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For MC Feats like Master of Stories, whose utility power is limited with the following proviso, "The aura’s healing benefit can be used only once per day": does this essentially turn the encounter power into a daily power and thus the healing can be invoked twice during the encounter but only during one encounter per day, or does the healing function one time and one time only per day?

Is there a rules source confirming the ruling?

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For MC Feats like Master of Stories, whose utility power is limited with the following proviso, "The aura’s healing benefit can be used only once per day": does this essentially turn the encounter power into a daily power and thus the healing can be invoked twice during the encounter but only during one encounter per day, or does the healing function one time and one time only per day?

Is there a rules source confirming the ruling?

It is a once a day thing similar to every other multiclass daily healing option.


It is a once a day thing similar to every other multiclass daily healing option.

I know this was kinda the CharOp consensus, but I can also kinda see how the above proviso lends itself to both readings. I guess I'm looking for a definitive reason that rules out the alternate reading. Why wouldn't all MC daily healing options confer the full encounter power as a daily power?

(I'm not challenging the more limited interpretation; I'm just trying to understand why the other is ruled out....)


I know this was kinda the CharOp consensus, but I can also kinda see how the above proviso lends itself to both readings. I guess I'm looking for a definitive reason that rules out the alternate reading. Why wouldn't all MC daily healing options confer the full encounter power as a daily power?

(I'm not challenging the more limited interpretation; I'm just trying to understand why the other is ruled out....)

Because it is a daily option to do X, not a daily option to use X in an encounter as if one belonged to the class.

Compare against Battle Berserker, which gives you the actual full-fledged feature, but only once a day.


Zealous Sanction (Cleric E7): "The first time any ally hits the target before the end of your next turn, that ally can spend a healing surge." Is this a one time effect, i.e., only on the first hit can that single ally spend a healing surge, or does this apply to each first hit by each ally before EoYNT?


Zealous Sanction (Cleric E7): "The first time any ally hits the target before the end of your next turn, that ally can spend a healing surge." Is this a one time effect, i.e., only on the first hit can that single ally spend a healing surge, or does this apply to each first hit by each ally before EoYNT?

One time to me on RAW/RAI. Could make an argument otherwise, though.


Zealous Sanction (Cleric E7): "The first time any ally hits the target before the end of your next turn, that ally can spend a healing surge." Is this a one time effect, i.e., only on the first hit can that single ally spend a healing surge, or does this apply to each first hit by each ally before EoYNT?

I'd say it's a one time effect since it says "any ally". If it said "an ally", I'd rule that every ally could benefit from the power once.


One time to me on RAW/RAI. Could make an argument otherwise, though.

I'd say it's a one time effect since it says "any ally". If it said "an ally", I'd rule that every ally could benefit from the power once.

For me, it is that very "any" which opens up the second reading. I agree that, RAI, one single ally is probably the correct ruling. But RAW? Hard to say with such screwy wording!

Voidrunner's Codex

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