D&D 5E 20th level Sorcerer vs the world

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You are just cheating. But. How is the situation now.

With DM cheating a lot

Mod Note:
So, I already warned you about being respectful.

I find it really interesting that you are accusing others of cheating, but are ignoring the rules of the site yourself to do it.

Since the last warning had no effect, your participation in this thread is done.

There was a language barrier. See his treatment of Subtle Spell to mean 'not detectible by any means at all'.
True, it is a very expansive definition of the casting of a spell to also include everything produced due to the casting of a spell.

And his initiative/surprise rules he wanted.

Ooof, and the pages about his wish for stealth/hidden to work like.

Wow. I stayed late for the end of the thread; thinking that I'd have to sift through 5 pages of posts when I got back. I hadn't anticipated this outcome. I won't comment further since it isn't fair but I smiled at the idea of "thinking everything through" then casting Horrid Wilting at a construct.

The most funny thing is that if the goal was to have imperceptible casting, a sorcerer can. With Aberrant Mind sorcerer:

"Beginning at 6th level, when you cast any spell of 1st level or higher from your Psionic Spells feature, you can cast it by expending a spell slot as normal or by spending a number of sorcery points equal to the spell's level. If you cast the spell using sorcery points, it requires no verbal or somatic components, and it requires no material components, unless they are consumed by the spell."

It would have been truely imperceptible (except for the target) and wouldn't reveal his position in any case. The Clockwork soul wasn't the best match for the strategy. Unfortunately.

More than 220 posts between the time I went to bed, then at work and back here ^^

So bad the sorcerer failed his save against a banishment effect from the thread :sneaky:

Well they did spend a couple of hours complaining about the DM letting him retroactively use his contingency well after it should have been stated and then complained when Galandris corrected his action based on the change.

Basically tried to "gotcha" Galandris and wouldn't let it go. I'm not even sure we got to round 2 because he kept bouncing back and forth between going ethereal and not going ethereal, casting spells, not casting spells, somehow doing multiple things on his turn. It was really hard to follow, which is part of their typical "tactics".

Valiant attempt by @Galandris and @fearsomepirate but utterly doomed to fail.

One of my ideas considered the greatly expanded starting distance he decided after the match was to cast greater invisibility (which can be extended freely to the Greater Steed while it doesn't work for Planar Bound nightnmare...) and lightning bolt him to oblivion but I think having a fully invisible party would have made positionning complicated so I dropped that tactic.

If I had known we'd argue for hours over who is where despite a DM's clear ruling, I'd have ran invisible...

One of my ideas considered the greatly expanded starting distance he decided after the match was to cast greater invisibility (which can be extended freely to the Greater Steed while it doesn't work for Planar Bound nightnmare...) and lightning bolt him to oblivion but I think having a fully invisible party would have made positionning complicated so I dropped that tactic.

If I had known we'd argue for hours over who is where despite a DM's clear ruling, I'd have ran invisible...
Given the mage's school, I was anticipating some sort of Time Stop shenanigans. The way the first turn worked out, I suspect the sorcerer himself could have been eliminated before he got a chance to have a turn, and the wizard and the wizard's sim could have mopped up the sorcerer's sim.

Considering how the sorcerer's various tactics revolve around his opponents never getting a turn (which is why he clings to tightly to his misunderstandings about how Initiative works) that seems as though it would have been ... satisfying.

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