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RPG Print News – Troll Lord Games, Frog God Games, and More

Are you hungry or thirsty? An official (!) D&D cookbook, fantasy cocktail guide, and Mythos cookbook await you. Also this week: adventures for D&D, Spire, and Through the Breach. A book of random fantasy tables and workbook for enhancing PC backgrounds. Even a mug for Castles & Crusades to hold your cocktails.

Are you hungry or thirsty? An official (!) D&D cookbook, fantasy cocktail guide, and Mythos cookbook await you. Also this week: adventures for D&D, Spire, and Through the Breach. A book of random fantasy tables and workbook for enhancing PC backgrounds. Even a mug for Castles & Crusades to hold your cocktails.

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Heroes’ Feast - Official Dungeons Cookbook by Ten Speed Press
  • SYSTEM: systemless Dungeons & Dragons
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover cookbook with D&D lore
  • EDITOR'S NOTE: You can read Beths' review here and Mike's review of the first two recipes here and here.
  • DESCRIPTION: Heroes’ Feast was a great spell back in the day. Now you can cast it yourself but using elbow grease instead of magic. I received this cookbook for Christmas and was delighted to find out I really liked it (it seemed like a gimmick at first even if it is official, Gygax I miss you). I have yet to cook anything from the book, but the recipes are real but not overly complicated. I also like the cocktails, particularly the vodka based The Mindflayer although the Delayed Blast Fireball sounds too hot for me. Layered into the recipes is the lore of D&D worlds and species the recipes are drawn from and some of the D&D locations that serve these dishes. The combination of real recipes, D&D worlds’ lore, and art display the impeccable design of this interesting D&D book that crosses over into the real world..
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Düngeonmeister - A Drinkmaster’s Guide by Ten Speed Press
  • SYSTEM: systemless Dungeons & Dragons
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover cocktail guide with D&D jokes
  • RETAIL PRICE: $15.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Includes 75 RPG-inspired cocktails like the boozy Dragon the Beach and a Potion of Strength. Or try a sneaky Stealth Check shot or the Never Split the Party Punch. Comes with easy-to-follow, accessible instructions. Also includes jokes and humorous asides to take your RPG gathering to the next level.
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Necronomnomnom – Recipes and Rites from the Lore of H. P. Lovecraft by Countryman Press
  • SYSTEM: systemless Call of Cthulhu
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover cookbook with Cthulhu Mythos jokes
  • RETAIL PRICE: $29.95
  • DESCRIPTION: 100 illustrations, plenty of pun, and 50 abnormal dishes such as: The Deep Fried Deep One, Nog Sothoth, Cthus-Koos, The Great Old Buns, and The Gin and Miskatonic. While “alien to all sane and balanced readers,” this cookbook still contains many dark and possibly delicious recipes within its pages. Note: no pictures of the actual food, just illustrations.
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1975 by Frog God Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure
  • DESCRIPTION: Originally published in 2010. Starts with the original introduction about how to run old-school play with D&D and other RPGs. The adventure is a free-form hex crawl through a wilderness. The PCs discover treasure map leading to a mysterious valley. The PCs explore to discover the secret of the strange map that has fallen into their hands.
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Hall of the Rainbow Mage by Frog God Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: adventure
  • DESCRIPTION: An adventure for four to six mid-level player characters. The PCs investigate the disappearance of Londar Brightrain, also known as the Rainbow Mage. The party stumbles across his dark, twisted plans and deadly secrets including dealings with the thieves’ guild and a rogue baron. To make matters worse, Londar left behind traps and creatures that hamper the party’s investigation. The PCs follow a strange path as they try to find out what happened to the Rainbow Mage. Additional challenges include a powerful magical artifact known as Horgrim’s Pyramid and a forgotten temple of the war god.
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Spire - The Kings of Silver | Eidolon Sky | Blood and Dust by Rowan, Rook, and Decard
  • SYSTEM: Spire - The City Must Fall
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure
  • RETAIL PRICE: $5.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: Kings of Silver is an adventure containing pre-generated characters designed for the lavish world of the Silver Quarter, details on the most powerful and most exploitable NPCs in the district, random tables to determine district events, festivals to spill over into the streets, and newspaper clippings filled with clues and adventure hooks for PCs to investigate. Eidolon Sky the module contains pre-generated characters, NPCs from every faction, suggested scenes to weave them into the adventure, three interconnected mysteries investigated by the PCs in the order they choose, and a guide on bringing the different threads together as the scenario concludes with the reveal of the villain. Blood and Dust is a scenario which includes: pre-generated characters with hooks to propel PCs straight into the adventure, details on the Weeping Maiden - a curious occult play - and the Dust Machines that it secretly powers, NPCs for every faction involved in what is going on, and suggested scenes to weave them into the adventure.
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Roll & Play - The Game Masters Fantasy Toolkit Blue | Orange by Roll & Play Press
  • SYSTEM: fantasy systemless
  • PRODUCT TYPE: wire-bound softcover random tables
  • RETAIL PRICE: $19.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: Includes 120 random tables for fantasy RPGs. Includes: people and quests (character names etc.), world building (taverns etc.), journeys and events (traps etc.), combat and injuries (fail tables etc.), and items and rewards (chest fillers etc.).
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The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide by Adams Media
  • SYSTEM: systemless
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover character building
  • RETAIL PRICE: $14.99
  • DESCRIPTION: A workbook to add details to your PC. Fill-in-the blank narratives, prompts, and activities customize your character and build out your back story.
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Days without Incident by Wyrd
  • SYSTEM: Through the Breach RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure
  • DESCRIPTION: The PCs (Fated) need to rescue an innocent bystander involved in a plot much larger than anyone in Malifaux City could have imagined. Someone is manufacturing lies. What the Fated uncover will test their loyalties, allegiances, and how willing they are to look the other way after getting their noses bloodied. Takes place in the Corners, an idyllic part of Malifaux City that combines higher class politicians from Downtown, Industrial Zone factory workers, and ambitious ne’er-do-wells. The trouble is Joseph Wyatt, president of the local Union chapter, whose violent ambitions lie hidden beneath his workaday facade. An adventure brimming with politics and aggression.
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Castles & Crusades Mug by Troll Lord Games
  • SYSTEM: Castles & Crusades
  • RETAIL PRICE: $12.99
  • DESCRIPTION: White mug with black Castles & Crusades logo and art.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I backed Roll & Play. It's extremely useful and physically well-suited for use at the table (spiral-bound is such an improvement). It's not a gargantuan tome -- you're not going to find a table for every possibility -- but the obvious stuff is covered. The only thing it's missing, IMO, is a pickpocketing results table.

