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[d20 Modern] RESIDENT EVIL: Damnation [PG -17]


First Post
1st Floor - Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

As Michael can stand straight again, he stretches out a little to get the tension from his back. He takes an awkward look to the slim woman next to him, still unsure how to react to her. As he hears the Sergeant speak about the mission, his thoughts run back to when all of them were together in the main hall.

Sergeant was trying to get everyone together, a round of show-and-tell. As I remember, no one but the Sergeant said anything. We were interrupted...

Michael's eyes won't hold on the mysterious woman's face, they rest on the length of det-cord in her hands. "Well, that went quite well, I think. That stuff might come in handy later. Thank you for the assistance, Miss ... ?" The question is obvious - not even having a name to adress her by is almost torture for the young private.

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First Post
1st Floor - Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

"Nguyen," Jacqueline supplies, softly. "Jacqueline Nguyen." Probably more information than she needed to be giving out, but she'd been doing that a lot today. Her eyes flitted over the antique organ, curiosity evident in her dark eyes.

She found herself moving over to where Anders and Yuri stood, turning to look at the ranking officer. There had been a moment there where she'd thought that there was something... in his eyes... but she couldn't be sure and the moment was past. The most important thing right now was to avoid anymore of the mansion's surprises for as long as possible.

"Hey, we should start moving again," she tells Anders, grasping him gently by the elbow. "After we know whether the elevator door is secure, we should move on. The zombie dogs know we're in here, and I'd rather not be caught like a sitting duck."


First Post
Clairemont Mansion

1st Floor – Organ Hall

Isaac Goldstein

You find a couple of candles, lighting one with a match. Throwing light upon the room, you pore over the walls, trying to see what is going on but the room does not release any more clues for you. There is the organ, chairs and the elevator on one side of the wall.

Yuri Borzakovsky

With your care, you can see Anders condition improve greatly. The arm is looking less ragged and certainly more healthy after your careful ministrations.

Anders Carlson

When Jacqueline touches your arm you feel tingling sparkling all along your skin - spreading along your body until it rests in the most interesting of places. Your mind though remains focused on the task and with a practised eye you glance over the elevator closet with Jacqueline.

Jacqueline, Anders

The antique elevator sparkles in the candlelight, the beautiful mahogany doors carved with delicate detail. The wood feels cold against your fingers as you careful slide it back to reveal the interior. Its dark inside, the candle exposing what to you looks like a closet with a rather modern buttons on one side.

It lists the current floor and the second floor, but you don't see any other indication that it goes anywhere else beyond that.

Isaac Goldstein

Your sharp eyes spot something wrong about a panel in the elevator beside the buttons, but you can't figure out what to do with it despite pushing against it and feeling the edges of the panel with your fingers. It is so well hidden that if it weren't for your sharp eyes, you would never have even noticed it.


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First Post
Clairemont Mansion
1st Floor – Organ Hall

"There's something not quite right about this panel," Isaac says to the others.

Just can't figure out what it is.

He fiddles with the panel, searching with his hands for what doesn't fit.


First Post
1st Floor – Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

As Michael is left standing alone, he repeats after the raven-haired woman, muttering "Nguyen...".

Goldstein's words snap him out of his thoughts and back to the mansion. Michael still seems somewhat quiet from the bomb that they found only just in time, but he seems to cheer up by the moment, in his element somehow...

"Panel? That sounds like my cue..." He quickly walks over to help Isaac check out the elevator panel, lighting by with his candle and, if possible, taking off the panel with the help of his multi-tool.

Bomb - This one too? Better be careful...


First Post
1st Floor – Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

Jac's words echoed Michael's thoughts as she backed up to allow him and Isaac access to the panel. "Careful, it could be wired to blow too. It looks like we can get up to the second floor if this elevator actually works." She turned to address Anders. "What did you find upstairs? Besides the thing that took a bite out of your friend there?" She gestured at Amisha.


First Post
Clairemont Mansion

1st Floor – Organ Hall

Jacqueline Nguyen

Anders answers you in that gruff and pretty efficent manner you have grown used to. He spoke of a blue bedroom, a long gallery hall and that incredibly nasty spider of immense proportions. There's a hint of pride in his voice in how Amisha handled herself - blowing the creature's head into mush even while it tried to suck away at the last visages of her life.

Michael, Isaac

The panel is clearer now but it doesn't seem to pry loose in any way. Then a thought strikes both of you simultaneously that somehow another mechanism must pry it loose.

Michael Smith

Perhaps it has something to do with the way the buttons are pressed...? That piece of inspiration makes you stare hard at the elevator buttons that list the first and the second floor along with an emergency stop button...perhaps some kind of code?

Isaac Goldstein

Ander's thoughts of another floor below makes you wonder if perhaps the elevator shaft could be made of some use. Of course you wonder what other floor he could be talking about...the lab that Amelia's sister worked in?


First Post
1st Floor - Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

As Michael examines the panel, he speaks his mind, hoping that he and Goldstein might get somewhere together. ...and that he'll catch me if I am about to set off of bomb.

"The panel is definately stuck. There must be some locking mechanism inside. Which means that there is a mechanism somewhere else to unlocks it..." Michael takes a look at the side to the organ, thinking of the strange device inside it.

"It could the the organ thing, but that's pretty far away, it seems too 'big' for such a panel. A hidden switch, buttons... The elevator buttons?"

If it is some kind of sequence, then it would have to involve the Emergency Stop. Otherwise, the regular buttons wouldn't work to operate the elevator. Normally the Emergency isn't used much, but if it is some kind of secret switch, it might.

Looking very closely at the wear of the different buttons, Michael resumes his talking. "Mister Goldstein, do you think it might be some sequence of the elevator buttons?"


First Post
1st Floor - Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

Let the tech-heads be tech-heads. Little puzzles in a big puzzle. I hate waiting. I hate hurrying.

Yuri lets random thoughts flit across his mind. He tries not to let the cold feeling of growing dread creep any more up his spine than it has.

"Hey, you've been quiet," he says to Amisha, going over to her, "lemme check you out." He looks over her wounds and his previous handiwork, making sure bandages and whatnot are still in place and looking good. Or as good as could be expected.

"You know," he murmurs to her and he checks her over, "when I was about 8 or so, I was playing outside and I ran through a black widow's web. It ended up on my arm. I just stared at it for like, I dunno, it seemed a long time. See, I had been told that if a black widow even touches you, you just keel over dead. I was so shocked, I was totally frozen. When it started crawling up towards my elbow, I flicked it off. My friend stomped on it. Everyone said I was the luckiest kid ever for not getting bitten. Me, I just had never been so aware of my heart beating up til then."


First Post
1st Floor - Organ Hall
Clairemont Mansion

Originally posted by Fanog
"Mister Goldstein, do you think it might be some sequence of the elevator buttons?"

"Sounds good to me," Isaac replies, "By the way, just call me Isaac."

Isaac casts his own eyes over the elevator buttons, trying to piece together something relevant.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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