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  1. N

    Pathfinder 1E Channel energy houseruling

    We allow the heal living/harm undead at the same time (like it was in the Pathfinder playtest). It is powerful if you are fighting undead, but unless you are doing a Zombie Apocalypse game (undead all the time) it can be calculated into the encounters easily enough.
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    Pathfinder 1E Half Red, Half Black Dragon? O_o

    The back of RotRL 4 (Fortress of the Stone Giants) discusses this.
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    Kingmaker: Your City and Kingdom

    1. Where your group built your first city and why; We built our 1st city at Olegs. We had a bad experience at the Staglords fort (almost ended the game) and we didn't want to build there until we had some time to ease the memories. Since most of our initial settlers would be from the north...
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    Modifying skill rank rules

    Imho Players will multiclass when in suits them and this change is not going to be an incentive to multiclass, unless I was focusing on 1 skill. If the only thing I wanted from a character was to be THE BEST IN THE WORLD AT >insert skill here<, then I might try to use this rule. Otherwise...
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    We don't "slaughter"!

    Interesting scenario, but I notice how vague you are being about the monster. It depends on how much of a threat I thought the young would be. The "kobolds to hunt/train their killing instincts" line worries me. It is obviously a monster that sees no problem with hunting people (other...
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    I have an idea for an adventure

    I ran a groundhog day scenario once, it taught me to always include a "count down clock" in such scenarios. Give the characters a personal concrete reason to end the loop. Otherwise they will just abuse the time loop for personal gain. My players started stealing stuff, using magic on npcs...
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    I have an idea for an adventure

    Thanks for the feedback.
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    I have an idea for an adventure

    I had an idea for a groundhog day-like adventure with a time-loop and the pc's can sort-of communicate to themselves, but otherwise don't actually remember the previous loop. The details are, 1 of the PC's has a book that is ,for some reason, immune to the loop. So what you write in it carries...
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    Question about e6

    Why 9? Are Wiz, Cle, Dru allowed to have 5th level spells?
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    How not to metagame as a dm?

    My DM has a real problem with this. Any monster or NPC of a certain power/int level (I estimate 6HD or 12int) becomes a tactical genius, regardless of background or training. So much so that I don't want to face things with real int or things that should have good tactics - old dragons, really...
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    Can a Lawful Good character be flexible and fun to play?

    Grok; consult with the other players and the DM before making your paladin. A paladin in a good group is usually fine, but if someone wants to play a morally ambiguous necromancer or other shady character it WILL ruin the game unless EVERYBODY is onboard with this plan. If you can't get...
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    My firrst AoO built

    Well, your typical Aoo build uses reach weapons and size increases (Enlarge Person potions) to threaten a large area, so the opponents can't ignore you. Using scimitars for the crit range reduces this range to a point where they will be able to go around your character in many circumstances...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Collection of Tactic & Strategies

    I thought there was a rule for polymorph/size reduction magic that said it couldn't expand if there wasn't room. I was looking for the rules that said that. I guess I'll have to do some digging.
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    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Collection of Tactic & Strategies

    At low levels it is better to give some monsters (those with 3 or more attacks - like ghouls or trolls) an AOO rather than a full attack. You only have 1 attack per round anyway, so attack and move at least 10' more than the monsters reach. They get an AoO and then on their turn they have to...
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    Hit Point Ceiling

    No, not really. -direct damage spells are more viable. A 10d6 fireball is likely to take out any non-fighter with less than a 17 con (35 avg dam vs 34 max hp) and seriously hurt any fighter, regardless of level. -high level humanoids are less viable as BBEGs. -at higher levels it becomes "1...
  16. N


    smite evil Basically, just as good as multiclassing in 3.x, poorly. DumbPaladin and hopeless covered it pretty well. I will add that Smite Evil is very powerful now, and works with bows and spells. Though there is no official response to how this spell interaction works that I can find...
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    Running gags

    Mr Bacon In my group we have a Druid and a Ranger, both with animal companions. The druids ac (wolf, called Furry Death 3) can usually manage to survive fights at our level (10/11), but the rangers has little/no chance of survival. So the rangers ac is a boar called Mr Bacon. So when it...
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    Oops, I might of uh, made a small mistake.

    Funny. Umm, why do you ask? >Looks stern< a-d, what did you do?
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    What if everyone was a sorcerer (gestalt concept)?

    sor gestalting Interesting idea, I like it. 1 question, was this for a 3.5 or PF game? Because of the way cantrips are handled in Pathfinder, this is a pretty big question. Stats for 3d6 3: 0.5% (actually 0.46, or 1 in 216, but rounded off for this table) 4: 1.4% 5: 2.8% 6: 4.6% 7: 6.9% 8...
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    Would It Break The Game If...: Weapon Damage

    Really? If your players are making mistakes often enough that you feel the need to implement this system, you have a player problem and I suspect this sort of change won't help. They will just confuse the modifier "Do I add 1 or 2 for a d10?" What are you going to do then? While the...