D&D 4E 4e ask a simple question, get a simple answer


(started by Surreal over at WotC 4e CharOp, might as well have it here...)

"The purpose of this thread is to serve as a catch-all for minor questions or mundane rules queries that don't really warrant a new thread here at the CharOp boards (and thus in a way, hopefully reduce the clutter of redundant threads). If you have a more detailed question about a character build or certain rulesets, etc, then I suggest posting a new thread in the appropriate forum to get a more proper response.

All newcomers and regulars alike are welcome to ask questions, and I encourage all the CO residents to do their best to answer them (because you have to admit, we're all pretty much the resident rule monkeys here at the D&D boards)."

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I made the request for the thread to be stickied so that it can be immediately visible to anyone wanting to ask a quick question.


Ah true, it is specifically called 4e Q&A.. haha

How about... can someone spend a healing surge if they don't have any and, if so, what benefits if any do they gain?
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Ah true, it is specifically called 4e Q&A.. haha

How about... can someone spend a healing surge if they don't have any and, if so, what benefits if any do they gain?

They cannot. In general, it is undefined if you're forced to spend/lose one - exploration generally makes you take hp = level damage from environmental effects when you'd lose a surge you don't have. But it isn't uncommon to see DMs apply damage equal to a healing surge when you lose a surge as well.


First Post
They cannot. In general, it is undefined if you're forced to spend/lose one - exploration generally makes you take hp = level damage from environmental effects when you'd lose a surge you don't have. But it isn't uncommon to see DMs apply damage equal to a healing surge when you lose a surge as well.
The exception is when you're below zero HP; in that instance any effect that lets you spend a healing surge will give you a single hit point if you have no healing surges remaining.

Voidrunner's Codex

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