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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir ambles to a sensible listening distance and begins to pick at an imaginary substance on his tunic. Then brushing the imagined substance away he continues to amble on, periodically making "absent minded" fidgets, all the while gathering as much information on the discussion as possible.


I ask the other party members with us, "I'm pretty decent at reading people, but do any of you have the ability to discern lies or force the truth from people through magical means?"

OOC: Sense Motive 20 to discern if any of them are dominated or if they are impostors.

You don't sense any deception; the one guy truly believes that he is Denby, and the guards truly believe that he is drunk, delusional, armed, and dangerous.
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Sylvar B.

I cannot discern lies, I can detect the guards thoughts...I'll send Denby a message; whispered at this distance no one but us will be able to hear. Sylvar surreptitiously points at Sir Denby and casts Message so that he can whisper to him without anyone overhearing. He says to him "Sir Denby, calm yourself and do not be alarmed...I am a friend. My friends and I have information about what has happened to you and why no one believes you are the Sheriff. We may be able to help. My friends and I will near your office in a moment. If you accept our help spit on the ground." Immediately after sending the message, Sylvar moves within 60 ft and casts Detect Thoughts, attempting to read the surface thoughts of everyone involved in the altercation in front of the Sheriff's office.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Discovery of a Plot

Sylvar Moves Closer.

Sylvar casts Message, and points discreetly at Sir Denby; he seems to receive the message, although he is clearly shocked by the experience. Sylvar surmises that perhaps Sir Denby is unfamiliar with such magicks.

As Sylvar edges another 10 feet closer, Sir Denby does his best to keep the guards focused on him. He spits on the ground, and says, "Ok, you boys are right. Perhaps I should just surrender, as a sign of good faith. After all, there's no need for bloodshed. We're all friends here, whether you believe me, or not."

As Denby is saying this, Sylvar casts Detect Thoughts; he begins concentrating, as the following dialogue occurs:

Paulek: "Whatever you say, sir. Sure, we'll be your friends. And we don't want any bloodshed, either. Yeah, that's it."

Edward: "We do, however, suspect you might be drunk. We're gonna have to arrest you, and let you sleep it off in a cell. But you'll be out in a day's time."

End of first round; Sylvar, you detect several minds within your cone of detection.

Denby eyes Sylvar for a long moment, and then says: "Edward, I don't mind spending a day in the stir, if that's what it will take to convince you. But I just wish you'd use some sense, boy! How many drunks do you know that speak this clearly, and are willing to have a polite conversation? You should know better, I taught you better! Most drunks are angry, and the ones that aren't..."

Edward: "...Can't think, speak, or stand up straight." He finishes the man's sentence, pausing for a moment, as the shadow of a doubt enters his mind.

End of second round; Sylvar, you can now tell that there are three minds within your cone of detection: Denby (Int 17), Edward (Int 11) and Paulek (Int 10)

Paulek: "So why'd you draw your sword on us, then? And why haven't you put it away yet?"

Denby: "You pups drew down on me, first, remember? I'm not putting this thing down until I know for sure that you won't try to string me up like you did ol' Roundtree."

Edward: "He had it coming, for what he done, raping that girl. How do you know about that?"

Denby: "If you'll remember, I was angry at you for not following procedure! I was out for the day on patrol, and I return to find that you'd hung the man without even consulting a priest!"

Paulek: "That was cut and dry! Everyone knew that Roundtree done it. No one besides Denby even blinked an eye. I still don't think you're Denby. But you're just as naive as he is!"

End of third round; Denby's will is strong, you cannot pierce it, his thoughts are a mystery to you. The same goes for Edward; you cannot read his thoughts, although you surmise that this is due less to his strength of will than it is to his intense concentration. You guess that his mind might be so intent on trying to determine the truth of the matter, that it is (unknowingly) blocking your spell.

