• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Flyspeck23

    Playtesters for Dungeon Bash World - apply here

    Todays news at TOGC is a big one: the two planned expansions for Dungeon Bash will be combined into a single product called Dungeon Bash World. The DB Blog has all the details. Long story short, we're looking for playtesters. Do you want the job? All you need is a lot of Dungeon Bash...
  2. Flyspeck23

    TOGC Site down for maintenance / reconstruction

    Starting today the TOGC Site is down for maintenance and reconstruction. We will be back soon with a new site and some major announcements. Stay tuned :)
  3. Flyspeck23

    DB Credits

    As the first expansion will be out in the not too far future ( ;) ), it's time to check the DB Credits. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out here. In essence, TOGC grants DB Credits to all people who send us their DB house rules and/or photos. It's not too late to send/post...
  4. Flyspeck23

    TOGC finally did it: Complete Item Cards released

    From The Other Game Company (TOGC), the maker of the Complete Spell Cards and the Complete Monster Cards, come the Complete Item Cards. This long-awaited d20 gaming aid helps you keeping track of all items at your gaming table, be they magic or mundane, used by PCs or NPCs. If you know any of...
  5. Flyspeck23

    Regarding more Item Cards

    This isn't about a future product but the inevitable update to the Complete Item Cards (CIC). Here's your chance to tell us what you'd like to see, what you didn't like and want to see changed, and whether you found any errors for us to fix. While it's true of all of our cards, it's more so for...
  6. Flyspeck23

    Dungeon Bash available in print

    A few days ago the Dungeon Bash print-on-demand book went live. Here's the link to thumbnail preview of all 70 pages (cover and back included). The biggest change from the PDF is the redesign of the treasure tables, which now take up quite a few pages left (this new tables will be included in...
  7. Flyspeck23

    Item Cards status update

    The Blank Item Cards are nearly ready for release. As this is the largest set of blank cards yet (32 pages, not counting 2 pages for intro and OGL - didn't I tell you this project is huge? ;) ), it'll be quite some work to check if all the form fields (literally hundreds of them) are working...
  8. Flyspeck23

    Looking for RPG Combat Tool

    I'm searching for a "quick'n'dirty" combat simulator software to help me in a PBM game (where combat isn't the focus, but might happen). Here's what I'm looking for: * Non-tactical (I don't care for movement, AoO, and such) * Manage and save stats for multiple characters/opponents * D&D stats...
  9. Flyspeck23

    Dungeon Bash - High Levels

    The long awaited update for Dungeon Bash is coming this week (Thursday or Friday). All previous customers will receive the updated ZIP for free, featuring these additions: * New chapter: High Levels (including Advanced Reaction Flow-Charts) * expanded opponents file * alternative opponents...
  10. Flyspeck23

    The semi-official welcome thread

    Hello, and welcome to the new (and probably permanent) home of the TOGC message forum, hosted by EN World (but you already knew that, right?). Available categories are: General - for anything, well, general. Dungeon Bash - questions, (house) rules and anything else Dungeon Bash-related...
  11. Flyspeck23

    Warforged - I've seen them in play, and they are balanced/too weak/too strong.

    There's a huge thread on warforged being too weak or too strong here. So here's a poll, taking your in-play experience into account. It might've been a good idea to ask if you're playing an Eberron game, or if you're using the warforged in your homebrew, because that might make a difference...
  12. Flyspeck23

    [TOGC] Dungeon Bash! (World-exclusive cover preview included!)

    Only a few more days until Dungeon Bash (DB) hits RPGNow.com (April 16th, to be precise). So what's Dungeon Bash? Basically, it's still a roleplaying game, but emphasis on playing. It's a system that helps you to randomly generate the dungeon, encounters and treasure - using the full extend of...
  13. Flyspeck23

    [TOGC] GM's Day Complete Cards Discount ending soon!

    Due to the huge success, we've extended our GM's Day special sale, so now is your last chance to get the Complete Spell Cards, the Complete Monster Cards, and/or the Complete Psionic Power Cards at a discount! Your GM won't mind to receive his GM's Day present a few days late, and you won't...
  14. Flyspeck23

    NPCs - give me your actor references

    AFAIK many people think of certain actors (or their roles in certain movies) when impersonating NPCs. If you do that, what are your references, and what role do they fill in your campaign? I'll give you some examples of what I'm looking for: - Groucho Marx (Rufus T Firefly, Duck Soup -...
  15. Flyspeck23

    DTRPG and DRM

    At least this time DTRPG isn't exaggerating: this is an exciting change (just in case you missed the news: DTRPG offers their vendors the option of publishing PDFs that aren't protected by DRM). This is very good news indeed. Or isn't it? Congrats to DTRPG. A step in the right direction (IMHO).
  16. Flyspeck23

    Eberron character concepts - bring'em on!

    This is related to this thread. We're currently in preparations to launch another Eberron campaign, and two people who've never really roleplayed before want to join. I've given them some basic character concepts, but none seemed to work too well for them. Being newcomers, they both seem to...
  17. Flyspeck23

    Intentionally underpowered psion - now what?

    Right now me and my players are preparing to launch another Eberron campaign. One of my players made a kalashtar psion, and that's cool, but... He intentionally took only mediocre to lame psionic powers at 1st level. Not a single one could be used in combat, and most even have little value...
  18. Flyspeck23

    Comparing products

    Well, I got a problem... Say company A has just published a roleplaying aid PDF, a product which sounds pretty much like company B's product, with two differences: the product from company B is not as expensive, and more extensive at the same time. But company A has something going for them...
  19. Flyspeck23

    [TOGC] 15-30% Discount

    Well, I've been away for a while now (vising the World of Warcraft, the Old World for some Blood Bowl, and the hospital, among other places), and basically took The Other Game Company with me. Well, I'm back (more or less), and to compensate for the lack of free downloads, new products and the...
  20. Flyspeck23

    Rockin' Game Designers United

    After searching my harddrive for more picture to use in this thread I found the attached image. The picture's from ca. 1993, showing the members of my first band. Now take a close look at the guy standing to the left. Doesn't he look familiar? ;) I didn't mess with the picture at all...