WotC “Atomic Arcade”— WotC’s New Digital Platform?

WotC has applied for a trademark for “Atomic Arcade”. The application was made late last month, and covers: Downloadable electronic games to be used in connection with computers, console gaming devices, and wireless devices Fantasy role playing games, board games, trading card games, and collectible toy figures Entertainment services, namely, providing online computer games and interactive...

WotC has applied for a trademark for “Atomic Arcade”. The application was made late last month, and covers:
  • Downloadable electronic games to be used in connection with computers, console gaming devices, and wireless devices
  • Fantasy role playing games, board games, trading card games, and collectible toy figures
  • Entertainment services, namely, providing online computer games and interactive multiplayer online computer games via a global network


Earlier in the year, rumours spread regarding WotC’s plans for its own virtual tabletop platform (VTT) following a survey in which they gauged opinions and allegedly showed off graphically rich 3D screenshots.


“TSDR” is the application’s status which reads:
LIVE/APPLICATION/Awaiting Examination
The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and has not yet been assigned to an examiner.

New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 6 months after filing date.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Count me as someone who would be extremely cheesed off if WotC invalidates my DDB purchases, but I'd be shocked if that's what happens. I'm guessing WotC will end up either acquiring DDB outright, or will license the software from DDB and buy out the existing customer base.

If they eventually demonstrate that they know what the heck they are doing with software, then buying D&DB would make some sense. Before that, though, they'd buy it and ruin it, and that would also cheese people off.

However, the "arcade" name may lean toward the literal - as a portal to partners, a one-stop shop for all things digital D&D, they might get somewhere. That could influence the providers towards integrations - imagine a bunch of VTTs, all encouraged to integrate with D&DB character management, and so on.

So they combined a term that had its heyday 70 years ago with a term that had its heyday 35 years ago.

Yeah I was equally mystified by the name. It's like, so the target audience is in what, their 60s?

It's really spectacularly bad name that in cringe-factor alone is going to be off-putting to a lot of younger people.

Combine that with the "Welcome to 1998!!!" look of the logo rebrand and I'm wondering if stuff has gone seriously wrong in marketing at WotC. Wouldn't be the first time marketing somewhere lost its damn mind.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Combine that with the "Welcome to 1998!!!" look of the logo rebrand and I'm wondering if stuff has gone seriously wrong in marketing at WotC. Wouldn't be the first time marketing somewhere lost its damn mind.
It's really bad.

It's the type of logo you would see for a straight to VHS production company. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.


Lawyer by day. Rules lawyer by night.
Yeah I was equally mystified by the name. It's like, so the target audience is in what, their 60s?

It's really spectacularly bad name that in cringe-factor alone is going to be off-putting to a lot of younger people.

Combine that with the "Welcome to 1998!!!" look of the logo rebrand and I'm wondering if stuff has gone seriously wrong in marketing at WotC. Wouldn't be the first time marketing somewhere lost its damn mind.
The 27 year gaps between the various parts of this ad campaign leads me to think that Pennywise has been hired to run the marketing department.

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