Paulek's Thoughts: ~This arrogant cur needs to be taught a lesson! He'll be sleeping it off, alright. If I have anything to do with it, he'll get 20 lashes before he goes in that cell, for his sassy lip! The nerve of this guy, trying to tell me I did wrong! If he doesn't drop his sword in the next few moments, we'll settle this with blades!~

SITUATION: The two guards, whose backs are to the party, haven't noticed yet that they have an audience. A few bystanders have stopped to listen in, also. Denby stares at Sylvar, uncertain as to what he's up to. Sylvar is 60 feet away from Denby, and only 50 feet away from the two guards. Dewydd and Vale are 15 feet behind Sylvar, and Lathir is 5 feet to the south of them.


Denby Battle Base 002.jpg

[Everyone: What do you do?]
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Aust Thale

Vale & Gus Turn The Corner

After listening for a moment to the exchanges between the deputies and this new "Denby"...

~ <Sigh> These deputies are a sorry lot. Is a shame. ~

Vale looks over his shoulder at the druid and then toward Dewydd, and then toward Sylvar as he mouths his transmutation and directs his divination. He says nothing, but continues to walk forward, a bit more quickly. Realizing what the bard is doing, Vale leans toward Sylvar and with preternatural calmness directs a quiet suggestion, "If ye can calm them with your ukulele or put them to sleep, I'll go to work on sorting this out."

As soon as Sylvar finishes his second spell, Vale speaks to Gus in Dwarvish, "Gus, shout at them. Get their attention! They are far too serious for a morning as pleasant as this." Gus lets out a deep throated mix of a short howl and a <RUFF>. It's loud, but almost playful.
If either of the deputies or "Denby" pays attention, he lets out an even more playful <RUFF>, and then looks back at Vale for more commands. He stays at Vale's side, suddenly aware that everyone is focused on these three fellows squaring off that he just barked at.
Again in Dwarvish, Gus appears to understand Vale's words, "Once we settle these buggers, you can seek the scent you have."
Gus ever so slightly softly barks in understanding, and bounds up 10 feet or so ahead of Vale.

~ I hope the bard is paying attention, or this whole bit becomes much more difficult.~

Vale's eyes glow ever so slightly. He whispers a prayer in Dwarvish as he walks forward, keeping pace with Sylvar, and holding back until the bard begins his tune. "By Clangeddin's revealing, what magicks are there?" He focuses intently until the spell reaches its full impact.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Vale said:
As soon as Sylvar finishes his second spell, Vale speaks to Gus in Dwarvish, "Gus, shout at them. Get their attention! They are far too serious for a morning as pleasant as this." Gus lets out a deep-throated mix of a short howl and a <RUFF>. It's loud, but almost playful.

Gus's bark is loud, but at a distance of 60 feet, not loud enough or unusual enough to draw the guards' attention; they are used to the sounds of animals in the streets. Only Denby takes notice.

GM: The guards are used to Gus' presence; a single, playful bark from him at a distance would not draw their attention. If he were to have begun barking incessantly, and less playfully, then that would have been another matter.

Vale said:
Again in Dwarvish, Gus appears to understand Vale's words, "Once we settle these buggers, you can seek the scent you have."
Gus ever so slightly softly barks in understanding, and bounds up 10 feet or so ahead of Vale.

Sylvar, as you are contemplating trying to Fascinate the three men, you notice Gus sauntering over to stand by your left side.

Denby (To the Deputies):
"We're starting to draw a crowd. This is a peaceful town. Let's put down our weapons together, what do you say?"

Paulek's Thoughts: ~Don't look, he's trying to trick us. I'm onto you, fool. Go ahead, make a false move. It shall be your last!~

End of first round; Vale, you detect the presence of magical auras coming from the three men.

The updated map below shows the new positions of everyone;
some of the bystanders have shuffled around, as have Vale, Sylvar, and Gus.

GM: Your slight movements ("shuffling around") are based on your OOC comments on Facebook Messenger, and phone conversations. Again, bear in mind that we are not yet in combat rounds.

