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D&D and the rising pandemic



So my new Argument...

Since New Zealand can do without hardware stores and takeout then they aren't essential.

They closed big box stores. One thought they were essential but got closed the following day.

Most online shopping got closed as well, they revised that after a few days expanding what is essential.

You can't buy much put it that way. I found some socks at the supermarket.

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Unfortunately, the example of Sweden (that hasn't done much) won't ever indicate that their attitude would have worked anywhere else in the world (Sweden is a pretty unique place). Also, their reluctance to act might come to bite them terribly, as well.

Per capita Sweden currently has twice the number of confirmed cases, half the amount of tests, and 5 times the amount of deaths of Canada.

They're not in great in shape and I wouldn't be surprised if things exploded there soon.


Bottle stores are also closed that's where you buy spirits.

Supermarkets sell beer and wine.

One province spirits can only be sold by charitable trust which is "essential". My wife's work is essential and she's in freight so one of the drivers heading there placed an order for her workplace.

$1500 order lol, two bottles of Canadian Club incoming.

Hand sanitizer is sold out. It's still being shipped, doesn't make it to the supermarket shelf though it's going to supermarket workers, hospitals and freight and their families.


It's not even labeled. They're ignoring the health and safety rules shipping dangerous goods and most of the paperwork.

100 000 tourists and short term visas stuck. 400 000 on other Visa's.

They can't get home some have been told by their families they're better off here as our supermarkets are stocked (mostly) and crimes spiking as well.

The moron of the day award goes to an idiot livestreaming himself shoplifting. One of his viewers rung the supermarket, security had a word with him and he raged at them and stormed off. Police were waiting for him outside.
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Staff member
Very little construction or repair is actually essential at this time.

Someone's roof leaks or toilet breaks or fridge breaks then that's essential enough - but that isn't really the typical type of business the hardware stores are getting right now is it?
We’ve still got crews on blue-tarped houses repairing damage from the last hailstorms. And there’s still rebuilding to be done from the tornadoes that hit last year. New houses are still going up.

Hell- we have a brand new hot water pipe leak under our house. You can tell from the warm tiles. (However, we won’t be able to do any about THAT for at least a month, barring a disaster.)

With spring, Texas is getting ready for more severe thunderstorms: IOW, more hail, more tornadoes, and more damaging straight-line winds.

And if the contractors are the only ones with access to hardware stores, the D.I.Y. crowd- particularly the ones who do it out of financial necessity- are simply screwed.

It's more like not everyone cooks well - but when push comes to shove you'll find something you can bear to eat in the grocery store - even if it's tv dinners, beans, bologna, bread, ramen noodles and spaghettios. You may not prefer having to eat what your non-cooking self gets from the grocery store but that doesn't make takeout is essential. It's completely non-essential.

I said what I meant and meant what I said. I know people whose refrigerators only hold drinks & takeout, whose only pots are what I gave them.
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We’ve still got crews on blue-tarped houses repairing damage from the last hailstorms. And there’s still rebuilding from the tornadoes that hit last year.

Hell- we have a brand new hot water pipe leak under our house. You can tell from the warm tiles. (However, we won’t be able to do any about THAT for at least a month, barring a disaster.)

That probably counts as essential.

They closed most construction sites.

Queen gave a nice speech and Jacinda (our PM) has addressed concerns about the Easter bunny not being able to make it to the children.

California sends 500 ventilators back to the national stockpile for hard-hit states

California is loaning 500 ventilators to states like New York where the coronavirus is exacting a deeper toll, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday. Some California health officials have gained more confidence in recent days that the state's infection curve is flattening, particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area, which took the nation's earliest shelter-in-place actions.

The act of generosity completes a bi-coastal aid package after both Washington State and Oregon lent ventilators to New York, which is battling the nation's worst outbreak.
California sends 500 ventilators back to the national stockpile


As long as i get to be the frog
I said what I meant and meant what I said. I know people whose refrigerators only hold drinks & takeout, whose only pots are what I gave them.

Don’t need a pot for anything I mentioned. Sucks to have to change your lifestyle and not eat as good of food but it won’t kill them.


Staff member
My Dad’s medical practice reopened today, per orders from the new owners. He’s been told to wear a mask when seeing patients. He’s planning on showering and changing clothes when he gets home. While his practice is allergy/asthma centered, because people with all kinds of respiratory problems may walk through his door, he can’t take any chances. The kid with hay fever might ALSO have Covid-19.

Per my advice, he’s not going to be wearing his sportscoats, ties or cufflinks to work. Strictly dress casual/preppy.

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