D&D (2024) 2024 Core rule book changes

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Not sure, I lean towards anyone using the 2024 spells, as they are supposedly better balanced for their level, just like monsters get tweaked to more accurately reflect their CR
But the issue isn't what you prefer, it's what is legally allowed. That's why AL is a double-edged sword at best. Freedom to play, but strong restrictions as to how.

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But the issue isn't what you prefer, it's what is legally allowed. That's why AL is a double-edged sword at best. Freedom to play, but strong restrictions as to how.
Any table can have restrictions. I wouldn't be surprised if you and I both have had our own house rules and restrictions that we wouldn't budge on.

If someone wants to play AL, they can play AL. It doesn't hurt anyone else who doesn't like it for themselves. And if AL is the only thing available and they'd rather have a personal game, they can make friends at AL, and see if they can get a personal game going.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Any table can have restrictions. I wouldn't be surprised if you and I both have had our own house rules and restrictions that we wouldn't budge on.

If someone wants to play AL, they can play AL. It doesn't hurt anyone else who doesn't like it for themselves. And if AL is the only thing available and they'd rather have a personal game, they can make friends at AL, and see if they can get a personal game going.
One of the edges is good; I've come around on that. Doesn't negate the other edge.


Book-Friend, he/him
surprisingly, I do not care about what the AL does when it comes to what I think about something;)
It's important insofar as AL is the worst case scenario for compatability issues: AL has some rigid structures and rules, that don't apply to normal DMs. If the books are made AL compatible, then literally nobody else should have a problem getting stuff to play nice.


Your post did read as if you were wondering what the official rule would be, rather than expressing your opinion on how it should be :)
well, I am curious about the official rule, and I do not see why it cannot be what I prefer.

So far AL has none as far as I know, so I cannot even use that to argue that this will also be the official one either.
All we have is OB1 believing one thing and me saying I prefer another. The AL has nothing to say on it.

Saying what the AL uses will then also become the official rule has it backwards. The AL will use what WotC decides the official rule is. So the discussion about what the official rule will be cannot be based on what the AL does, by then it no longer is a matter of ‘will be’ but of ‘is’.
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It's important insofar as AL is the worst case scenario for compatability issues: AL has some rigid structures and rules, that don't apply to normal DMs. If the books are made AL compatible, then literally nobody else should have a problem getting stuff to play nice.
AL does still have some restrictions though. I wouldn't be surprised if they did either/or for individual characters. So a PC using "classic" characters is okay but if you do you can't use features from the 2024 edition and vice versa. Or perhaps they'll just allow whatever the players want and, as always, some PCs will be slightly more effective.

In my home games I'll be more case by case basis, but we won't know what will be done until we actually get the new books.


The very first UA (Character Origins) listed 18 sample backgrounds:


If this 9x16 formula is correct, I wonder which 2 will be dropped?
They could combine laborer and farmer into one worker one and likewise combine acolyte and cultist.

They could combine laborer and farmer into one worker one and likewise combine acolyte and cultist.
The farmer's Animal Handling and Nature skills aren't particularly appropriate for the Laborer. And the Acolyte will have Religion skill whereas the Cultist probably shouldn't (cults like to keep their members in the dark about what's really going on)

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