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[4e] The Dustbowl (QA) [Recruitment - OPEN(1)] (OOC)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Uh, Legidur? You do realize that you've basically posted the exact same actions as Mialucus two posts above, right? (right down to your movement end square.) I realize your character has initiative so technically he *can* cut the grass from under my character's feet. A little OOC remark as to why - sorry Binder - you felt negating my move was absolutely necessary in this case would still have been nice.

Could we agree the two are going to go check up on the gaping entryway *together*? Say Caden started moving first so that when Mialucus gets to his happy "Trap!" he realizes that he's got to hustle to catch up to the halfling already on his way. Spot checks and later attacks to be assumed to be pretty much simultaneous for the two (Mialucus pearing over/around the halfling's shoulder in H11 but ending his move technically in H10, for example)... Agreeable (with DM approval. of course)?
Binder Fred.

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Legildur said:
As for initiative, I'm a little unsure how grouping the initiative (us and them) will work. It makes it hard as a player to assess the tactical situation when deciding on actions. Maybe that's a necessary limitation for PbP 4E?

I don't forsee a problem with tactical advantage, as long as players can communicate with each other to get good positioning with tactics (I'm hoping that's what the OOC is for). I think the biggest advantage for this is not waiting on the DM to post in between three players all the time, and then finishing the turn.

Regardless, let's try it for this battle and maybe the next. If it doesn't work or I'm seeing the problems you've pointed out, I will change it. I'm flexible with this all, and I definitely value your input. This is your (the PC's) game anyway, and I'll help as best I can.

Binder Fred said:
Could we agree the two are going to go check up on the gaping entryway *together*? Say Caden started moving first so that when Mialucus gets to his happy "Trap!" he realizes that he's got to hustle to catch up to the halfling already on his way. Spot checks and later attacks to be assumed to be pretty much simultaneous for the two (Mialucus pearing over/around the halfling's shoulder in H11 but ending his move technically in H10, for example)... Agreeable (with DM approval. of course)?

Technically, according to the inits, Caden does indeed go first. However, since I did explicity say "it shouldn't matter who goes first" in my 0th round post, we'll put you two close together for the purposes of the battle (H10 and H11). The attacks and check will be simultaneous.

I guess it was my fault. For the purpose of the first round initiatives, we should definitely post in order. Sorry about that, I'll try to be a little stricter for initiative posts.


First Post
Sorry Binder, certainly wasn't intending to tread on Mialucus' toes, but Caden certainly had similar thoughts as to actions prior to reading your post.

As you suggested, it is simple enough to move more or less together. In any case, Caden will likely have moved past the entrance.

And in my defense, I was frantically typing up Caden's actions at work :eek:


First Post
Personally Blue, I don't like waiting for PC's to post in order as it really slows down the game (especially with different time zones). This can cause a round to take a few days to resolve. As DM I try to adjudicate as best as I can, tweaking actions if situation changes (like you did above) and go forward. Keeps the game moving forward and unless its like or death than player's usually roll with it.


First Post
Personally Blue, I don't like waiting for PC's to post in order as it really slows down the game (especially with different time zones). This can cause a round to take a few days to resolve. As DM I try to adjudicate as best as I can, tweaking actions if situation changes (like you did above) and go forward. Keeps the game moving forward and unless its like or death than player's usually roll with it.

Obviously, with both you and Legildur's post count a factor of 2 greater than my own, you have much more experience in this matter. I actually got the idea of the first round inits from my RL game, but also saw it here on the boards too I believe (or maybe the wizards boards, not sure). At any rate, we're just waiting on CaBana to finish out the first round and we'll move forward.

By the way, great posts everyone :D I'm excited to see how the battle will turn out.


First Post
Sorry to hold things up!

Was waiting on a status update, hits, miss', extra monsters, and I had asked if walking around to stand atop the building was ok?

didn't want to jump the gun if something interesting happened mid round.

Please let me know if I should just throw out some actions.


First Post
Sorry to hold things up!

Was waiting on a status update, hits, miss', extra monsters, and I had asked if walking around to stand atop the building was ok?

didn't want to jump the gun if something interesting happened mid round.

Please let me know if I should just throw out some actions.

Don't worry CaBana, you're not holding anything up. It'll probably be me doing the holding while I sort through all the posts and get things rolling for the next round.

Sorry about not responding to your question. You may certainly attempt to get on top of the building. It's approximately 15 feet high, so roll an athletics check to jump up. You can then say two actions; what you will do if you make it, and what you will do if you miss it (I'm going to call attempting to run and get up to it a move action. If you get a running start [2 squares or more] in a straight line up to you it you get a +2 to the check).

That brings up an interesting point. Does PbP work better if I do status updates mid-round, or should I wait until the monsters' turn (my update) to the status updates? I'm looking for thoughts here from everyone. Your input is greatly appreciated :)


First Post
I like multiple status updates!

Updating the map too.

That said, I can function with fewer updates, it just causes a lot of OOC chatter and occasionally requires retconning actions. (mostly when people do something not possible, and everyone else reacts as if it happened, then it has to be disassembled and recombobulated. Or when everyone attacks monster A, but the first hit dropped monster A...)

Map updates are less imperative, and more work. Normally something like, Bob and Jan hit, Mark didn't so no teleport to H5. Monster A dead, Monster B bloodied, Jan and Mark now have -2 to hit (save ends, or TENT) from Monster A death plume. (important to note save ends or TENT, as leader can hand out saving throws...)
Me <--your up

Is more than enough to keep my brain from exploding.

Also, if Bob moved around a corner, and Monster B triggered his readied charge, that's great to know before the rest of the action continues. (I play leaders and controllers almost exclusively, so the status of teammates, and the field are really important before I decide my characters actions)

Rashka's actions coming up!


Gencon was great, I worked for Konami, teaching Blue Dragon and Yu-Gi-Oh. Every day went very smoothly.

I shopped, got some foam swords for my friends and I to whack each other with.

(also got the brand new Flogger I've waited since last year's Gencon to get! :) )

Lots of awesome costumes this year, including a few women who were above and beyond my expectations.

All around a positive experience, especially being paid to be there.

Though I didn't get to play a single game of D&D, which was slightly disappointing... but worth the experience. There will be other cons and another Gencon next year. Maybe then.

Thanks for asking!

also off topic, I've come to accept HoTF will be nerf'd, you were spot on that it is super powerful. Ffter reading the discussion in both divine power threads and the HoTF specific thread, I see that now...

How does it feel to be right most of the time?

even more off topic (a whole other game) Pok's original attack would not have had to target Thusk, but with the change in Thusk's move because of his illegal jaunt (shift to I something) his move changed and sent him into the area of targeting... Grasping Shadows doesn't do any damage if you start your turn in the AoE, only if you enter the AoE. (I think Baron has 5 extra HP due to this.)

Now back onto Topic, Stick is A LOT of fun! I saw dimsdale talking about the dragon they defeated, I laughed thinking of Kruk being ridden by Stick. It's wicked hilarious. Nice build there, what gave you the idea?

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