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For me, it is that very "any" which opens up the second reading. I agree that, RAI, one single ally is probably the correct ruling. But RAW? Hard to say with such screwy wording!

I think RAW is about 90% there. Key is no use of the word of 'each'. There's just the argument otherwise. There's a host of powers that do very, very odd things if you read it otherwise. Including powers that apparently only end if any ally, specific, hits a target 3 times, but as long as no single ally hits more than twice, all good. Look at Deathguide's Sanction or Spirit Ocean to compare...

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Among other things, Mark of Healing describes how "You can master and perform rituals in the restoration category and the Remove Affliction ritual as if you had the Ritual Caster feat." Since Remove Affliction *is* a ritual in the Restoration category, what purpose does this verbiage serve?


TIL the 'category' part of Rituals is actually used for something.

??? I think you have misunderstood my question. I was asking about why it is necessary to call out Remove Affliction since it is within the category of restoration rituals, i.e., the feat bestows access to all restoration rituals including RA.

I was making a joke. I always wondered what the point of the 'category' part of Rituals was... only a few Feats reference them.

I also feel like the categories are pretty arbitrary and badly differentiated, but that's not a 'quick question' any more.


Hybrid Cleric Hybrid Talent: Channel Divinity says, "This class feature functions as the cleric class feature, except that you start with a single cleric Channel Divinity power of your choice." May a Hybrid Cleric choose one of the Cleric Utility 1 powers introduced in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting, for example Outmaneuver, or must the Channel Divinity power be a Utility without a level association?

Rules Compendium simply says that 'Channel Divinity' is an effect type (and that you can't use more than one in an Encounter). So I would argue that the Neverwinter CD powers are... CD powers and thus can be taken with Hybrid Talent.


Hybrid Cleric Hybrid Talent: Channel Divinity says, "This class feature functions as the cleric class feature, except that you start with a single cleric Channel Divinity power of your choice." May a Hybrid Cleric choose one of the Cleric Utility 1 powers introduced in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting, for example Outmaneuver, or must the Channel Divinity power be a Utility without a level association?

Not 100% clear, but think they're utility powers with a level. And you can select them when you select utility powers, not when you select Channel Divinity powers. Which is the implication from the 'Powers for Other Clerics' section.

Voidrunner's Codex

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