The 9th Pace
A fantasy adventure
Sailing across the ocean in search of riches, explorers found Karnia: a continent ringed by reefs and mountains, as remote as it is desolate. In spite of distance and danger, an infestation of penal colonies, struggling settlements, and rough towns dedicated to swindling a stream of idealists, adventurers, and refugees from the Old World soon marred Karnia's east coast.
No riches awaited, just rocky wastes populated by hardy scrub grasses and herds of wild cattle quickly multiplying after escaping from early settlers. Before long, the interior hosted roaming nomads driving herds of longhorns towards awaiting merchant ships in the east.
They found no civilizations, no ruins awaiting plundering... until recently when a group of pioneers discovered Wicked Valley. A narrow stretch of marginal land flanked by jagged ranges, Wicked Valley held three treasures: a strangely glowing freshwater lake, a ruin-scattered natural harbor, and a collapsed temple complex. The settlers set up at the edge of the ruins, utilizing the abundant masonry to cobble together a small town.
But the temple ruins weren't abandoned.
An ancient tribe of elves lived within; a bizarre, xenophobic, superstitious people, their Elven language barely recognizable. Miscommunications and the elves' extreme reactions to any outsider approaching the radiant stair descending into the temple's heart pushed relations to the brink of violence until the arrival of a third party flipped the whole situation on its head.
A desperado gang hit the big-time, making off with hundreds of longhorns. Driving their stolen cattle herd before them, the dozens-strong gang turned to the Valley to hide out, setting the longhorns to grazing near the lake and making camp around the town. Flush with success, the boss, Silver Jack, strutted about town like he owned it. The people cowered.
Except one.
Enter Two-Draw Fearson, bumping into Silver Jack as the boss exited the saloon.
A year ago he challenged the best wandslinger in the world, Ira Longarm. Fearson jumped at a noise and drew on the 9th pace, blasting Ira in the back before an audience of thousands.
Heedless of his men's warnings and restraints, Jack challenged Fearson to square off and was dead before he'd closed his mouth. Fearson's wands slid comfortably back into their sheaths before Jack's men even had time to draw their weapons. Without further ado, Fearson swiped Jack's smoldering coin pouch and walked into the saloon. The exiled wandslinger fled half-way across the world into the bottom of a bottle.
The gang immediately fractured. Jack's brutal enforcer, Jubal Clay, took over the majority of the desperados while Lil'Doc Deshyne, who'd tended man and beast, took the handful that remained. Clay thought he should be in charge and Lil'Doc, a root doctor, thought everyone should follow her orders since she held the antidote.
In her experiments mixing potions from local plants – using cow reticulums of cows slated for slaughter to grind ingredients faster – she found instead the plants toxified the cattle, producing meat that painfully drove its consumers mad. Antidote: the half-digested ingredients from a cow stomach.
Claiming the former owners of the cattle had leveled a curse that only her hoodoo could counter, she covertly fed the poisoned beef to as much of the gang as possible. Clay caught on, but not before many of his men fell under Lil'Doc's "curse", following her every demand in exchange for her “warding herbs”. Now Clay's few second-rate wandslingers devote most of their time to scanning their meat, dumping rejects into the lake.
The gang sits in two armed and hostile camps, the unfortunate townsfolk caught in between.
Add in the native elven tribe: long-isolated custodians now millennia into their task of sustaining Luagal, the demon guardian of Hatepuna, the Mother of all Storms. In a now-mythical war, Hatepuna's storms nearly destroyed the world. Unable to destroy the primordial, the victors locked her away at the end of the most remote and desolate continent in the world. The elven hero of the tale swore his people would stay to ensure the demon remained complacent. History surged onward leaving his people forgotten, isolated, inbred, superstitious, and increasingly deranged.
While the elves hide beneath the temple ruins, their leader, Duququm, raves in the streets, proclaiming in his crude Common the coming end of times unless everyone flees the Valley.
For good reason.
Luagal, a giant two-headed worm demon summoned from the primordial Abyss during the war, dwells within a massive underwater glass dome. Half the dome sits underwater, the other extends into the basement level of the temple. One of Luagal's gaping maws protrudes through a hole in the dome out into the lake, water pouring from its tail end onto the massive snail shell containing Hatepuna.
Should the shell no longer be cooled and grounded by primordial-touched water, Hatepuna's body of living lightning would shatter it in an instant. Even so, the water steams off while lightning randomly arcs from the shell – which looks like a gigantic, jagged boulder – to strike the glass panels of the foggy dome, setting them glowing for hours. Laugal's essence also taints the lake, concentrating especially the plants Lil'Doc discovered.
Long contented with the odd skinned rat or lizard thrown into the water as offering, Luagal recently sucked in toxic beef, feeding the demon's hungers. Elves have begun to steal cattle, skin them, and throw the bodies into the lake at night. Even worse, a desperado knifed in an argument and dumped in the lake sank to Luagal's maw. Duququm's kidnapped and sacrificed several townsfolk to keep the demon sated. Its appetite only grows.
To complicate things still further, a giant, ancient specimen of
cone snail roams land and lake, its shell perfectly resembling the sharp boulders littering Wicked Valley. Trapped in the shell of its long-dead ancestor, Hatepuna has begun to control the snail from her prison, using the unsuspected creature to sow chaos and discord as it indiscriminately kills and swallows whole any elves, townsfolk, and desperados it catches alone and unaware.
Everyone blames someone else for the disappearances, but no group is strong enough to directly confront another.
Enter Heroes
Use the first of the hooks below, sprinkling in others as desired:
- Seers, high priests, and oracles foresee “a great doom looming in the West”. A powerful NPC patron of the PCs endows them with an enchanted fifteen-foot-long metal spike, admonishing them to "take this to the furthest coast of the furthest continent and, in the desolate vale, drive it through the Boulder-That-Is-Not-A-Boulder beneath the waterfall. The fate of our world depends on it.”
