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Search results

  1. ddvmor

    Torchwood: Dr Who spin-off series

    Haven't seen anything about this: The rest of the article is on the BBC Website: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/4349120.stm
  2. ddvmor

    Superman Trailer

    I haven't seen any discussion of the trailer that was hosted here: http://www.bennie-music.com/SR.mov. It only seems to be intermittently available - I suspect it's a bandwidth issue, but I was lucky enough to download a copy. :D Just interested in whether anyone saw it and what they thought...
  3. ddvmor

    A choice of Alexanders

    I was perusing the new DVD releases in town today and considered picking up Alexander, which I hadn't seen in the cinema. Problem is, there's two choices - the 2 disk special edition theatrical version with lots of bonus extra goodness and the (significantly cheaper) one disk directors cut...
  4. ddvmor

    Firefly: Must-See Episodes

    Ok. I have to get a friend acquainted with Firefly before Serenity comes out. Problem is I reckon he'sll only have time to sit down and watch three or four episodes. Which ones do you think are the absolute minimum he should see before the movie - in terms of character and plot development?
  5. ddvmor

    New Doctor's Fears

    Just spotted this short article on the BBC Website. The new Doctor Who, David Tennant mentions his fears about the new role given some of the feedback he's read on the internet about his vrief appaerance at the end of the last series. There's a couple of links to similar articles on the page.
  6. ddvmor

    Billie Quits Who

    I just read that Billie Piper is to quit Doctor Who. Say it ain't so!
  7. ddvmor

    Who Quits

    So the BBC have announced that Chris has quit Doctor Who already: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/tv_and_radio/4395849.stm Am I the only one that thinks that it's a bit unwise to make an announcement like this after only one episode? Theres a distinct possibility that this will turn...
  8. ddvmor

    Battlestar Galactica on DVD

    Just spotted this on Amazon.co.uk. Not sure how meny episodes are on it, but based on the price I'd guess all 13...
  9. ddvmor

    The Ultimates 2

    There aren't enough threads about comics on this board... so here's one! Anyone read issue 2 of 'The Ultimates 2', here? Is it just me or has the artist, Brian Hitch been dropping movie stars into his art? There was a particular shot of Xavier that looked just like Patrick Stewart, a close...
  10. ddvmor

    Strange Hyperlinks

    I've just been posting in the Favourite Star Wars Movie thread over in the sci fi forum and have noticed that every time the word 'Movie' is used, it's changed to a hypertlink to a serach page - which would be fine, only most of the the stuff on the search page seems to be... er.. of...
  11. ddvmor

    Chronicles Of Riddick

    (This may already have been discussed, but I couldn't find a thread on it. Feel free to ridicule (Riddck-ule?..ok, maybe it's not so funny) me if I'm just being dumb and missed it.) I went to see Chronicles of Riddick last night. All the reviews I'd read indicated that it was somewhere...
  12. ddvmor

    Anime for Beginners

    Ok, so I saw Akira and Ghost in the Machine years ago, and more recently I've seen Metropolis which was also pretty good. But I've never really got into Anime big-time because there seems to be an awful lot of pornographic elements to it - and it's hard to tell from the covers which ones are...
  13. ddvmor

    Carnivale on FX289 (UK)

    I keep seeing teaser trailers for Carnivale on FX289 here in the UK, but none of them have said when the series is going to start. Anyone happen to know? More to the point, has anyone seen the series - am I waiting to be disappointed?
  14. ddvmor

    Jammie Dodgers

    I'm just wondering if there is a place for Jammie Dodgers in the gaming community. I personally think they have a great deal of merit and should be far more prominently featured. Particularly their rasberry flavoured plum jamminess. There, I've had my say. Thanks for reading this. You may...
  15. ddvmor

    Duck Messiah

    Amazing! A duck walking on water! I am astounded. You must, of course be right - It's the second coming! I shall get my flippers out immediately to mindlessley emulate our new spiritual leader! Where do I sign up???? On the other hand, it takes 3 miracles just to become a saint - how many do...