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  1. N

    D&D 4E PHB III or 4E PHB which is first?

    I was under the impression that adventure focus was one of the reasons TSR failed and WotC bought them out. Keep this in mind: Setting Sourcebooks and Adventures tend to be bought by DMs only (or people who want to be DMs--but I lump them in the same group). All types of players buy rules...
  2. N

    Just when I thought there might have been hope for the second D&D movie...

    The problem with the first one is that the writers for the movie never played the game. They just got access to tons of Wizards of the Coast books, looked at the pictures and some of the material and were like: "Let's toss this in because it will look kewl." Magic dust-- feh! Subpar...
  3. N

    Just when I thought there might have been hope for the second D&D movie...

    Isn't that an Oxymoron? Dungeons and Dragons and Paris Hilton...That's just... Maybe it'll mean more exposure of the genre/games to a wider group of talentless and ditzy hotties that are interested in going Geek. Not sure if that's a good thing. I must commune with the Living Force about that...
  4. N

    Need a list of fantasy books that have thievery in them

    Another Eddings book, The Redemption of Athalas and a series by Robin Hobb called The Farseer Trilgoy (Assassin's Apprentice, Royal Assassin, Assassin's Quest) also have thief type characters.
  5. N

    Favorite book in Tom Clancy's Ryanverse.

    <spoilers> Was said: >I thought with all those important US goverment people in one place, once the plane got picked up on radar and they new where it was headed and what it was going to do, they would have tryed something. But they did'nt. I say: I thought they used some of...
  6. N

    Rate The Chronicles of Riddick (No CoR spoilers, some Pitch Black spoilers)

    Fry plays with the model after looking at the mine samples. She goes forward quite a bit indicating that the eclipse is a couple of months (at least).
  7. N

    John Woo to direct Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.

    While Clark wasn't "visible" in Patriot Games, he admitted in Clear and Present Danger that he was involved in the Chad (?) assault on the terrorist encampment.
  8. N

    Rate Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (spoilers)

    Hey Kai Lord, you completely missed the context of my post in your attempt at trying to be witty. I in no way insulted the medium of film. Please keep in context. Notice in my example, I mentioned Star Wars (while debateable as art/good story, etc.--just not by me) but referred specifically to...
  9. N

    Rate Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (spoilers)

    Well, Kingpaul, don't ever change and play more videogames instead of reading. While I agree that CP&D and Bourne ID were not as good as the books and were pretty much made on name recognition alone (especially Clear and Present Danger, bleh...) Bourne ID was actually a good movie, just...
  10. N

    Rate Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (spoilers)

    There are millions of people who have never read LotR or even the Hobbit but watched the movie. Even now, there is a whole generation unfamiliar with the original Star Wars Trilogy, some of which are waiting for the the last of the prequels before the watch the Original. Big difference is that...
  11. N

    Recommend a scarey book

    House of Leaves is a decent chiller. Forgot who wrote it.
  12. N

    Rate Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (spoilers)

    A side note: the four mischief makers on the map (IIRC) is actually in Goblet of Fire and not covered in the book PoA.
  13. N

    Rate Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (spoilers)

    Saw the movie. It was good, but for some reason, I didn't like it as much as the first two. The impression I got from PoA was that it was done more in the style of Burton in Edward Scissorhands. The whole experience was presented as surreal and eerie in a Burtonesque style which I felt annoyed...
  14. N

    I, Robot Trailer

    Which is the copy I possess.
  15. N

    I, Robot Trailer

    BTW, it is pushing the Asimov connection. The trailer mentions the Three Laws of Robotics. I've only seen that emphasized in The Bicentenial Man (another Asimov adaption) movie.
  16. N

    I, Robot Trailer

    My reaction upon seeing the trailer was..."My God...they ruined it." The stories that made up I, Robot seem to have been picked from and made into some awful amalgam of an action movie. It looks like the wit of I, Robot has been thoroughly trashed in favor of popular culture.
  17. N

    Rate Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (spoilers)

    There's also the point that the book has been out for at least 3 years and is currently available nearly all over the world and is actually cheaper than a movie ticket making spoilers seem somewhat unnecessary. Most of what was described in that post were descriptions on elements straight from...
  18. N

    Ways to stop a powergamer

    Dealing with problem powergamers... The worse thing to do is make a big bad that can also take out the entire party to trump the powergamer PC . Never, ever, make ultimate bad guy o' doom, because you then get frustrated players when only one character can possibly beat him. Resort to sheer...
  19. N

    The ultimate cheesy movie marathon

    The Deathstalker series?
  20. N

    Angel Finale

    On Lorne and Lindsay... It is actually possible that Angel didn't give Lorne orders. Think about it, Lorne is very empathic (even if he doesn't have powers) he can still read people and he's already grown disgusted with himself prior to shooting Lindsay. Additionally, Angel is very astute and...