TSR Now it’s WotC’s Turn: WotC Moves Against TSR3

I guess after you provoke somebody enough, they’ll eventually bite back. The company has begun trademark cancellation procedures against the newest TSR. TSR3 briefly filed for a court declaration on Dec 7th as to their ownership of the TSR trademarks — with an IndieGoGo campaign to fund it — and then voluntarily dismissed it a couple of days later on Dec 9th. This filing is dated Dec 6th...

I guess after you provoke somebody enough, they’ll eventually bite back. The company has begun trademark cancellation procedures against the newest TSR.

TSR3 briefly filed for a court declaration on Dec 7th as to their ownership of the TSR trademarks — with an IndieGoGo campaign to fund it — and then voluntarily dismissed it a couple of days later on Dec 9th.

This filing is dated Dec 6th, the day before TSR3 launched its campaign.

In WotC’s response, they cite fraud as one of the causes of action, alleging that TSR3 misled the trademark office in its original application.

Mike Dunford, on Twitter, breaks down the action.



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Manos has bits of creativity, and I give it lots of leeway for being an actual amateur's first attempt. It would be like if some film school student's student film was released -- it isn't good, but you expect that.
Honestly, the most creative thing about Manos is that it involved a middle-aged couple and their kid (and dog) on vacation and not a bunch of high school or college students on vacation.

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Honestly, the most creative thing about Manos is that it involved a middle-aged couple and their kid (and dog) on vacation and not a bunch of high school or college students on vacation.
"Middle aged" couple? Diane Adelson was 20-something when the movie was made (I'm thinking it was 22 or 23 IIRC). Warren was in his 40s but he cast a wife who was half his age (making it pretty typical casting :))

I will agree that making it a family rather than a bunch of teens makes a difference. But the amateurishness of the whole movie extends into the lighting and the make-up which serves to make poor Adelson look at least 10 years older than she actually was. (And of course making Jackie Neyman sound 50 years older than she actually was - the dubbing in that movie makes me laugh every time).


Mod Squad
Staff member
"Middle aged" couple? Diane Adelson was 20-something when the movie was made (I'm thinking it was 22 or 23 IIRC). Warren was in his 40s but he cast a wife who was half his age (making it pretty typical casting :))

I will agree that making it a family rather than a bunch of teens makes a difference. But the amateurishness of the whole movie extends into the lighting and the make-up which serves to make poor Adelson look at least 10 years older than she actually was.

So, if they make her look 10 years older, isn't that actually supporting the idea that they're supposed to be middle aged?


"Middle aged" couple? Diane Adelson was 20-something when the movie was made (I'm thinking it was 22 or 23 IIRC). Warren was in his 40s but he cast a wife who was half his age (making it pretty typical casting :))

I will agree that making it a family rather than a bunch of teens makes a difference. But the amateurishness of the whole movie extends into the lighting and the make-up which serves to make poor Adelson look at least 10 years older than she actually was. (And of course making Jackie Neyman sound 50 years older than she actually was - the dubbing in that movie makes me laugh every time).
As you say, the poor lighting and make-up (and film quality) makes them look older.


Considering how poorly I feel post Covid Years + Post 30s, I'm fine calling 30s middle age as I clearly am now in my twilight...
I just turned 30 last year... Until then I could drink 2lts of beer in a night and be fine. Now, If I drink 4 cans I'm dead the next day...


So, if they make her look 10 years older, isn't that actually supporting the idea that they're supposed to be middle aged?
If it was intentional then sure, but it wasn't. It was just a dude making the movie wanting to have his on-screen wife be a 20 year old - probably also so he could get her on screen in her underwear because that was what you needed in a horror movie at the time.

Also I don't think she looks middle aged - she looks like she's in her 30s. If that's middle aged I should be allowed to retire at 50...

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