He's going to be launching a new Kickstarter campaign for fleshing out player characters in a few days, FYI.


A plug for the DnD Cookbook: I picked it up a week ago and made three things from it last weekend and they were excellent and very well-received by my family. It's well-written; the pictures are beautiful; and there's just enough fantasy fluff added to each recipe, as an introduction, to make it fun. If you cook, get it. If you don't cook...what's wrong with you? Get it and start cooking.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
If you don't cook...what's wrong with you? Get it and start cooking.
That's a little harsh -- I think a lot of people get intimidated by cooking, especially when they look up recipes for a favorite dish and see it takes "omg, how many hours?" (Seriously, look up the work that it takes to make a simple bowl of French onion soup.)

That said, the pandemic has been a good impetus for me and my kids to cook at home a lot more and we've developed a lot of our own recipes, adapted from mediocre ones we've found online or reverse engineering ones from our favorite restaurants that are now (temporarily, we hope) closed or who have a attitude toward the pandemic that we're not comfortable patronizing.

I think this book, with its simple recipes, is likely a good on-ramp for a lot of people, as are similar geeky cookbooks. The World of Warcraft cookbook, for instance, is also excellent, with similarly gorgeous and easy to make recipes.


That's a little harsh -- I think a lot of people get intimidated by cooking, especially when they look up recipes for a favorite dish and see it takes "omg, how many hours?" (Seriously, look up the work that it takes to make a simple bowl of French onion soup.)

That said, the pandemic has been a good impetus for me and my kids to cook at home a lot more and we've developed a lot of our own recipes, adapted from mediocre ones we've found online or reverse engineering ones from our favorite restaurants that are now (temporarily, we hope) closed or who have a attitude toward the pandemic that we're not comfortable patronizing.

I think this book, with its simple recipes, is likely a good on-ramp for a lot of people, as are similar geeky cookbooks. The World of Warcraft cookbook, for instance, is also excellent, with similarly gorgeous and easy to make recipes.

I am believer in honest love.


Community Supporter
That's a little harsh -- I think a lot of people get intimidated by cooking, especially when they look up recipes for a favorite dish and see it takes "omg, how many hours?" (Seriously, look up the work that it takes to make a simple bowl of French onion soup.)
Yes, on Monday I post about grappling with the turkey recipe from Heroes' Feast which was kind of a mess.


Yes, on Monday I post about grappling with the turkey recipe from Heroes' Feast which was kind of a mess.
I made the Tavern Burgers, Drow Mushrooms, and the apple/berry pie (name escapes me right now) - the two sauces that accompanied the burgers were excellent, as was the pie...and I am a big pie fan...much better than cake. I liked the addition of the blackberries, which gave what would have been a typical apple pie a bit more of an acidic tang.

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