Denby Battle Base 003.jpg
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir Takes a Better Position

Lathir turn to his left loosing sight of the escalating situation, but that is necessary.

~I need a better position if this escalation becomes actual combat. ~

He moves quickly around the two building to Edward's side of the road to come up the alley behind Edward as if a passerby taking notice of the argument.


Paulek said:
Paulek: "That was cut and dry! Everyone knew that Roundtree done it. No one besides Denby even blinked an eye. I still don't think you're Denby. But you're just as naive as he is!"

At this point, Lathir began moving; to move without causing curious looks from passerby, you are limited to a double-move (60 feet per round.) If you start just as Paulek begins speaking, you will arrive in two rounds at the location indicated below. Since none of the involved parties have line of sight down the alleyway, you will be able to get to this position unnoticed, just as Denby is saying:

Denby said:
Denby (To the Deputies): "We're starting to draw a crowd. This is a peaceful town. Let's put down our weapons together, what do you say?"

Denby Battle Base 003b.jpg

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Sylvar B.

Sylvar nods at Vale's suggestion and walks toward Paulek. When he is 15 feet behind Paulek he releases the clasps of his cape and twirls it around himself, the multi-colored inside dancing and distracting while he simultaneously casts "Summon Instrument" to summon a Cajon. To the bystanders the drum box appears to have come from behind the cape. Sylvar closes to within ten feet of Paulek and takes puts the box down loudly while striking it making it expel a deep base sound.

Sylvar stands on the box and bows, he calls out, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, CHILDREN OF ALL AGES!!! I AM GRETIUS VON KIRK!!! STORYTELLER AND BARD, WEAVER OF GREAT TALES AND TROUBADOR OF KINGS!!!. Listen now to my tale of deceit and revenge, good and evil...

Our journey begins in the sea, a large ship set upon it. A brave first mate and a treacherous crew bent on mutiny. The captain is dead, run through with a rusty blade and set to hang from the foresail. Our hero, Sam Purewill is cornered, his sword drawn. The leader of the mutiny, Vlad Blackheart speaks...Sylvar changes his voice as necessary to make it rough and raspy to voice Vlad... We have you now Sam, you've no place to go, come quietly now. The sharks are hungry... Sylvar changes his voice as necessary to voice Sam... He gives a deep tone with an accent that the locals would recognize...Sylvar nimbly moves on the Cajon imitating the swinging of a sword. The cajon rocks back and forth, but doesn't fall over, obviously under Sylvar's control. "The sharks will have to wait Vlad, the Captain must be avenged and all of you punished...I'll have your head for this, and the rest of you marooned on blind man's shoal's"... Sams sword catches one of the mutinous crew in the gut making him back away. The others charge... Sam jumps and does a front flip, landing on the other side of the dastardly crew...When Sylvar says "Sam flips" Sylvar does a backflip and kicks the Cajon at Paulek with some force...The cajon hits Paulek , Sylvar runs over, apologizing profusely... he grabs the Cajon and sets it back upright and stands on it again. Before the crew can react Sam is off, running toward the lifeboats. As he runs by he cuts the ropes and dives over the edge hitting the water at the same time as the lifeboat. He climbs in and rows for Blind Man's Shoals. Sam makes shore and waits, he watches his beloved ship gently move with the waves. At nightfall Sam returns to the ship and quietly comes aboard. Sylvar hides behind his cloak and slowly lowers it, imitating someone climbing over a railing. Sam finds the sentries asleep. He quickly knocks them out one at a time, gags them and ties them up. The rest of the crew is drunk from too much ale, passed out all over the deck. He sneaks past them easily looking for Vlad. Sam Finds him in the Captain's cabin, asleep in the Captain's chair. He taps Vlad on the head with his saber and says... "That, is not your chair Vlad." Vlad wakes up, startled to see Sam standing before him...Vlad cries out, AWAKE!!! AWAKE!!! the scum has returned. The sentries struggle against their bonds but cannot escape....years at sea has made Sam adept at tying knots...Sam looks a Vlad... "No one is coming Vlad, your watchmen are tied up and the others have had too much drink, its just me and you now. Vlad stands up, murder in his eyes, and a snarl on his lips "Come and get me" he says, drawing the Captain's sword...The crowd boos.. "I'll kill you myself... The two swords clash, sparks flying from their swords, Vlad stabs, Sam evades Sylvar dances on the Cajon, imitating the battle he is revealing to the crowd. Sam slashes at Vlad knocking a bottle of wine to the floor. Vlad hacks at Sams head, Sam blocks and punches Vlad in the mouth...with blood running from his lip, Vlad spits out a tooth...anger burns in his eyes. He stabs at Sam but slips on the wine... Sam sees his chance and takes it... he steps aside and with one deft swing removes Vlad's head. The severed head flies across the room as the body falls. Sam looks at the lifeless corpse..." I always told you not to fight angry."

