Korol • •

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 5
Initiative: +2 Perception: +7

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed) [20 w/Shield]
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +4 CMD: 16 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +6

In Hand:
1st level: 4/5 remaining.
2nd level: 3/3 remaining.
Rod of Extend: 2/3 remaining (3rd lv. or lower)
Special: Summon Monster 3 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 20 (12 touch; 18 flat-footed) [24 w/Mage Armor]
HP: 38 Current: 38
CMB: +9 CMD: 20 Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +4

In Hand: --
Conditions: [/sblock]


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos' first inclination is to find cover and make predators into prey, but his lack of experience in the saddle makes dismounting a slower affair than he would have hoped. He does grab out his bow, however, as he joins Drev in looking for a place to secure the horses.

"Those things look quick, Fulgrim. Keep close and I can give you a speed boost if we have to hunt lizard."

[sblock=ooc]And I was just thinking I should post Eanos having his bow ready. Ah, well. Live and learn. :)

Tried for a 'fast dismount,' but as I suspected, not in the cards:

Fast dismount (1d20+3=10)


Move: Dismount
Standard:Ready bow

Eanos is offering to cast Expeditious Retreat on Fulgrim, though he doesn't have the actions to do so this 'round.'[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17 (19 w/ SoF)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +8

Conditions: None

In Hand:Composite Longbow +1

Arrows: 33/33
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 31/50 remaining (second wand full)

Judgement: 2/2 Remaining Determination: 2/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 6/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (2/2 remaining)(DC 15): Silence, Weapon of Awe[/sblock]


Fulgrim peers hard up ahead, struggling to see the creatures Audra pointed out through the vegetation ahead. Finally noticing some movement, he slowly dismounts from the horse, much preferring his own two feet to a skittish horse if things went astray.

Fulgrim nods in agreement to Eanos at the suggestion of speed, distinctly remembering the moment in the past where the speed helped turn the tide of the battle.


Fulgrim will hang out for the expeditious retreat, that worked out really well last time!


[sblock=Mini Stats]
Fulgrim Ironforge
Initiative: +3 (+5 when underground)
AC: 18 (17 flat-footed, 11 Touch) Raging AC (and charging): 14
HP: 54 Current: 54 (RAGING HP 62 Current: 62
CMB: +8 CMD: 19 Fort: +8 Reflex: +3 Will: +3

Damage Reduction: 2/--

MW Greataxe +9 (1d12+6/20/x3)
Special: Power Attack for -2 to hit, +6 damage (to above)
Furious Focus Removes -2 to hit on power attack

Current Weapon in Hand: Sling

[sblock=Fulgrim, Raging]
AC: 16 (15 flat-footed, 9 Touch)
HP: 62 Current: 61
CMB: +10 CMD: 19 Fort: +10 Reflex: +1 Will: +3

Damage Reduction: 2/--
Rage: 17/17

MW Greataxe +11 (1d12+9/20/x3) and
Special: Power Attack for -2 to hit, +6 damage (to above)
Furious Focus Removes -2 to hit on power attack


Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Audra reigns her horse in as well. She nods to Elenka.

Might be a good idea. That clearing ahead might be where they're intending to jump us. Might not be a lot of room to maneuver.

She accepts the magical protection and takes the reigns of her horse, leading it along with the others, her left hand rubbing at the small of her back.


First Post
The group does their best to avoid provoking the pair of hunters as they dismount their horses and ready themselves for any attack. The shadowy forms freeze, and for a moment, it seems as though the group has missed disturbing them. However, at Elenka's magical intonation, the pair screech and spring into action, apparently sensing that they've been spotted.

One lunges towards Audra, but the monk's preternatural reflexes kick in: she dodges the outstretched talon instinctively. One hand still on his horse's reins, Fulgrim is not so lucky: the remaining dinosaur catches him in the thigh with a talon slash. The wound is far from lethal, but that does nothing to console the barbarian.

Even with the flurry of combat, the others note the emergence of a third dinosaur from the woods to the east.

[sblock=OOC]The dinos won initiative and attacked. Fulgrim takes 2 damage (after DR). You're now up.

Note: only Eanos has his weapon drawn (although we have some walking weapons among us :)).

Also, IW, I meant to say earlier: copious well-wishes to your wife. I hope things continue on the mend.[/sblock]


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Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Audra dodges the attack, somehow holding onto the reigns of her horse. For a moment she seems indecisive between holding onto the reigns and letting the horse go, risking it taking off in blind panic. Aware that the dinos might assume a horse for lunch is better than nothing, she holds her ground, herself between the dino and her mount. The dino roars at her, such as it can. She smirks.

You're tough when you have those teeth. Lets see how tough you are without 'em.

[sblock=Qik]I'm going to assume a 24 is a successful hit, lemme know if not. Not sure on the 17 although I'm writing it in as if it did. Lemme know and I an edit that. :)[/sblock]

[sblock=action]Attacking the dino with her feet, flurry style. 2 attack at +7[/sblock]

Indeed, even as her words fade, her right leg snaps up, her knee catching the dino square in the jaw, causing it to whine and it's maw to bleed. With the critter momentarily stunned by nearly having its lower jaw shoved up into its eyeballs, her right leg recoils and a thrust kick catches it in the snout, causing one of its nostrils to begin to bleed.

Initiative: +4 Perception: +10

AC: 24* Touch: 19 Flat-footed: 19*
HP: 30 Current: 30
CMB: +4 CMD: 22 Fort: +5 Ref: +9 Will: +7

In Hand:

Weapon: Unarmed Strikes
Attack: +8
Damage: 1d8+1
Crit: 20x2
Special: Flurry of Blows (+7/+7)
Type: Bludgeon

Ki Pool:
Points: 7
Remaining: 7

* - Mage Armor in effect, cast by Elenka


OOC: No, I didn't write Audra's little taunting threat after the rolls, I actually did that beforehand....who'da thought she'd finally get a crit?
Last edited:


Now that Elenka can see the creatures better she scours her memory for knowledge of the beasts and calls out any pertinent information that comes to mind.

"Damned horses!"

Ripping her terbutje from her belt she tries to chop past her horse's rump and Fulgrim at the attacking scaly creature but the milling horses and the hunting cry of the creatures unnerve her just enough that her attack misses. Luckily she doesn't lop off Fulgrim's ear or carve a steak from her horse's backside.

Drevezh'korol reaches out and grabs the reins from Audra and attempts to keep the horses calm and move them out of combat.

"Hyaa. Hyaa! Get on now, horses!"

Unfortunately, Drevezh'korol's way with the land doesn't extend to the creatures upon it and the horses balk at his efforts.

K (nature): 1d20+8=13
Move: draw weapon
Standard: attack, 1d20+5=10, 1d8+1=3 and miss.

Move: take reins from Audra
Standard: handle animal to heel (move away from combat), 1d20=6 but unsuccessfully.[/sblock]

• • • Elenka Danyllova • • •__• • Drevezh'Korol • •

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 5
Initiative: +2 Perception: +7

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed) [20 w/Shield]
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +4 CMD: 16 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +6

In Hand:
1st level: 3/5 remaining.
2nd level: 3/3 remaining.
Rod of Extend: 2/3 remaining (3rd lv. or lower)
Special: Summon Monster 3 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 20 (12 touch; 18 flat-footed) [24 w/Mage Armor]
HP: 38 Current: 38
CMB: +9 CMD: 20 Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +4

In Hand: --
Conditions: [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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