D&D 5E 20th level Sorcerer vs the world


The dark one :)
So, please write all your spell choices for each level and each spell swap as per the sorcerer ability when leveling up. From level 1 to 20!

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In fact, I will take the first 6 murder hobos submitted, characters can be built using any WotC published rules, no UA. Characters must be 10th level, Multiclassing is allowed. Further character may choose, 1 Very Rare, 1 Rare, 2 Uncommon and 3 Common magic items. They also have 25,000 GP to spend on regular gear, the unknown wizard paid them half up front, half when they come back.

The game starts with, the sorcerer exits his Fortress and begins a campaign of destruction, the party follows the path of destruction back to the Fortress, What are you doing?


In fact, I will take the first 6 murder hobos submitted, characters can be built using any WotC published rules, no UA. Characters must be 10th level, Multiclassing is allowed. Further character may choose, 1 Very Rare, 1 Rare, 2 Uncommon and 3 Common magic items. They also have 25,000 GP to spend on regular gear, the unknown wizard paid them half up front, half when they come back.

The game starts with, the sorcerer exits his Fortress and begins a campaign of destruction, the party follows the path of destruction back to the Fortress, What are you doing?
Its great.


No flips for you!
Do you think we can make a build to make him die of falling damage?
Sure. 20d6 will isually get to 26 damage. Dispel followed by polymorph? Or just straight up polymorph -- 20d6 will get to 56hp more often than not, and 600+ ft is out of range for warding bond. Just pick something like a housecat so the form's hp doesn't mess it up.

In fact, I will take the first 6 murder hobos submitted, characters can be built using any WotC published rules, no UA. Characters must be 10th level, Multiclassing is allowed. Further character may choose, 1 Very Rare, 1 Rare, 2 Uncommon and 3 Common magic items. They also have 25,000 GP to spend on regular gear, the unknown wizard paid them half up front, half when they come back.

The game starts with, the sorcerer exits his Fortress and begins a campaign of destruction, the party follows the path of destruction back to the Fortress, What are you doing?
Make a party with all the demigod sorcerer build we get here, it should be enough to defeat a single of them! at 6 against 1 it is an usual encounter difficulty.

You're right. I'll take the bait.

Adapting to new information that HUN-HAT never ever goes below 600 ft of altitude out of fear of ranger (rangerophobia?)...

In the same setup that where the only way Alfred can learn about the existence of HUN-HAT is when he comes back from his Demiplane, but with Twinned Mind Blank (wished).

Alfred quickly realized this was so fun, to see this strange horde of two zombies (it was the first day after coming back from the Demiplane) led by Eilirilia, who had no meaningful flight capabilities. It's only by turning the scrying locator upward that he saw a few dots in the distance. He could barely identify 8 magen-looking creatures, two of them sprouting spectral wings... To add to Alfred's surprise, their noticing of the scrying locator put them in a rage and one of the winged ones ordered with a mighty shout Eilirilia to release the retriever and to the other to make a rampage along the general direction...

"This is too silly" Alfred tought. "This guy is a disgrace to magic... I must remove him out of charity, whoever he is... Maybe Ilmater wants me to put him out of his misery, so he can reincarnate as a proper wizard and lead a healthy, productive life?" But first, since Eilirilia doesn't seem in danger, and she is far from the enemy, I am under no hurry at all.

Alfred retired to his sanctum -- in the chronurgist mind, he felt a strange sense of déjà vu as if, elsewhere in the multiverse, this scene had already happened several times -- and opened a Gate a some yards in advance of the predictable path of the HUN-HAT's uncanny group.
According to his instructions, Butler 432 walked the path of extreme prejudice and crossed the gate.

He suspected that the winged magens were the main targets and would have elaborate plans and contingencies, conceived with fiendish cunning, in case of an attack. "What had Master said?", thought Butler, "ah yes, he asked me to take the winged morons down... but they don't look very threatening... Master will certainly have less explaining to do with Ilmater in the afterlife if only a modicum of force is used in this fight." So Butler decided to pull his punches.

Once the HUN-HAT arrived around 150ft and he felt there was a risk a lenient DM would rule the Search action for invisible beings can succeed at a range of 200 ft, more thanthe distance the magens can cover in a round, he decided to act. Covering the distance with his move, hasted and bonus action, he closed to 20ft of the winged magens. At this distance, he noticed one of them was an enchanted snowman like him, and the other was a Scourge Aasimar. Using his action, he unleashed TASHA'S HIDEOUS LAUGHTER, ready to expand Convergent Future to ensure the spell stuck (potentially using a Counterspell on his own).

While the main effect of Tasha's spell was to make the target laugh, it also incapacitated it. And this spelt doom for the HUN-HAT, because one of the limitation of the Angelic Form is that the wing retract whenever one's incapacitated. HUN-HAT proceeded to fall, incurring 20d6 of damage. Let's accept that despite the obvious nature of the simulacrum through truesight, Butler 432 decided to target the Simulacrum first.

The simulacrum, having half the HP of the original, boasts ONE HP, plus Aid (30 HP) and Inspiring Leader (24 HP), for a total of 55 HP. There is a 95% chance of him being killed on impact. No more simulacrum.

On the next day, Butler 433 reiterates the deal, bringing the HUN-HAT down. It might be possible statistically that Butler 434 and 435 have to be created and sent, but it is not really a problem. Alfred has monthes before HUN-HAT could become a problem.

After three or four days, Alfred has defeated HUN-HAT, from the comfort of his own home. HUN-HAT has been taken down, litteraly and figuratively, by level 1 spells.

This is normal spell know and extra spells together.
No, because you do not have the appropriate number of extra spells of the right schools for levels 4 and 5. At level 4 you only have a single Conjuration spell, which is not a valid replacement for either of the Clockwork Magic Spells, both of which should still be there. At level 5 you have one of the Clockwork Magic spells, Wall of Force, but in place of the other you have Seeming, which is an Illusion Spell and so not a valid replacement for Clockwork Magic's Greater Restoration.

Once again, when you swap out a Clockwork Magic spell it has to be for an abjuration or transmutation spell of the same level, not higher, not lower.

Fortunately you are two spells short overall by my count, so you'll only have to drop one spell from the build.


No, because you do not have the appropriate number of extra spells of the right schools for levels 4 and 5. At level 4 you only have a single Conjuration spell, which is not a valid replacement for either of the Clockwork Magic Spells, both of which should still be there. At level 5 you have one of the Clockwork Magic spells, Wall of Force, but in place of the other you have Seeming, which is an Illusion Spell and so not a valid replacement for Clockwork Magic's Greater Restoration.

Once again, when you swap out a Clockwork Magic spell it has to be for an abjuration or transmutation spell of the same level, not higher, not lower.
You are right. It's correct now.

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