- Bounty posters for Silver Jack, Lil'Doc, Fearson, and Clay.
- Elven myths of “the lost tribe of the lost continent” point Karnia-wards.
- New settlers seek escorts to reach their families in Wicked Valley.
After the PCs endure unscrupulous guides, fake map makers, snake-oil salesman, harsh weather and heat, scorpions, snakes, attacks by exotic beasts and monsters, encounters with wary nomads, lack of water, directions, and supplies, plus rustlers targeting their mounts, they find the Valley full of wicked-sharp boulders, steep defiles, and unfriendly desperados protecting their stolen herd.
A summary of the situation in town:
- Clay's gang camps at the north-east end of town. Clay: huge, brutal, direct
- Lil'Doc's gang camps at the south-west end. Lil'Doc: amoral, bossy, manipulative
- Townsfolk between, afraid to leave their homes. Townsfolk: cowering, powerless, hopeless
- Duququm's tribe hides in the temple ruins while he roams the streets proclaiming the apocalypse. Duququm: raving, fixated, superstitious
- Fearson drinking himself oblivious in the saloon. Fearson: depressed, touchy, melodramatic
- A harpoon-firing, wagon-sized snail lurking in water or boulderfield
Clay, Lil'Doc, Duququm, and the townsfolk each approach the PCs, urging them to join their side and break the stalemate. Tactics include pleading, threatening, charm, seduction, intimidation, promising immanent glory or doom, offering alcohol, money, cattle, rank, profits, supplies, meals and lodging, and/or artifacts from the ruins.
PCs might try to profit by playing factions against each other, pick one and facilitate their victory, stake their own claim, or try to steer between them all while figuring out how they're supposed to save the world with the huge spike they hauled across ocean and continent. The Valley contains no waterfalls.
If the PCs assist any faction, they are tasked with helping advance the next step of the leader's agenda. After the PCs take significant action or remain inactive long enough, advance one other agenda (GM choice or random). Skip a step if the action listed is invalid.
Clay's Agenda
- Start
- Take control of streets
- Take control of entire herd
- Wipe out Lil'Doc's gang (Lil'Doc flees)
- Kill Fearson in his sleep
- Wipe out elves
- PCs: "Swear fealty or die"
- Victory: Establish seat of bandit kingdom. Grow powerful and feared.
Lil'Doc's Agenda
- Start
- “Curse” PCs, order them to help her in exchange for “reprieve from the curse”. If "cursed", PCs suffer sickness and madness from a demon-tainted, supernatural toxin. Effects worsen daily until gradually abating if they survive for two weeks.
- Take control of streets
- Take control of entire herd
- "Curse" Fearson
- Order Fearson to kill Clay. Lil'Doc takes over the whole gang
- Wipe out elves
- Victory: Spread the “curse” – always blaming it on some outside group – until she is the boss of all Western Karnia
Duququm's Agenda
- Start
- Thin gang ranks
- Round up townsfolk as sacrifices
- Kidnap and sacrifice Clay or Lil'Doc (random or GM choice)
- Convince Fearson of the coming doom
- Fearson kills the surviving gang leader and takes over gang
- Round up PCs as sacrifices
- Victory: Elves and desperados raid further and further afield for cow and human meat to keep Luagal appeased.
simple, vain, ravenous
Elves eliminated: If the elves are ever wiped out, Luagal swims to the surface a week later and devours every creature in sight. After easy pickings are gone, the demon squirms inland to continue its feast.
A day later, Hatepuna escapes (see Hatepuna's
Victory below).
Hatepuna's Agenda
- Start
- Indiscriminate (snail-caused) disappearances increase.
- Snail ambushes a lone or straggling PC. It moves surprisingly quickly and is practically invulnerable when it pulls into its shell, retreating to water if wounded.
- Surviving townsfolk flee
- Surviving gangs blame each other for disappearances and fight. Surviving gang (random or GM choice) is maimed.
- Remaining gang leader vanishes. Survivors flee.
- Duququm disappears. Surviving elves flee.
- Victory: see Elves Eliminated above.
If loosed, Hatepuna blasts up through the temple, unleashes a pack of sentient tornadoes at the heart of Karnia, then departs to level the Old World with wind and water.
Townfolk's Agenda
The people push the PCs to counter the other's agendas until the tribe and desperados all go away.
By far the deadliest individual in town, Fearson seeks only to drown his guilt. Attempts to influence him require a careful, slow approach, convincing him gradually over several days that he can find redemption. Proposals include love (or lust), rescuing the beleaguered townsfolk and/or saving the world (heroic fame), leading the desperados (infamy instead), or other PC cleverness.
If the PCs sway him first, he'll help them blast through any supernatural and/or hostile obstacles.
Without intervention from outside, he simply drinks until his “just fate” befalls him.
The Holy Dome
If the PCs help Duququm achieve two steps of his agenda, he'll allow them access to the glowing temple basement. Alternately, they might fight or sneak in.
Half the glowing glass dome arcs into the space. An arched doorway leads into the dome wherein the spike's placement becomes obvious. Planting it is non-trivial in the face of fanatical elves, Luagal's other hungry maw, random lightning arcs, then the process of driving the lightning rod down through the shell - all in dense fog.
Should they succeed, Hatepuna's energy blasts through the spike into the ground and dissipates. The dome begins to collapse; cue dramatic final escape scene.
If Luagal is not also defeated, see Luagal
Victory above.
- A return to the Old World as feted heroes.
- Fearson's valuable friendship if guided to redemption.