WotC “Atomic Arcade”— WotC’s New Digital Platform?

WotC has applied for a trademark for “Atomic Arcade”. The application was made late last month, and covers: Downloadable electronic games to be used in connection with computers, console gaming devices, and wireless devices Fantasy role playing games, board games, trading card games, and collectible toy figures Entertainment services, namely, providing online computer games and interactive...

WotC has applied for a trademark for “Atomic Arcade”. The application was made late last month, and covers:
  • Downloadable electronic games to be used in connection with computers, console gaming devices, and wireless devices
  • Fantasy role playing games, board games, trading card games, and collectible toy figures
  • Entertainment services, namely, providing online computer games and interactive multiplayer online computer games via a global network


Earlier in the year, rumours spread regarding WotC’s plans for its own virtual tabletop platform (VTT) following a survey in which they gauged opinions and allegedly showed off graphically rich 3D screenshots.


“TSDR” is the application’s status which reads:
LIVE/APPLICATION/Awaiting Examination
The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and has not yet been assigned to an examiner.

New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 6 months after filing date.

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I crit!
Stop dreaming, you should know better.

Also, I would think D&D Beyond peeps might start getting nervous soon.
Probably, but note there are WotC D&D pdfs for sale. That boo book being the latest, and it hasn’t appeared on DNDBeyond like many/most of the other charity ones.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Also, I would think D&D Beyond peeps might start getting nervous soon.

Maybe, maybe not.

Setting aside WotC's absolutely dismal history managing digital/software delivery for the moment...

If WotC makes a move that effectively invalidates people's purchases on D&D Beyond or Roll20, those people will be extremely cheesed off. While technically above board, making folks buy the same content for possibly the third time is not going to go over well with the consumers. As a business decision, that seems dicey, especially when, to be honest, D&DB's functionality is pretty darned good. I think we can safely call it the best electronic player-side character management yet seen. I doubt WotC will stand up better in the near to mid future.

So, while I think virtual tabletop is something they might try, partnering and integrating with D&DB would be a lot smarter than competing with them for the content they've already licensed.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Maybe, maybe not.

Setting aside WotC's absolutely dismal history managing digital/software delivery for the moment...

If WotC makes a move that effectively invalidates people's purchases on D&D Beyond or Roll20, those people will be extremely cheesed off. While technically above board, making folks buy the same content for possibly the third time is not going to go over well with the consumers. As a business decision, that seems dicey, especially when, to be honest, D&DB's functionality is pretty darned good. I think we can safely call it the best electronic player-side character management yet seen. I doubt WotC will stand up better in the near to mid future.

So, while I think virtual tabletop is something they might try, partnering and integrating with D&DB would be a lot smarter than competing with them for the content they've already licensed.
I mean, yeah.

But also, this is the same company who let DDI die on the vine and pulled all their PDFs from people's Drivethru libraries. So they're not beyond pissing people off either.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I mean, yeah.

But also, this is the same company who let DDI die on the vine

Yeah, but... DDI was crap. That fits under their abysmal management of digital development and delivery, which I was explicitly setting aside.

...and pulled all their PDFs from people's Drivethru libraries. So they're not beyond pissing people off either.

I think the magnitude of the issue is larger now, with D&DB, than it was then,and they've had the experience of what happens when they pull that nonsense. Indeed, I think those prior bad experiences and learning from them were largely why they farmed the thing out to D&DB.


Jedi Master
Maybe, maybe not.

Setting aside WotC's absolutely dismal history managing digital/software delivery for the moment...

If WotC makes a move that effectively invalidates people's purchases on D&D Beyond or Roll20, those people will be extremely cheesed off. While technically above board, making folks buy the same content for possibly the third time is not going to go over well with the consumers. As a business decision, that seems dicey, especially when, to be honest, D&DB's functionality is pretty darned good. I think we can safely call it the best electronic player-side character management yet seen. I doubt WotC will stand up better in the near to mid future.

So, while I think virtual tabletop is something they might try, partnering and integrating with D&DB would be a lot smarter than competing with them for the content they've already licensed.
Count me as someone who would be extremely cheesed off if WotC invalidates my DDB purchases, but I'd be shocked if that's what happens. I'm guessing WotC will end up either acquiring DDB outright, or will license the software from DDB and buy out the existing customer base.

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