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  1. A

    WotBS In Pathfinder 1st ed

    As part of my early stages of prep I am looking at the stats for the npc's , most of them will move fairly easily across to PF , with no more trouble than the normal rebuilds I do. However Leska in particular looks to be difficult, she is a above 20th level and well designed using prestige...
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    Zeitgeist -- The Return of the Ob

    So the 2nd run of Zeitgeist with a completely different group will start off over the next few weeks. I had a prelimary discussion with 3 of the 4 players and the outline of the character is Mad scientist going for a Steam Suit so Big and explody guns, probably a Deva Stargazer Wizard or Druid...
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    ZEITGEIST Nock Guns

    For some reason I though these were a made up thing I was wrong
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    ZEITGEIST The Cephlapod Caper

    The great Eclipse is upon us, The A-team of the RHC office in flint are off fighting Fey Titans saving the world and generally doing great things, the B-Team have been assigned to back up special forces units protecting Axis Island and dealing with major security problems. Inspector Drelft is...
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    ZEITGEIST Roll20 Planatery tokens

    I am soon 2-4 weeks going to reach the point where my players start building their planatery configuration and will be having a big debate about what to use. I had hoped we would be back to face to face gaming before that point but mixing 6 households together is currently outside the guidelines...
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    ZEITGEIST The Gyre as a Campaign setting

    An idea which came to me while sorting out the rest of my players time in the Gyre is using the Gyre as a campaign setting. It would be a post apocalypse or maybe Survival Horror setting with the characters coming from worlds newly arrived in the Gyre and trying to save either just themselves or...
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    ZEITGEIST Questions about the Axis Island Ritual-spoilers for end of Zeitgeist

    I have been asked the following questions which I had largely not thought about and I wondered about other peoples opinions. I am thinking about it myself and trying to work out something that leaves difficult choices about planes but gives maximum fun I've been reviewing this in regard to the...
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    ZEITGEIST Ashima-Shimtu and the Gyre (spoilers)

    I have been thinking about Ashima-Shimtu and her origins. It looks like she was once some sort of Outsider demigod , which would normally mean she ruled a realm in one of the outer planes. Then she became trapped in the world by the ancients ritual and became one of the leaders of the...
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    ZEITGEIST A history of Naval development between the 3rd Yerasol war and the Obscurati wars (wip)

    This starts at the end of the period and I will be working backwards, as well as adding some more details. Where numbers are given for a ship they are taken from a comparable vessel in Conways all the world fighting ships 1860-1905 which coincidentaly is the same time frame between the launch...
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    ZEITGEIST How does the Risuri Government work

    Several of my players are considering constitutional reform under Queen Nevla towards a parliamntary constitutional monarchy . I cannot work out from the notes available exactly how the existing system works
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    ZEITGEIST The Grand Design

    Do we have anywhere a list of the planes and their associated traits for the various Grand Design Ob plans. I suspect the answer is no as they were not needed for this part of the campaign, however I am getting a lot of questions about the details of the planes for each set up and I like to be...
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    ZEITGEIST Project Eternal Life (Spoilers for book 7)

    So at the end of my last session the players worked out how to set up an immortality business. They think and I think it should work that they can get Duplicants made and then transfer a persons soul into the duplicant using the evil liches spell, That way the body will take on the...
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    ZEITGEIST Surviving Dragon Tyrants

    What other surviving dragon tyrants have people had turn up in their campaigns , I figure I should have another 3 or 4 kicking around Risur all of them much weaker than Gradiax/Pemberton. So far I am thinking of Miss Pemberly Stanton , Head mistress of Stanton's school for Girls . A Blue dragon...
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    ZEITGEIST Keepers of Cheshimox

    As written an attack by these guys on the rail camp would be an interesting fight as the pc's have to defend the defenseless and avoid the use of AOE against a swarm of fairly weak opponents. However next session my pc's launch a pre-emptive strike and without the workers to complicate things...
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    ZEITGEIST Ambassadors in Book 6

    Suddenly it has occurred to me that there is no mention of the Danoran or Risuri ambassadors to Ber. From other instances it looks like there are consulated and embassies so it seems likely that there should be permenant ambassadors to Ber. Lya is sufficiently important that she could be a...
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    ZEITGEIST Elfaivar , the Colonies and Royal rule(No Spoilers revealed)

    As my players will be going to Elfaivar when we return to Zeitgeist at the start of September I have been thinking. 1) Would the King of Risur gain his abilities from the land and people when in the Risuri colonies here , or are they not part of Risur in a mystical sense 2) Would this change if...
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    ZEITGEIST Rites of Rulership and allies

    I have been looking through book 2 . I expect to end up rebuilding most npc's to match the power gaming of my pc's which is fairly normal for me. I have noticed that several of the servants of the monarchy of Risur have powers gained by being servants of the crown or in the case of Dame Gillian...
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    ZEITGEIST [Zeitgeist] Hot Air Balloons and Kites

    A sidetrack this week was interest in tracking down the Ziggurat of Avilona which would need flying. This lead to Hot Air balloons and Kites would they work in this world? I have not come to a conclusion yet
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    ZEITGEIST The affirmative action racial recruitment team of the RHC

    First session of Zeitgeist campaign completed The team Ulvaar Kamingaard-- Dwarf Aerokinetecist , elemental knight. Veteran of the 4th Yerasol war and who fought on Axis Island, wears heavy armour and wields a battleaxe made of lightning. A functional tank with a lightning weasel living in his...
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    ZEITGEIST How did Gale learn to fly

    Two of my players are likely to be very interested in Gale, one if a fellow Eladrin and the other is an Air based Kinetecist who would no doubt want to learn how to replicate her flight ability as at the moment if he picks up Wings of Air he will only be able to fly in 5 minute bursts. I am...