Satisfied in his revenge of Vlad, Sam lifts anchor and sails the ship into a sand bar on Blind Man's shoals... Taking provisions and a small life-boat with a sale he leaves the mutinous crew behind. But not before lighting the ship on fire, leaving the crew to pay for their misdeeds. After a week at sea, Sam sails into port...safe, sound and every bit the hero of the day.

Sylvar dismounts with a flourish, and walks about with his hat in his hand, collecting coin from the gathered crowd.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sylvar's Story

Sylvar Tells A Tale of Swashbuckling

Sylvar can affect 2 creatures; he chooses the two guards. [Edward and Paulek.]
Paulek: 7 (Fails DC 20)
Edward: 7 (Fails DC 20)

Sylvar ends his Detect Thoughts spell, opting instead to diffuse the situation with an epic tale. As he spins his yarn, the two men are enraptured; the tale lasts long enough for Vale to reach the third round (and several rounds beyond!) of ascertainment with his Detect Magic spell.

Denby's Sword: Faint Evocation (Enhancement)
Denby's Belt: Moderate Transmutation (Enhancement)
Denby's Necklace: Moderate Conjuration (Enhancement)
Denby's Ring: Moderate Illusion (Item is not magical; item has had spell with a permanent duration cast upon it, i.e., item was "enchanted" with a spell, but not specifically prepared for it. Item is not masterwork, and shows no exotic properties. A successful Dispel Magic would remove the spell from the ring.)

A few of the bystanders, and also Denby, choose to listen in as well, although they are not affected by the charm. Paulek and Edward both sit down in the middle of the street, laying their weapons beside them. They focus their full attention upon Sylvar. Denby does likewise, laying his sword down also, and sitting in a like manner, so as to keep the guards calm. Some of the bystanders sit, some stand; no one passes by. Everyone wants to hear the tale, compulsion of magic notwithstanding. Paulek laughs when the cajon strikes him; he is so enraptured, the small bonk is entirely inconsequential to him.

When the performance is ended, everyone claps appreciatively, some of the bystanders throwing coins into Sylvar's hat, while others playfully throw coins at Sylvar's feet. Denby meets Sylvar's gaze for the briefest of moments, and gives him a smile and a knowing wink.

Sylvar earns 42 silver for his performance!

Edward is first on his feet; he sheathes his sword, and offers Denby a hand getting up. Denby politely accepts, handing Edward the greatsword pommel-first. Denby says, "I think I'll take you up on your offer, Edward. I'd like to lie down for awhile and sleep it off. Keep an eye on my sword for me, would you?"

As Paulek is rising, he no longer seems angry, although he sheathes his sword with disappointment; it is obvious he hoping for a fight. Sensing this, Edward says: "Walk over to the tavern for me, and get me an ale, and get a bowl of stew and a mug of milk for our prisoner. Some good food will help sober him up, wouldn't you agree?"

Paulek capitulates to his superior officer. "Yes, sir. Great idea, sir. I'm on it." And with that, he turns to carry out his orders.

[Everyone: What Do You Do?]
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